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Recommended Artifacts - How do you guys decide which artifact to go for??

Recommended Artifacts - How do you guys decide which artifact to go for??

Feb 5, 2021, 20:4402/05/21

Recommended Artifacts - How do you guys decide which artifact to go for??

I was cycling through my roster and I clicked on the review options for each champion and then I clicked on recommended artifacts for each champion.  for example Apothecary has a primary role of turn meter manipulation so I should be selecting artifacts from the speed set, but If speed is the main concern I can still select 2 artifacts from speed set and 4 from life steal set , just need to ensure that speed is one of the primary or secondar stats, is that correct.??

Similarly I have High Khatun which has recommended Life steal and offense and Trunda has Critical Rate and Offense but does that mean that I should necesarily select artifacts from those sets, what if I can achieve better  stats by selecting 2 from critical rate/life/offense and get the required bonus plus other stats 

Also has anyone tried to pair Renegade with any other champion since Renegade has -2 cooldown for all allies, has any one found some champions work good together. for example I could use another coldheart

Feb 6, 2021, 12:0902/06/21
Feb 6, 2021, 12:45(edited)

Just ignore the "recommended artifacts" in the game completly.

And don't put supporters with low damage (like Apothecary) in a lifesteal set. Maybe fighting the Clanboss is an exeption from that, here everybody could use a lifesteal set. But in 99% of the content guys that deal very low damage dont get big advantage from lifesteal.

As a rule of thumb: 

Everyone needs speed. Being killed by your enemy before you can act is not good.

Champs that are supposed to deal damage need their damage attribute, crit rate and crit damage. Savage is also a very good (and very underrated) set. 

Supportes need even more speed, because they should use their support skills as often as possible. Specialized sets like Reflex could be used as well.

Debuffers need Accuracy to land their debuffs. 

You should manage the speed of your team to have them act in the right order. Giving an atk buff to your damagedealer and/or landing a def debuff on the oponnent after your damage dealer allready attacked is obviously not optimal.


Renegade is a very usefull champion. My Renegade is wearing a frenzy set. The description of this set is wrong. It says, the turnmeter filling does not occur from selfdamage, but that is not true (somebody tested with a Taurus, who immediately gets an extra round when using his A3 in a frenzy set).

The skilldescription from Renegade's A3 is wrong as well. It says "this skill does not affect this Champion", but it should say "this skill does not affect it's own cooldown". Renegade can affect herself (her A2) with her A3 if you used the A2 before.