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Who sould I invest for Nigtmare CB?

Who sould I invest for Nigtmare CB?

Feb 7, 2021, 16:1802/07/21

Who sould I invest for Nigtmare CB?


Any help with the champions to land 100mill in 4 keys?

Feb 7, 2021, 16:4302/07/21
Feb 7, 2021, 16:44(edited)

Can you show us the bottom half of the roster, maybe give us more options? 

So far with what I'm seeing, Fu-Shan (lead), Vizier, Frozen Banshee, Apothecary, and Ghrush could work. Vizier needs to extend the Decrease Atk and Leech from Ghrush, the Decrease Def from Fu-shan, and the Poison/Poison Sensitivity debuffs from Frozen Banshee. Apothecary is there for more turns and emergency heals. 

Realisitcally with the comp I suggested you may need 5-6 keys (could take less but let's assume the worst) to get the 100M on NM. You may just have to buy keys with gems.

Feb 7, 2021, 17:2802/07/21
Feb 7, 2021, 17:30(edited)

Can you show us the bottom half of the roster, maybe give us more options? 

So far with what I'm seeing, Fu-Shan (lead), Vizier, Frozen Banshee, Apothecary, and Ghrush could work. Vizier needs to extend the Decrease Atk and Leech from Ghrush, the Decrease Def from Fu-shan, and the Poison/Poison Sensitivity debuffs from Frozen Banshee. Apothecary is there for more turns and emergency heals. 

Realisitcally with the comp I suggested you may need 5-6 keys (could take less but let's assume the worst) to get the 100M on NM. You may just have to buy keys with gems.

Thank you! Bellow I just have food champions. Let me show them. But I'll invest in those you sugested. 



Feb 8, 2021, 05:4502/08/21


I can't help, but to laugh.

Your over confidence to reach 100 mil damage with 4 keys is adorable.

You only have 8 heroes level 60.

Your Vizir is geared badly.

You still haven't fused Rhazin from Portal.

You are mising a lot of key champions for Clan Boss.

How on earth do you except us to help you reach 100 mil damage?

All we can do is give you advice.

We can't create miracles.

- Your Steelskull is level 50

- Your Jareg is level 40

They can be very good heroes to pair up with Vizir in Clan Boss.

However, You would have to max them.

They would have to be level 60.

They would have to have full masteries.

They would have to have full ascension.

Feb 8, 2021, 15:1602/08/21

I second LXZY's comp. You'll need better gear to hit often enough and survive long enough to reach top chest in NM. Also, I'm not sure why 100 million damage is your target, as top chest in NM is 39.2 million, which is much more achievable.  

I was 2 keying NM comfortably (never less that 25 mil a key) with Frozen Banshee poisons extended by Vizier as my main damage source, so it can definitely work.  Staying alive long enough for them to do their damage is the challenge.