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Advencement missions LOCK forever....

Advencement missions LOCK forever....

Jan 31, 2021, 13:0701/31/21

Advencement missions LOCK forever....

Sorry but,  it's so stupide to live basic mission lock.... WOW many level 60 ... 400 stong team... and alway's impossible to approche silver arene....  Not possible for the administation to pull out all arene missions.

UNLOCK basic mission... Or any new players,  who hit this invulnerable WALL,  quite game after this to mush thrue conclusion.... MAKE SOMETHING before the only players live.... Have many BOT or HACKER ..... wake up.

Thing to money... give space to all player.... not only to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

player ... soon ... any new players

Jan 31, 2021, 14:2801/31/21

Well would you like some help with your arena team? People here can help you with team comps and strategies if you post your champ roster/gear.

Jan 31, 2021, 15:4501/31/21

Any hope for this game.... only live on the arene is BOT & hacker.... I clos my clan ... and i quit for ever..... Any hope for a game ..... where a ratio 34 for fight .... destruc a ratio 54...   Any hope for game,  where basic missions is lock for limited reel players ... only BOT & hackey can support that super NUTT evolution....   

ANY HOPE for a free game,   only thing try to make.... is alway's more money and put some impossible wall for sur player paye OR  QUIT...

A cool game.... With any real support.... and any logic with fight arene ... and any logic with basic missions lock by a arene mission completly impossible to come neer to make.... 

Thanks for a beautifull game in web just there for losing player time and make a lot of money on the shoulder second zone player....   ANY chance i make a come back to mush stupid .... lock basic missions that is .... any definition egale that stupid LOCK advencement.    


Jan 31, 2021, 15:5101/31/21

Hi Rackym.  Sorry to hear that you are not enjoying yourself as much as you want to in game.  If your ratio is 34 / 54 you are still a fairly new player.   I am not much further along than you are and find that l can only hit 0-1 targets in Arena with any chance of winning when at Silver level.  That just means that you can't be too aggressive.  As Lxzy indicated, if you post your champions here people will help you with your arena team.  

Having a higher ratio or 34/54 does not mean you will always beat a lower number.  You need to look at the opponent's champions and see if you stack up well against them.

Jan 31, 2021, 16:0401/31/21

Thanks for you time ... BUT to late ... i sell all artecact.... scape all rubis ... and clos clan... 

Illogic ARENE silver... 100 try any time to come neer.... egale close stupide game... where new players have chance to make basic mission because is lock by a impossible silver arene access.

DON'T LOSE TIME new players  find other game where the admin want new and support all players not just moneymaker players ...   Stay egale only... losed this for long long long time for find NOTTING at the end.  

Last comunication .... in french...   Salut les morons qui pense avoir le droit de jouer a un jeux ... ici juste le droit de payer pour avoir peux-etre le droit de pouvoir evoluer... cadenasser les missions de bases... aucun autre jeux sur tous le web.... decourage les joueurs en les bloquants avec des lock missions.....    aucune chance pour un aurevoir...... a dieu stupide jeux qui ne veux pas de joueur

Feb 1, 2021, 20:4302/01/21


This post right here is the best post ever!

Instant Upvoted!

I can pratically taste the Salty-ness coming from this post.

I would like to give a big thanks to my Arena Defense.

This right here is the type of reaction I am looking for every time I put my A team on display.

Good Job Arena Team!

That's how it is done, Boys!

Easy Win! To Easy!

Look at the OP - Sad - Pitiful

Just a Shell of a Person

The Arena fight has been over for ages, but he still talking about it.

The OP talks about a mission.

Well we had a mission too!

Mission Achieved!

He is talking about 400k Power

Wait, until, it goes to 405k Power.

Wooooooo Rawwwwwwww