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Am I doing something wrong with the Arena to get to Silver 1?

Am I doing something wrong with the Arena to get to Silver 1?

Feb 9, 2021, 03:3402/09/21

Am I doing something wrong with the Arena to get to Silver 1?

Greetings! I am having trouble getting to silver 1 from Bronze. Is there something I could be doing differently to improve my chances? Any advice is greatly appreciated!


1 - High Khatun - Spd Aura - Turn meter - SPD = 190


2- Spirithost - ATK Up - SPD = 180


3 - Warmaiden - AOE Def. Down - SPD = 174


4 - Elhain - AOE Nuker - SPD = 159


Feb 9, 2021, 04:0402/09/21

Your speed looks a little low for arena. Are you consistently having your whole team move first in battles?

Also, your overall team power looks quite low, although this is not always a great indicator. 5 or 6 star equipment will help here. I would not waste silver upgrading 4 star items to level 16.

Aside from that, the team chosen looks like a decent, standard setup.

Feb 9, 2021, 04:1802/09/21

I  think  your  line  up  is  decent  and  your  gear  is  alright.  Just  maybe  try  to  put  some  accuracy  on  high  khatun.  her  turn  meter  control  helps.  

pick  a  fight  that  youre  confident  that  you  can  win.  Chances  are  against  a  non  speed  lead  team  you  have  a  shot.

i  hope  it  helps

Feb 9, 2021, 05:4302/09/21

Thank you guys for your advice. I will try and hunt down some more 5-6 star items and take your advice to action. 

Feb 9, 2021, 05:5902/09/21
Feb 9, 2021, 06:02(edited)

Your speed is pretty low for silver 1 for a squishy nuke team.  I would replace the immortal set with speed on your high khatun, get elhain to 100% crit even if you have to ditch the cruel set, replace spirit host with valkyrie and maybe put her as leader.  The defence aura, shield and team counter attack are really annoying to fight against.  I lose to most valkyrie teams in silver 2.

Feb 9, 2021, 07:4602/09/21

Thank you 15349, I love my Valkyrie and I have her masteries maxed out so I will give that a try. She is a true game changer. 

Feb 9, 2021, 11:0302/09/21
Feb 9, 2021, 11:04(edited)

If you follow the advice 15349 gave, then replace your Elhain with your Athel as well. You will loose Spirithosts 50% atk buff, but Athel can buff herself with the 25% version and therefore deal much more damage than Elhain.

Feb 9, 2021, 11:3002/09/21

Besides what others said, your Warmaiden's accuracy is low - probably too low for silver. Besides, it's too low for the other content you should be doing as well. Try and get it to 150 at least, and later on you may need to increase further to above 200. Of course without losing speed in the process. A bit more crit rate/offense on her wouldn't hurt either but isn't essential. 

Feb 9, 2021, 13:3402/09/21

I'd definitely use Valk. Get her decent accuracy to mess up opponents speed tunes, also gives you the chance to cut in if you get outsped by the opponent's TM booster. Keep using HK's aura btw, Valk's aura is for FW only.  

If you're certain you're going first, you can keep using the set up you have now. If you're not so sure, HK-Mausoleum Mage-Valk-Elhain is the safer comp (would also be a better arena def comp imo). Good luck!

Feb 9, 2021, 19:4402/09/21

I disagree with everyone esle.

I think you should Go Big or Go Home!

Its Arena Offense, not Arena Defense.

All or Nothing!

You have to be committed.

Go to Filter - Select every Speed Gear you own even the ones Equipped to other heroes.

Put the Best - Most Fastest Speed Gear on your High Khatun.

It doesn't matter what champion is wearing the Speed gear or what the stats on Speed Gear Are.

The only stat which matters is Speed.

Every piece of gear you select should have Speed in Substats with Rolls.

Make High Khatun a Speed Demon!


Go to Filter - Select every Accuracy Gear you own even the ones Equipped to other heroes.

Put the Best - Most Accurate Gear on your Warmaiden.

You want your Warmaiden to be Accurate - Fast - Aggressive!

Allow Warmaiden the power to cripple the enemies defenses.

Every piece of gear you select should have Accuracy in Substats with Rolls.

Make Warmaiden an instructment of Precison! 

C.Rate Gloves - ATK% Chest - Speed Shoes

ATK Ring - C.Damage Amulet - ACC Banner


Go to Filter - Select every Offense Gear/Cruel Gear/Savage Gear you own.

Put the Best - Most Deadly Gear on your Athel.

You want your Athel to unleash the hand of God on your enemies.

The enemy should tremble in fear at the mere sight of her.

Every piece of gear you select should have C.Rate in Substats with Rolls.

Make Athel the Destroyer of Hero's Souls.

85% Critical Rate (She will gain 15% from her A1) - 4k to 5k Atk - 200 C.Damage

C.Damage Gloves - ATK% Chest - Speed Shoes

ATK Ring - C.Damage Amulet - ATK Banner


Go to Filter - Select every Stun Gear you own.

Put the Best - Most Lethal Stun Gear on your Husk. 

You want your Husk to discombobulate the enemy.

The enemy team should be disrupted & confused.

Every piece of gear you select should have Health in Substats with Rolls

Make Husk the Magician of Legend!

The enemy shall be stunned by Husk Preformanced and Captivated by the Brillance of your design.


The Following is how the battle shall play out:

Leader: High Khatun

1st move: High Khatun ----> Turn meter Filling + Speed Buff

2nd move: Warmaiden ----> AOE Def Down

3rd move: Athel -----------> Increase Attack 25% + Gain Extra Turn.

4th move: Athel -----------> AOE Nuke

Result 1: All of the enemy heroes shall die in a Triumphant Victory

Result 2: Half of the enemy heroes shall die setting the Stage for our Magician Grand Entrance

5th move: Husk ------------> AOE Stun

- Barely Alive  

- Half the team Dead 

- Other Half of the team Stun

The enemy team shall finally get there turn.

It shall be a Sad turn

Immoblized by the Magician Stunning Preformance - The enemy team will do nothing.

There turn will come and go.

The Battle shall be put on Auto - Merely a Mop up job for the AI.

And so the Curtain Falls!

**Audience Applauses**

They love me. They really love me!

**Take a Bow**

Thank you!  Thank you!