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need help/suggestions early game

need help/suggestions early game

Feb 10, 2021, 07:2602/10/21

need help/suggestions early game

Hi, I just started playing and picked Galek instead of Kael, not knowing Kael more all around and better farmer.  I'll be playing as FTP.  Making it through normal Act 5 in campaign using Attk gear on Galek as my current farmer.  Things slowing down and i think it's because my other units aren't all max lvl for their tank and I'm not pushing into higher ranks on any unit yet.  Trying to decide whats best route as FTP.  Do I commit on Galek or not. 

I have Galek at lvl 30 3*, deciding if I want to use him as my farmer to push content and invest with ranking him up.   So far, I picked  spirithost 3star, fully ascended for the 50% atkt boost, a lvl 30, 3* Warpriest , lvl 8 3* Greybeard, a lvl 20 2* Saurus.  I'm not sure if Saurus is a competitive farmer at higher ranks.     (I also have max 2* Sniper,Fireblade, Sister Militant (fully skilled on her aoe Skill 1 attk), and a low level Skinner for his multiple attacks and debuffing.   Rest of units are fodder I'm leveling up. 

I have the vamp set still sitting in storage, not sure if i I want to use it on a better farmer OR should I throw it in Galek and push with him(to what extend can he go when things get hard if he's 6*?).  Currently have 2 Ancient shards.  Is there any event on the horizon to wait to use these Or should i go ahead and try to roll for a better farmer or another champ that can help my line up?  I got the Taunt, atkt up, Galek does provide a little of the defense down.  Not sure what else is helpful to progress.   I've been leveling up fodder and following the missions/quest/challenges.  

 Is there a tier list of farmers as well?  Going to look into tier list and something about that yumi site I saw mentioed somewhere around here.  Thanks for any input. 

Feb 10, 2021, 08:2602/10/21

Kael is the usual pick because he can also pump out significant damage on CB early on because of his poison. When it comes to campaign farming though, Galek can do the job just as well as Kael. It's your call if you want to start all over again to pick Kael. You're still pretty early in the game anyway, so you're not really wasting much progress. 

Also I'd recommend you open up your ancient shards now to help with progression. Boosted rates for Ancient shards aren't expected to happen anytime soon anyway. 

Good luck! 

Feb 10, 2021, 08:4402/10/21
Feb 10, 2021, 08:54(edited)

Thank you for the quick feedback Lxzy.

What do you mean by being able to start over?  You mean create another acct on the PC?  Never occurred to me if that is possible.  Figured it wasn't.  But if it is, then it seems worth.  Thanks!

Used both shard, picked up SkullCrusher and a rare Flinger.  SkullCrusher seems like a pretty good champ.  

Feb 10, 2021, 11:0502/10/21

Thank you for the quick feedback Lxzy.

What do you mean by being able to start over?  You mean create another acct on the PC?  Never occurred to me if that is possible.  Figured it wasn't.  But if it is, then it seems worth.  Thanks!

Used both shard, picked up SkullCrusher and a rare Flinger.  SkullCrusher seems like a pretty good champ.  

Very lucky on the Skullcrusher! He will add a ton of value to your account - suddenly restarting looks a lot less tempting... 

Focus on Galek, Skullcrusher and Spirithost, the others aren't important really - could use them for a while, but you'll be replacing them in the next few weeks. You're going to need to rank up Galek as soon as possible, which means you'll need to get sacrifice champions (uncommons, preferably) to rank 3 level 1, to rank Galek up to 4*. Then get Galek to 4* level 40, get 4 sacrifice champions at 4* level 1 and rank Galek up to 5*. And then the same to 6* - which is a long grind, especially the first time you do it, but it's necessary for further progress. 

Feb 10, 2021, 23:3202/10/21

Going to keep the account and see how far it goes.  Thanks for the support and recommendation L9753.

Gonna throw that vamp gear on Galek and see how far he carries.  Next thing i need to look into is what pieces of armor has what types of whats and its if flat or percentage.  Is there a list on here somewhere for that?  Is there a chart that goes from rank 1-rank 6 gear and provides the substat ranges per each ran of gear.  

One question,  I see people recommending to get boots with speed on them.  Is this percentage speed or flat?  If the boots doesnt have the first sub stat as speed i know it get expensive to craft to the next substab to get a chance for the speed, what do you guys normally follow as a guideline to farming boots and rolling for speed on them?  I'm low level so i dont know what a 4-5* boot will run in coins to get +8 if I'm gunning for the speed stat on them for all my champs.  

Feb 11, 2021, 00:0402/11/21

Dont  forget  warmaiden

Feb 11, 2021, 11:1002/11/21

Going to keep the account and see how far it goes.  Thanks for the support and recommendation L9753.

Gonna throw that vamp gear on Galek and see how far he carries.  Next thing i need to look into is what pieces of armor has what types of whats and its if flat or percentage.  Is there a list on here somewhere for that?  Is there a chart that goes from rank 1-rank 6 gear and provides the substat ranges per each ran of gear.  

One question,  I see people recommending to get boots with speed on them.  Is this percentage speed or flat?  If the boots doesnt have the first sub stat as speed i know it get expensive to craft to the next substab to get a chance for the speed, what do you guys normally follow as a guideline to farming boots and rolling for speed on them?  I'm low level so i dont know what a 4-5* boot will run in coins to get +8 if I'm gunning for the speed stat on them for all my champs.  

Speed is only ever a flat stat. But the vamp gear set you get from login rewards includes a pair of boots with speed as main stat, so you can use those for Galek - it may take a while before you find speed boots for your other champions. And when we say speed boots, we mean speed as main stat - with any set bonus. Of course, if the set bonus happens to be speed as well, great, but the set bonus is less important than the main stat. 

Note that weapon/helmet/shield always have the same main stat, flat attack/HP/defense respectively, but gauntlets/chestplate/boots can have different main stats, so it's important to pick the right one for each champion. Fortunately, that set from login rewards has fixed main stats, so you'll always get crit rate on the gauntlets and attack percentage on the chest, which is fine for Galek. You only need 4 pieces to get the lifesteal effect, so make sure Galek gets the boots, chest and gauntlets of that set, plus one of the top three pieces. The other two you can put on somebody else. 

In terms of leveling gear, you should take everything you use to level 8, so you get 2 substat boosts. That won't cost too much. For your good gear, like the vamp set on Galek, go to level 12 and later on to 16 (I say later on because taking just 1 gear piece to 16 can easily cost 1 million silver or more, if you're unlucky). 

Feb 11, 2021, 15:2202/11/21

Definitely DONT start over.  You got Skullcrusher, many play a YEAR+ with no CA champ.  Congrats!