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Help with team line up

Help with team line up

Jan 31, 2021, 23:5901/31/21

Help with team line up

Hey  all  im  picking  this  game  back  up  after  a  while  asay  and  could  use  some  help  making  the  optimal  team  all  around  as  well  as  an  arena  specific  team.  

the  following  are  the  chanpions  i  have  available:





thanks  in  advance  

Feb 1, 2021, 00:3302/01/21

Martyr, Drexthar, Mountain King, Miscreated Monster for arena. Miscreated Monster as lead. Can replace Drexthar with Skullcrown if you wish. 

Feb 1, 2021, 00:5602/01/21

Martyr, Apothecary, Miscreated Monster, Skullcrown/Bellower could be a generally useful team. Also good idea to use Skullcrown speedlead in arena!

Feb 1, 2021, 13:5102/01/21

Lua is a decent champ with aoe tripple hits A2, and Turn meter control A3. if i were you i'd use her if you have the right gear, especially stun sets. Good for dungeons also to clear the wave, plus shes void.

Feb 1, 2021, 19:1902/01/21

I mean you have 7 heroes level 60.

Lets be pratical here.

Until, you level up more heroes to 60.

You are in a tough sitution.

The best Arena team you can make right now is probably?

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura

1st move: High Khatun ----> Turn Meter Filling

2nd move: Bellower -------> AOE Def Down

3rd move: Kael ------------> AOE Nuke

4th move: Martyr ----------> AOE Provoke

Mountain King is amazing - At level 1 he is dead

Lua is amazing - At level 1 she is dead

Skullcrown is a Goddess - No, She is level 50 = Dead.

You are probably remembering why you quit the game, now.

Look at all of those heroes you need to 6 star.

You got like 20 of them which needs to be 6 star.

Maybe, you should just sacrfice all your non-void rares.

You have already quit the game before.

You are returning so late in the game.

Are you really thinking about leveling up a bunch of green heroes to 5 star as food?

You need like 100 - 5 star green heroes.

Maybe, I am just a hater, but I don't think you have the will power to actually do it.

I am sensing a lot of quit in you.

It is the vibes I am picking up from your post.

Just look at the way you posted your picture.

You can tell a lot about a man on how he post a picture.

All your champion's in the vault disconnected from your rooster.

It speaks volumes!

Your psychical body may be back, but your heart isn't back.

Prove me wrong!