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Constant lack of silver

Constant lack of silver

Jan 31, 2021, 14:4801/31/21

Constant lack of silver

So today I spent roughly 900k silver upgrading an artifact from level 8 to 12. I then spent 300 energy (15 hours of regen time) running 12-3 brutal, selling every artifact earned. I got roughly 700k silver for my efforts . I can understand the high cost of upgrading items since we are adding permanent stats to it, but what irritates me is that I have to spend practically 3 energy refills to earn back the silver. Top all that off with the high cost of swapping gear between champions (50k-150k each piece), summoning costs, upgrading and ranking up champions. Heaven forbid you want to work on 2 seperate champions in the same week since the low a$$ energy cap won't allow you to sustain the silver requirements. This rate of progress is WAY too slow to keep any serious players interested for too long. Getting new and exciting content is fun, but when you can't even enjoy it because your constantly having to grind your resources for silver becomes a huge drag. I'm a dirty p2p player, so I can only imagine what it's like for the f2p. 

Jan 31, 2021, 16:1201/31/21

Yup; you're singing our song. Heck, even Hell Hades sings it now, and he spends all day long with both hands. Us F2P and low-spending players basically have to make our peace with much, much slower progression and imperfectly put-together comps because it's not only energy and silver which are chronically lacking, but hey, books to skill up our champs? What are those? Gear swapping of high quality pieces? Hahahahaha. I don't even think of Doom Tower past the first couple bosses because I can't afford it.

I am getting more and more bored of the never-ending grind which leaves me very little time and resources to do the stuff I actually enjoy: getting to know champ qualities and skills, putting together specialist teams and working out their synergy and gearing. I don't need new content because I can't afford to use it. Well, there are always Youtube videos where I can longingly gaze at all that new stuff, with the Plarium-fed content creators' fully levelled and ascended Legos and God-tier Epics in exquisite 6-16 gear with all the right stats.

First game I've encountered where the management cares so little about general player enjoyment. Even pretty lousy AAA companies like EA pay more attention to player satisfaction. They know that word of mouth can't just be bought.

Jan 31, 2021, 16:2001/31/21

And  what  about  the  difficulty of  getting potions then  paying  100k  to  mix  one  greater  because  they  dont  drop!

Jan 31, 2021, 23:4901/31/21

And  what  about  the  difficulty of  getting potions then  paying  100k  to  mix  one  greater  because  they  dont  drop!

I swear the arcane potions, the white ones that every champ needs, have the worst drop rate. Why are the potion keeps not like the artifact dungeons? On the last level of like the dragon, you only get 5 or 6 star gear, not brews or shards, yet on the last stage of a potion keep I can still get like 6 of the smallest potions or 3 green shards.

Feb 1, 2021, 01:0602/01/21

I feel you, been there too! When you get to farm spider 20 you have the ability to farm millions of silver pretty quickly if you can speedfarm it. Definitely worth to work on a good team if you aren't there yet! 

Feb 1, 2021, 01:3102/01/21

I feel you, been there too! When you get to farm spider 20 you have the ability to farm millions of silver pretty quickly if you can speedfarm it. Definitely worth to work on a good team if you aren't there yet! 


Feb 1, 2021, 13:4402/01/21

i reckoned plarium should consider increasing the energy caps or anything of that sort to make the game more enjoyable especially for those f2p and low spending players. they wont lose anything since there are still tons of overwhale accounts. 

Feb 2, 2021, 09:0202/02/21

I feel you, been there too! When you get to farm spider 20 you have the ability to farm millions of silver pretty quickly if you can speedfarm it. Definitely worth to work on a good team if you aren't there yet! 

The upgrading gear should have a known price. Make it high, make it going to level 16, say 5 million silver. Might grind it, might not and stay on 12. But not knowing how much makes me stay on level 8 and makes me think of other things to spend my time and money.