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Remaining Iron brago shards

Remaining Iron brago shards

Jan 27, 2021, 13:2101/27/21

Remaining Iron brago shards

Hello Raid team, 

I was wondering if there will be another chance to gather the Iron Brago shards, since I will be left with 90 at the end of this event. Maybe another way of getting them? Or was all the effort pointless? Thank you in advance! 

Jan 27, 2021, 13:2601/27/21
Jan 27, 2021, 13:36(edited)

ROFL .... Good Luck .... There are 13 heros we can get with Frags ....

as an F2P , I got 15 Frags on 3 of them .... 

OH well,, Probably quit after 3 years of playing 

And Never see 100 Frags for any of them

Jan 27, 2021, 13:3601/27/21

So there is basically no point in trying to collect all shards as a F2P? I was grinding like an addict but was short just a few points at almost every event to collect all shards. Believe me, i didn't carelessly waste 1 energy. 

Jan 27, 2021, 14:4901/27/21

Im not holding my breath that i will ever get a Fusion champ ,, 

AND , the last one, Pyxniel had a hidden Quirk to it that smacked a lot of people too 

So ,, IMHO , unless you PAY , no use Busting your Butt to fail at getting all 100 Frags ....

because there is no guaruntee that you will get another chance to get the 10 or 20 or 30 you might miss within the next year or two,, or three .......................................

Jan 27, 2021, 15:0901/27/21

I'm also on 95 shards of iron Brago, would like to get one more chance - bazaar maybe? 

Jan 27, 2021, 15:2201/27/21

@FluffyPudding it really feels like such a waste, all i did for the last two weeks was grind and still no effect I mean I am new to the game only playing 2 months but stil i thought it was worth the effort. 

Jan 27, 2021, 15:2401/27/21

@Truetom yes anything like that would be a good idea, literally anything but letting all the effort go to waste

Jan 27, 2021, 15:5401/27/21

We've been told we'll have opportunities to earn more fragments for champions in the future, but to date no system has been implemented to gain fragments for past 

Jan 27, 2021, 16:1401/27/21

I don't think we're getting more events for more Iron Brago fragments. 

We've never had second-chance events/tourneys of sorts where we get additional chances for more fragments yet. Once the posted events and tournaments are done, that's pretty much it. Plarium has sold fragments for some past fragment summon champs before though. (I know this isn't what you want to hear). 

P.S. Fragment summons/Fusions may take quite a bit of preparation and may require some resources, but they're very very much doable f2p. I even got him on my alt. I'd recommend looking up BGE on Youtube where he lays out plans and strategies on how to go about fusions as a f2p. 

Jan 27, 2021, 16:2201/27/21

This was my first fragment event I participated in and I managed to get 110 fragments. What I did was to create an excel file with all the events/tournaments and how many fragments they reward. Then I made a few scenarios that lead to 100 fragments to give me an idea where I need to get fragments from and how many. This gave me a perfect overview and made it easier to spend energy effectively. For this fusion, getting 20 fragments from Champion Training Event was very important.

For me it was vital that I had shards and silver saved beforehand (about 350-20-3-3 shards and 6 million silver). I also had 1.000 gems saved, but only needed 200-300. The hardest part for me was that I didn't know how many points you would need in Summon Rush and Champion Training Tournament for the fragments. Because of that, I went for 10.000 points in the Champion Training Event to be on the safe side. I ended up getting ~10.000 points in the Champion Training Tournament as well, because I went for ~6.000 points reward to get 10 fragments and then thought: may as well get the additional epic book for top 3 position (I also didn't need the 5 Dragon's Lair fragments anymore). In general, you just need to time your x2 exp correctly. This can be done by either collecting the weekly quest reward and the advanced quest reward (3 days of x2 exp) at the correct time, or by having met the point requirements in 1-2 events/tournaments which rewarded easy x2 exp. If you saved green shards for Summon Rush, you got enough food for levelling. Gridning campaign also rewarded me many green shards and millions of silver. The silver was very needed for upgrading my artifacts to level 16. I think I spent around 15 million silver to get the required artifact enhancement points.

It was quite doable as F2P if you came in prepared and had enough spare time. You just need to make sure that you can farm dungeon stages 10 or higher on auto. For spider, 7 or higher is sufficient. You also should be Silver in arena. If you can't do that, you probably shouldn't try any fragment event.

Jan 27, 2021, 16:2601/27/21

ROFL .... Good Luck .... There are 13 heros we can get with Frags ....

as an F2P , I got 15 Frags on 3 of them .... 

OH well,, Probably quit after 3 years of playing 

And Never see 100 Frags for any of them

Such a fail (sort of loser) if you really have played for 3 years. I got all 100 frags without sweat, I even could get 10 more in 2 Arena events, if there are no changes in last hour/mins. I am a spender but I don't have to spend in each fusion event, it's not that hard. 

Jan 27, 2021, 19:2801/27/21
Jan 27, 2021, 19:32(edited)

I'm FTP and I pulled iron brogo last night from training event farmed 12.6 brutal with 16* and 3 1* 2* 3* 4* etc to rank up champion without having any chickens. FTP is doable 


Jan 27, 2021, 19:3301/27/21
Jan 27, 2021, 19:41(edited)

For 80 minimum,  I have been offered 10 for $19.99 twice for all the champs.  But the offer has only shown up once or 

Jan 27, 2021, 20:0401/27/21

Well, its true i'm new to the game so i guess i'll be better prepared next time.. Currently i'm at lvl 47 But still i hope next time will be better :) saving coins, shards, gems etc. really sounds like a good idea. I didn't prepare enough before so... I guess that got me in a bad way. Thank you all for the info. 

Jan 28, 2021, 00:4201/28/21

It's doable even as an F2P; I've seen people do it, but not "easily" as some claim -- you need to invest a lot of time and preparation, saving up resources. Not all of us want to spend our time and energy that way, or can afford that (life often has other plans for people who don't prioritize games). I see people with elaborate spreadsheets, who scrimped and saved for quite a while before, and they do it. Congrats; they deserve it. But for myself, I shrug. For me all the air went out of fragment fusions for two reasons: I fell short by just a few on Bergoth the Malformed even though I worked damn hard (but wasn't super-prepared because I was new to the game). Then I found out there would likely never be a way to complete him short of maybe buying missing fragments (not even that's for certain). That soured me considerably on the game. Every time I entered that Fusion section, the permanently incomplete Bergoth stared at me -- note to game developers: you're doing it wrong. And then guess what? I pulled him from a shard. Twice in a row. 

Not doing another fragment fusion -- not for the fusion at least; the rewards on the other hand are quite nice, and I need to grind Food and farm for gear anyway; I might as well sync that with tournaments and events for the fusion... As to the champ, I pull enough interesting champs from the 2x events; I have more projects than I can build.

But yeah, it is doable. I second people like BGE who have it down to a fine "science".

Jan 28, 2021, 19:5801/28/21

Such a fail (sort of loser) if you really have played for 3 years. I got all 100 frags without sweat, I even could get 10 more in 2 Arena events, if there are no changes in last hour/mins. I am a spender but I don't have to spend in each fusion event, it's not that hard. 

NO I have NOT played for 3 years .. please re-read it again ...

>>>> Probably quit AFTER 3 Years of playing AND never see 100 frags for any of them 

(( So Can I quot YOU ** Such a fail , sort of LOSER ** )) 

for not being able to understand a comment

P.S. played less then 3 month so far and dont even bother with tournaments now 

can not even get close to the top 20 spots so i just go for a couple of the side bonuses

Jan 28, 2021, 20:3501/28/21

Normally after the fusion ends, you can buy some shards as offers in the shop. If you're only missing a few and really want the champion is an option...but it's up to you

Jan 28, 2021, 22:3701/28/21

I got 90/100 .... yes I feel bad :)

Jan 29, 2021, 14:1801/29/21
Jan 29, 2021, 14:18(edited)

It would be nice if they would give us something to cash in our orphaned fragments for.  Maybe Energy refill for 20 fragments...or something along those lines.

Jan 29, 2021, 16:1001/29/21

This game is getting very aggravating to play, Keeps bragging it's free to play game ,that has people waisting their time and efforts unless they do pay for this and that,, News flash guys this game is a rip off, they don't care what our opions are or what we think, As long as they are making money who cares. ! Maybe if everyone would stop playing that dosen't pay, see how long this game would last then. I put in tickets where items were stolen for me and I was told so what deal with it. Thats just their attitudes.

Jan 31, 2021, 14:4601/31/21

Previous events gave you an opportunity to buy 5 fragments, 2 or 3 times, if you came up a little short. I didnt see that available this time.

I also came up a little short with 90 fragments, but have been able to get to 100 in previous events as a f2p player