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Changes in Tag Team

Changes in Tag Team

Feb 10, 2021, 13:1702/10/21

Changes in Tag Team


I am more than disappointed about the changes in Tag Team arena. 

I will show it by an example. 

If you are playing in Bronze 1, your weekly rewards just got reduced by about 240 gold. At the same time your rewards for winning a single fight have been increased by 1 gold. 

If you are fighting 5 times a day to obtain the rewards for advanced quests, you are essentially get 5x 3 15 Gold bars each day more than before. Doing this 7 days a week, you get 105 Gold bars more from fighting. It is more essential, that you have to win EVERY single fight to get these numbers.

Comparing this to the 240 gold have to fight about 10-11 times each day...and you have to win every single battle of it. 

I think it is a very bad move from Plarium which does not in the least enhance the rewards for the player.

Feb 10, 2021, 16:2902/10/21

They  did  nothing  to  raise  rewards    they  lowered  them  drastically    this  happens  all  the  time   with  these  games  unfortunately  it  will  never  matter  to  them    as  long  as  people  spend  money    Will  there  ever  be  a  way  to  get  the  remaining  frags  for  summons  or  are  they  just  going  to  keep  tossing  out  new  ones    its  all  greed    its  the  way  it  is    im  deleting  it  there  is  a  point  were  greed  over  takes  the  slight  pleasure  this  game  brought  to  you  the  first  week  you  played  it    now  its  like  a  job    clash of  clans  4yrs    DClegends  4yrs  Raid  18  months    before  greed  overtook  experience    they  will  jist  keep  releasing  new  new  new  i  watched  that  formula  fail  in  DCL  sad  

Feb 10, 2021, 16:4302/10/21

I think the changes are not very impactful in Bronze I, because you can play without a defense to lower your "score" and then easily win all attacks. I calculated for myself that all I have to do is 6 instead of 5 "tag series" each day to get the same amount of bars by the end of the week. I guess the new system punishes higher tiers if you have a tough time winning and it also punishes people who ignored Tag Team Arena and only came for the weekly reward.

Feb 10, 2021, 17:0102/10/21

I think the changes are not very impactful in Bronze I, because you can play without a defense to lower your "score" and then easily win all attacks. I calculated for myself that all I have to do is 6 instead of 5 "tag series" each day to get the same amount of bars by the end of the week. I guess the new system punishes higher tiers if you have a tough time winning and it also punishes people who ignored Tag Team Arena and only came for the weekly reward.

I do not know in which tier you are fighting, but I guess the amount of reduction is not noticeable in silver or gold...there you stil get lots of gold bars for the tier alone. 

Even so..I think your calculation is you lose 240 gold bars by reduction of the weekly rewards. The rewards for winning a single battle in a series has been increased by if you increase your fights from 5 to 6 daily, you can make 18 additinal gold bars while losing 240...

For a player in bronze 1 this is about 30% he would have gotten before...

Feb 10, 2021, 17:0702/10/21

New system is rewarding if you play a lot and punishing if you don't. Theyre basically forcing us to play 3v3 lol 

Feb 10, 2021, 17:1202/10/21

I do not know in which tier you are fighting, but I guess the amount of reduction is not noticeable in silver or gold...there you stil get lots of gold bars for the tier alone. 

Even so..I think your calculation is you lose 240 gold bars by reduction of the weekly rewards. The rewards for winning a single battle in a series has been increased by if you increase your fights from 5 to 6 daily, you can make 18 additinal gold bars while losing 240...

For a player in bronze 1 this is about 30% he would have gotten before...

I'm in Bronze I because I don't care that much about Team Tag Arena, although I'm going to try and see how far I can climb.

Either way, I usually did the 5 series a day and won all of them, since I used no defense = I had easy opponents. This means I previously got

  • 7 days * 5 series * 3 wins * 5 bars + 630 bars = 1155 bars.

With the additional series I'll have to do each day I get

  • 7 days * 6 series * 3 wins * 6 bars + 410 bars = 1166 bars.

I don't think the new system is as bad as people make it sound.

Feb 10, 2021, 17:5702/10/21

I'm in Bronze I because I don't care that much about Team Tag Arena, although I'm going to try and see how far I can climb.

Either way, I usually did the 5 series a day and won all of them, since I used no defense = I had easy opponents. This means I previously got

  • 7 days * 5 series * 3 wins * 5 bars + 630 bars = 1155 bars.

With the additional series I'll have to do each day I get

  • 7 days * 6 series * 3 wins * 6 bars + 410 bars = 1166 bars.

I don't think the new system is as bad as people make it sound.

Ah, yes, I can see where my error in thinking is...or where we might have misunderstood each other. 

You are correct, the same number of points can be reached...

You only have to increase your efforts by 20% to get the same amount of points than before. 

You are correct with your numbers...but I stil would not take any deal which offers me 20% less for the same costs...

Feb 10, 2021, 18:5102/10/21

Ah, yes, I can see where my error in thinking is...or where we might have misunderstood each other. 

You are correct, the same number of points can be reached...

You only have to increase your efforts by 20% to get the same amount of points than before. 

You are correct with your numbers...but I stil would not take any deal which offers me 20% less for the same costs...

... or you could increase your efforts and get more gold bars than before.  What if you used all 20 tokens every day?

Are u buying drexthar fragments every day?  Anyone stuck in bronze not doing this is making a mistake

Feb 10, 2021, 20:3402/10/21

... or you could increase your efforts and get more gold bars than before.  What if you used all 20 tokens every day?

Are u buying drexthar fragments every day?  Anyone stuck in bronze not doing this is making a mistake

Yes, I could do this....but why should I increase the efforts in the part of the game I am not enjoying at all? 

If I get it correctly, 3v3 is the most unliked game of the part and these changes kind of force you to play the game in Plarium's style...not in your own...

The game should be about having fun and playng 3v3 is not fun for me. Forcing me to do things I do not like but have to do is something I am calling disappointing changes. That's what it is about...

Feb 10, 2021, 21:0902/10/21

Just saying, do you have a good spider dungeon team?  Would you enjoy the game more if you did?  Would better accessories help?  Well there is a FREE legendary that is useful on Spider20 at level 50 with NO BOOKS or masteries....