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Gurptuk underrated?

Gurptuk underrated?

Feb 9, 2021, 13:5002/09/21

Gurptuk underrated?

Recently I pulled Gurptuk, my second legendary from shards. He seems to be considered one of the worst legendaries in the game. I'm aware that he was buffed a few months ago, but it feels as if people never gave him a chance ever since?

To me he is great for Doom Tower and places where I need to increase my resistance. He does a decent job at healing, he significantly increases my ally's damage and I just like him as a whole.

I guess he isn't very useful for late game, but with his aura and passive, he basically increases your team's resistance by 95 right off the bat. In normal Doom Tower, that is huge! In fact, it enables me to win against Scarab King level 50 without big problems, and I don't even have a consistent shield.

I noticed that you want to run him in a counterteam setup (and masteries), but I'm not able to do so yet. I built my Gurptuk in Relentless gear (I consider changing that) and with the highest speed of my team. In terms of masteeries, I went for both Rapid Response and Arcane Celerity so he get's a lot of turns. The only thing I dislike about Gurptuk is his A2. I'd prefer if he didn't have it at all or if it did more, like giving an extra turn. Other than that, he seems fantastic to me, and he doesn't need books to be useful either. The only sad part is that when his turn meter gets increased multiple times while others are about to take their turn, he won't overtake them. I guess if you fully understand how turn meter works, you can change things to your advantage. Either way, I'm happy that I got him. He's fun!

Feb 9, 2021, 13:5602/09/21

People tend to quickly dismiss him and I've been saying this for a long time- he's definitely underrated! 

Feb 9, 2021, 15:0602/09/21

he's sucks, i have him. He kills your own team with posion.

Feb 9, 2021, 15:2602/09/21

I am definitely considering 6starring, but cannot imagine using books.  Definitely a champ that requires great synergy and strategy.  Glad you are finding a use for him.  And Resistance is probably the most underrated stat in the game! 

Feb 9, 2021, 15:4402/09/21

he's sucks, i have him. He kills your own team with posion.

I'm starting to think that one's opinion on gurptuk indicates whether someone has a good understanding of the game. Check this guy out for example.

Feb 9, 2021, 16:5802/09/21

Did you use books on him? I don't think I will, but imagine he is much better booked

Feb 9, 2021, 18:1102/09/21

I still haven't found much use for my Gurptuk.

I leveled him to 60.

Than I just sort of stare at him in the vault.

Sometimes, I bring him out of the vault to do damage test.

I like to compare certain heroes damage to see how strong they are. lol

It is all he really does for me. 

Feb 9, 2021, 20:1402/09/21

Now, I didn't have him for too long, but the reasons I like him so far:

  1. He has a 80% chance to make for AoE "block buffs"-debuff. This can be insanely useful in (normal) Doom Tower.
  2. He increases resistance by 50+45 in all battles. If you can manage to get some resistance substats and Great Hall upgrades, even early game player will easily hit 150-200 resistance on all their champions.
  3. He greatly helps against Doom Tower bosses for the additional resistance (and heal). I resist almost everything at the moment, whereas earlier I was not able to do anything about it without changing a lot of gear. The resistance currently helps me in Spider dungeon too.

He has multiple use cases for people who lack champions with specific buffs, which is especially the case in early game. If you are late game, he probably won't help too much anywhere. However, I wonder what happens when you have two Gurptuks. Will the damage buff stack? Will the resistance buff stack? If so, you would easily have 6 poisons up which increase damage by 60% and resistance by 180? Not sure if this is useful anywhere but with 3 Gurptuks you are up by 90% damage and 405 resistance? 😂

Feb 9, 2021, 22:3602/09/21

Tofu96, I have seen some really, really late game players use Gurptuk.

They have used Gurptuk in Platinum Arena to counter the Swift Parry Gear + Skullcrowns.

Swift Parry Gear + Skullcrowns will put unkillable buff when they are fixing to die.

This prevents you from killing them.

Players use Gurptuk A3 move (Block Buffs) fully booked to prevent them from doing the Unkillable. 

Than when there Damage Dealer attacks the enemy can't trigger the Unkillable Buff.


I have also seen some really, really late game players use Gurpturk for Spider Dungeon.

Gurpturk can help people 1 shot the spider with Septimus.


I have also seen players use Gurpturk to test damage.

They go to Dragon to do damage test with him on new champions which get released.


So far those are the only things I have seen people using Gurptuk for.

The day I saw Gurptuk in the game.

I made a thread suggesting how to buff him.

The game did end up buffing him, but they didn't really do all my suggestions.

They only did like 1 suggestion.

Even with the buff, I still think Gurptuk should get buffed again.

I feel like he doesn't do enough.

I, personally, have no interest in climbing Arena.

I already have a Spider Dungeon team built.

The only thing I use Gurptuk for is to see other heroes damage out put.


I don't understand why the game doesn't make Gurptuk A2 do a Team Shield.

If Gurptuk could just do a Shield on all Allies, People could add him into countless of teams.

IDK - That is what I think.

Feb 9, 2021, 23:5802/09/21

Maybe Gurptuk as a teammember could help the clanboss-only-used Occult Brwaler to see some other parts of the game. Placing 3 poison debuffs and increasing the damage per poison could make a really strong single target hitter out of Occult Brawler. With the poison he gives to himself OB would have 4 poisons in his first round and could start with his A2, guaranteed critical and ignoring 30% def, while Gurptuks passive gives 30 % extra damage. 

Feb 10, 2021, 14:4202/10/21
Feb 10, 2021, 14:43(edited)

What do you think of using these masteries? My idea is to boost turn meter and get additional counterattacks. I'm not sure about Deterrence vs. Cycle of Revenge. I feel like both are unlikely to trigger.