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Like the game- some feedback from a 30 day player

Like the game- some feedback from a 30 day player

Jan 24, 2021, 19:5801/24/21

Like the game- some feedback from a 30 day player

  Its a fun game but I think the current revenue model of frustrate and limit players from playing game and relying on a smaller circle of whales is not as productive as opening up a model where you pay a $20-$30 monthly subscription and get unlimited energy, no fees when changing artifacts and access to more rare, epic and legendary books.   

  The raid cards are ok for the increased silver and exp but i have never had enough energy to use the 100 multi battles, at best I have had enough energy to run 20-30 and the constant impulse buy pop ups that ask for $50+ dollars are expensive.   

 I think alot more ftp players would purchase monthly subscriptions of $20-$30 if the value was more and you received greater rewards.  It would be good for Planar because you would have a much larger consistent pool of revenue each month, rather than hoping t o reel in big fish by frustrating and making champs unplayable because you cannot book their skills without paying $200 or more a shot or limiting game play after exp and energy boosts have run out after a month so you only play like an hour every day from just the daily refreshes.

My days now are..just login before the daily quest refresh hits to refresh market for green shards, use up any Faction War keys on pre boss stages before they expire  and refresh Classic Arena and Tag team Arena every 15 minutes  to try and find bots because at bronze III everyone is 60 with full ascension that cannot be beat.

I cannot progress anymore on challanges and missions because they are stuck at impossible to complete stages for at least a month.

At 4:00pm my time I get life for about an hour when I can complete some quests to get energy, do CB and FW and maybe some arena  and then I am back to refresh every 15M until tomorrow.

I have 1000 gems that I am saving up to use on masteries for daily login Legendaries because if I use them for energy, I will be done in a few hours at 40 gems a bottle if I am campaign grinding.

Not sure   what Planar is so hesitant  to make a real monthly subrscription that is affordable to the masses that play and this game something you want to play alot without bankrupting and frustrating new and mid game players. 

Jan 24, 2021, 20:1801/24/21
Jan 24, 2021, 20:19(edited)

Ok, after reading your whole post, it seems you want a better Raid Card.

Your feedback is probably going to fall on deaf ears.

The game already buffed the Raid Card Twice.

They probably have no interest in buffing it again.

The Raid Card use to have 0 Auto Battles.

Auto Battles wasn't in the game.

The first Raid Card buff allowed players to do 30 Auto Battles.

The second Raid Card Buff is the one you see now which allows players to do 100 Auto Battles.

My recommendation is to stop buying the Raid Card if your unhappy with it.

The game will not change it if people continue to buy it the way it currently is.

Jan 24, 2021, 20:4701/24/21
Jan 24, 2021, 20:49(edited)
Player J

Ok, after reading your whole post, it seems you want a better Raid Card.

Your feedback is probably going to fall on deaf ears.

The game already buffed the Raid Card Twice.

They probably have no interest in buffing it again.

The Raid Card use to have 0 Auto Battles.

Auto Battles wasn't in the game.

The first Raid Card buff allowed players to do 30 Auto Battles.

The second Raid Card Buff is the one you see now which allows players to do 100 Auto Battles.

My recommendation is to stop buying the Raid Card if your unhappy with it.

The game will not change it if people continue to buy it the way it currently is.

Heya Player J, just because the raid card has been changed in the past, I believe that if more feedback on ways to improve the game keep coming, it could make an impact on game updates later on.  I will certainly not buy it again, after seeing it as not as useful for me.   My post was not just about raid cards, some of the gameplay currently active could use some tweaking.    I mentioned the energy throttle as the biggest area for me along with the outrageous costs to switch gear.  I made the mistake of throwing on some trash 5 star rare gear that costs me 50k if i want to remove one piece and the normal costs to change gear is 10-20k.  When you start out and do not have alot of specialized champs, you have to switch out gear to deal with Arena, CB and dungeons not to mention the huge costs to just upgrade past 8.       

You get lucky with an epic or legendary and you can enjoy playing them gimped because it costs over $200 to book one.    Arena could use some attention too as anyone not having hit 45 days is stuck in Bronze, unless you had amazing luck pulling shards and got rares and legendaries.

I totally get that game design is currently made for impulse and force buying.  I make over 100k a year so spending $40-$50 is nothing. But I also know the value of money and the same cost that buys way more playtime in other similar games.

I am not suggesting that all of the impulse buys are removed and just go to subrscription, but the game should not be this limited and unplayable as its main component and rely so much on impulse buying to keep playing reasonably.

Of course I can stop playing and move on, but I wont because I can just go with the philosophy that I can keep this as a side game, while I play other games, and just come back every day for an hour and login my minimum time to get rewards and play a little.   Works for me but I do not think this works for Planar very well and after talking with alot of people, who use strategy like this, or make several accounts to refer and game the  system to keep playing consistently , this seems very counter productive to  Planar and developing a good solid and long term paying mass player base.

Jan 24, 2021, 20:5001/24/21
Jan 24, 2021, 20:52(edited)

how about just go get a PROGRAMABLE AUTO CLICKER which is Completely LEGAL

and DONT buy the raid card ...

 BUY ENERGY !! (( gems ))

P.S. as an F2P player I find there is Sufficient Energy , I just actually save it up , 

and Burn it where it will do me the most good

Jan 24, 2021, 20:5601/24/21
Jan 24, 2021, 20:58(edited)

how about just go get a PROGRAMABLE AUTO CLICKER which is Completely LEGAL

and DONT buy the raid card ...

 BUY ENERGY !! (( gems ))

P.S. as an F2P player I find there is Sufficient Energy , I just actually save it up , 

and Burn it where it will do me the most good

I did not buy the raid card at all for the auto play, I bought it for the 20% increase in silver and xp, which seems like a value improvement for my gameplay when I started, but after a month, I can see it really is not a huge benefit for me, because if you do not have energy, you cannot play and having a small boost of silver and exp for an hour of gameplay a day, is not worth it for me.

I never play games unattended or using clickers and even if I am using  multi battle, I am sitting at my computer.  That is just my play as for me, if I am playing a game unattended, I do not really get attached to my character and want to play them.

The only feature I did unlock was the sparring pit, to make food for the champs I do get attached to.


Jan 24, 2021, 23:4701/24/21

well, this game is a GRIND for food ,,, you will want the Auto Clicker to make your 2 stars into 3s,, your 3stars into 4s,, your 4 stars into 5s ,,,,,, Sitting at your screen watching your top hero farm the same dungeon over and over will kill this game faster then anything ,,,

There seriously id no reason for me to sit and watch my lvl 50 Alhain beat 12/7 over and over dragging Three 2 star heros from lvl 1 to lvl 20 so i can make them 3 stars ,,, to then drop them into 2/7 Brutal to watch them beat it over and over and over  to lvl 30 so i can make them 3 stars with the NINE 2 stars I lvled up to make 9 stars to lvl up the 3 lvl 30 stas I lvled up ,, to MAKE FOUR - FOUR STARS  which i need to lvl up SIXTEEN FOUR STARS to make 4 5 stars ,, ADINFINITUM for every hero I will make into a 6 star  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

GET IT YET ???  You need an Auto Clicker,, unless you are Buying Chickens,, and if you are a WHALE buying all your Chickens,, you shouldnt be complaining about Energy ,,,, 

REAID is classified as a COLLECTION GAME ,, where you collect heros and Build them up ..

Jan 25, 2021, 01:0401/25/21

well, this game is a GRIND for food ,,, you will want the Auto Clicker to make your 2 stars into 3s,, your 3stars into 4s,, your 4 stars into 5s ,,,,,, Sitting at your screen watching your top hero farm the same dungeon over and over will kill this game faster then anything ,,,

There seriously id no reason for me to sit and watch my lvl 50 Alhain beat 12/7 over and over dragging Three 2 star heros from lvl 1 to lvl 20 so i can make them 3 stars ,,, to then drop them into 2/7 Brutal to watch them beat it over and over and over  to lvl 30 so i can make them 3 stars with the NINE 2 stars I lvled up to make 9 stars to lvl up the 3 lvl 30 stas I lvled up ,, to MAKE FOUR - FOUR STARS  which i need to lvl up SIXTEEN FOUR STARS to make 4 5 stars ,, ADINFINITUM for every hero I will make into a 6 star  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

GET IT YET ???  You need an Auto Clicker,, unless you are Buying Chickens,, and if you are a WHALE buying all your Chickens,, you shouldnt be complaining about Energy ,,,, 

REAID is classified as a COLLECTION GAME ,, where you collect heros and Build them up ..

Heya FluffyPudding, I think you are confused man and need to chill a little.   You like to use alot of caps for nothing.  I said "I" do not play unattended and never suggested you or anyone else play unattended.  You would agree that people can play anyway they want as long as its not against TOS.

Glad we could get that straightened out

Jan 26, 2021, 01:1101/26/21

Auto Clicker is NOT against the TOS ....................

you do not play unattended, you wont play long ...

you can only watch your heros in Brutal 12/3 or 12/6 repeat 400,000 times before you go insane

but like I said, maybe your buying chickens instead of grinding food ....

After you make your 5th lvl 5 - 5 star and lvl it to 50 

your really gonna ask which auto clicker is best

Oh we have Not got those 5 - 5 stars to 6 star lvl 60 yet ................................

then, you have to get 10 or 12 more Heros to lvl 60 ..........................................

Now try to calculate , as a free to play Player how Many Heros you have to lvl up from 

lets say , 2 star to make your First 6 star, plus the energy required

Untill you know what Rare , Epic heros are usless junk, 

and yes there are some that are not worth the time or effort to put 2 star Armor on

I really dont think you have a Clue what your actually getting into ....

try this