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Reverse doom tower buffs and stop catering to top 1%

Reverse doom tower buffs and stop catering to top 1%

Feb 6, 2021, 00:5002/06/21

Reverse doom tower buffs and stop catering to top 1%

W00hy was doom tower buffed? 

Plarium are you butt hurt because the top 1% was flying through it? So then you screw the rest of the players with this bs buff.

I just did floor 20 on normal, nether spirder and my coldhearts are worthless now. My royalgaurd hits harder then coldharts a3. 

Of course top 1% are flying through it because they have all the best lego champions and fully booked and maxed out.

Who's idea was it to buff doom tower? 

Last reset I normally flew through norm until floor 100 then had to take it off auto, then I could finish rest of normal. 

I was stuck on hard floor 20, had boss to about 20%. 

With this buff I am going to have to restuggle through normal because you were butt hurt that top 1% could fly through, think about it if you have best legos of course you will fly through.

Now doom tower is waste of time. 
