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Energy Problem for both Paid Users and F2P: Are we not supposed to sleep?

Energy Problem for both Paid Users and F2P: Are we not supposed to sleep?

Feb 10, 2021, 22:1702/10/21

Energy Problem for both Paid Users and F2P: Are we not supposed to sleep?

Hi all. It's a long post, so I've bolded and underlined parts of it to make it easier to skim and get the main points if you're short on time.

I am a relatively new player who's transitioned in from playing other mobiles games, and I immediately noticed an issue with the energy system that affects both Paid and F2P players equally. To be clear, I'm not asking to change the current Energy balance, Energy costs, or Energy over time, or anything like that. 

The issue is to do with the max energy capacity: from what I can tell, energy regenerates 1 every 3 minutes. And the maximum possible capacity is 130. So 130 x 3 = 390 minutes --> 390 minutes / 60 minutes per hour = 6.5 hours of energy capacity at maximum. 

The average person sleep 8 hours a day. Which means that unless they want to destroy their health by setting an alarm to wake up 1.5 hours early, they're going to lose at least 90 minutes worth of energy every day, just by sleeping. And we're talking about a complete Raid addict fanatic where even if Raid is the last thing they do before they sleep, and Raid is the First thing they do when they wake up -- which is not normal because people usually have work or school to worry about when they wake up. But even that crazy Raid fanatic will still lose 90 minutes worth of energy just for sleeping.

On top of that, from what I can tell, you need to get to player level 60 to get to max cap. So it's even worse for a new player before that. I propose that you give level 1 players at least 8 hours worth of capacity -- enough to get through one night of sleep.

Then give higher level players more cap so they have more leeway before needing to log into the game to spend their energy -- because people have jobs and other commitments. Many other mobile games have at least 12 hours leeway -- that means checking into the game twice a day, which seems reasonable to have players maintain regular engagement without it being a chore or just not feasible because of work and other commitments. 

I get that only increasing capacity would impact balance in terms of energy refills --> higher energy capacity = more energy obtained when you use/get a refill. But the fix easy. All you would have to do to get around that and avoid affecting energy balance is to make energy refills give a fixed amount based on level. And change the name from "Energy Refill" to "Energy Potion".

So, for example, I'm currently Level 30 with an anergy cap of 95 --> just make an "Energy Potion" give me 95 Energy. Make "Energy Potions" give a set amount per level equal to the current (old) caps. Then modify

As for what my energy cap should be at level 30: 

If level 1 has 8 Hours of energy (160 energy max); 

and level 60 has 12 hours of energy (320 energy max); 

then level 30 (half way to 60), should have 10 hours of energy (200 energy max).  

So as a level 30 player, I would have 200 max energy, and Energy Potions (formerly energy refills) would give 95 energy. 

And a Level 60 player would have 320 max energy, and Energy Potions would give them 130 energy

That would give people the ability to sleep, and more flexibility on when to play without losing lose energy due to work and life commitments. But it would keep the energy balance, economy, and monetization completely unchanged. 
