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Please, help me to decide my third 60.

Please, help me to decide my third 60.

Feb 7, 2021, 13:1102/07/21

Please, help me to decide my third 60.

I'm a new player, its my 16th day on the game and i already have two champs at lvl 60 full ascended(Kael and apothecary). 

 I have bought Kael's masteries but not apothecary ones yet.

I didnt have that good luck in my openings. I got a couple of usable epics and a legendary but they are far to be gamechangers.

What do i have? 

Errol or Relickeeper.

If i decide to bring to 60 any of the two would be exlusively to focus on my Arena offensive. Im ok with it, i like the arena.

Luthiea or Elhain

Any of her has potential in Arena but i think they can be used on dungeons too, dont they?

Luthiea could be potentially useful for clan boss but the A1 doesnt seem to be reliable... i cannot book her.

Rearguard sergeant

I think she is one of the best epics i got. Her ally protection is kind of decisive in some areas. But is it worth leveling her up to 60? Shes at 50 and works just fine.

Thanks in advance!

Other champs i have at 40/50 

Draconis(really helpful at my lvl of account)

Warmaiden(most used in Arena)

Jinglehunter(used only for his aura)

Feb 7, 2021, 14:1302/07/21

I'd go with Rearguard, more stats when you get her to 6* just means more survivabiblity for your team. Also if you build her with enough accuracy she can be a good asset for CB. 

Feb 7, 2021, 14:3902/07/21

Hello Lxzy, what do you think about Errol? He has one of the highest attack stat in the game, but its a bit niche(one shooting people in arena) . Am i right if i say he needs excelent gear that is hard to get to new players?

Feb 7, 2021, 14:5302/07/21

You have a primary attacker kael. Apothecary great second. I think rearguard or warmaiden 

Feb 7, 2021, 14:5702/07/21

Hello Lxzy, what do you think about Errol? He has one of the highest attack stat in the game, but its a bit niche(one shooting people in arena) . Am i right if i say he needs excelent gear that is hard to get to new players?

He could already hit hard even with the gear you have now, but as you say yourself, he is a bit niche. Your 3rd 6* is too early to build niche champions, for now you want people who can be useful in as many places as possible. So I agree with Lxzy on RGS being the logical choice. 

By the way, don't bother taking Elhain to 60 at all anymore. It's rarely useful to build a second starter champion, unless you really have no other offensive options, which you clearly do.