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Ghrush completed. Need input

Ghrush completed. Need input

Jan 24, 2021, 18:3101/24/21

Ghrush completed. Need input

So  he  is  maxed  skills  now  as  well  and  i  did  the  AyumiLove  all  round  Masteries  since  i  want  to  try  him  in  both  arena  and  boss.    My  question  is  what  teams  should  i  try  for  arena  and  what  team  for  boss  of  the  ones  pictured here?  Thanks  for  your  input!




Jan 24, 2021, 18:5201/24/21

Def and HP is very good but you're gonna need more speed. Also you'd need more accuracy as you progress through content. What CB difficulty are you hitting right now?

Jan 24, 2021, 20:5301/24/21

I think you made a mistake investing in Ghrush.

Don't get me wrong.

Ghrush is an amazing hero, but you have maxed him out for all the wrong reason's.

Players don't builld Ghrush for Arena.

Players only put Ghrush in Arena because they lack other heroes to use. 

Ghrush Main Benefit comes from:

- Faction Wars

- Clan Boss

- Ice Golem

- Dragon

You showed a Screenshot of 13 heroes.

The picture you showed isn't good enough to make a Faction War team.

Your picture only shows 2 heroes from O. Tribes.

It is impossible for me to suggest a Faction War team with only 2 heroes.

The picture you showed doesn't include a Counter Attack Champion.

People mainly run Ghrush in a Counter Attack Clan Boss team for his A1 Leech + C. Heals.

It seems like your Ghrush only useage will be for Ice Golem or Dragon.

Do you have teams for Ice Golem + Dragon?

Jan 25, 2021, 02:0301/25/21
Player J

I think you made a mistake investing in Ghrush.

Don't get me wrong.

Ghrush is an amazing hero, but you have maxed him out for all the wrong reason's.

Players don't builld Ghrush for Arena.

Players only put Ghrush in Arena because they lack other heroes to use. 

Ghrush Main Benefit comes from:

- Faction Wars

- Clan Boss

- Ice Golem

- Dragon

You showed a Screenshot of 13 heroes.

The picture you showed isn't good enough to make a Faction War team.

Your picture only shows 2 heroes from O. Tribes.

It is impossible for me to suggest a Faction War team with only 2 heroes.

The picture you showed doesn't include a Counter Attack Champion.

People mainly run Ghrush in a Counter Attack Clan Boss team for his A1 Leech + C. Heals.

It seems like your Ghrush only useage will be for Ice Golem or Dragon.

Do you have teams for Ice Golem + Dragon?

First    i  didnt  ask  about  faction  wars.   Second  my  heroes are  ever  evolving  so  only  needed  input  for  the  current  6*.  Third,  yes,  ice  golem  and  dragon  are  covered  quite  well.  I  have  a  decent  gold  4  arena  whether  i  use  ghrush  or  someone  else.  I’m  doing  nightmare  boss  And  maxing  with  3  or  4  keys.  Haven’t used  him  in  boss  yet

Jan 25, 2021, 05:5401/25/21
Jan 25, 2021, 05:56(edited)

First    i  didnt  ask  about  faction  wars.   Second  my  heroes are  ever  evolving  so  only  needed  input  for  the  current  6*.  Third,  yes,  ice  golem  and  dragon  are  covered  quite  well.  I  have  a  decent  gold  4  arena  whether  i  use  ghrush  or  someone  else.  I’m  doing  nightmare  boss  And  maxing  with  3  or  4  keys.  Haven’t used  him  in  boss  yet

You are proving my point.

Players customize hero builds vs. the content they are trying to beat.

A Champion build can change depending on what the player is using the hero for.

For Example;

If a person was using Ghrush for Nightmare Clan Boss, They would want the following stats:

- 200 ACC

- 171+ SPD

- 4k-5k DEF

If a person was using Ghrush for UNM Clan Boss, They would want different stats:

- 250 ACC

- 191+ SPD

- 4k-5k DEF

The masteries for both the above builds could be Offense + Support with Tier 6 Mastery Warmaster.

The gear for a Clan Boss build could have Lifesteal gear or Immortal gear.

If a person was using Ghrush for Gold 4 Arena, They could go a different way with the stats:

- 350 ACC

- 170 SPD

- 4k DEF

- 100% C.Rate

The masteries for an Arena build could be Defense + Support with Tier 6 Mastery Eagle Eye.

The gear for an Arena build could have Defense gear - Immortal gear - ACC gear

or they can do a flip flop in Gold 4 Arena

- 350 RESIST

- 170 SPD

- 4k-5k DEF

The masteries for an Arena build could be Defense + Support with Tier 6 Mastery Unshakeable

The gear for an Arena build could have Defense gear - Immortal gear - Resist gear

There is also several different 4 piece sets which can be used on Ghrush for Arena.

- Ret.

- Avenging

- Frost Set

- Swift Parry

- Deflection

In addition, The gear sets you use in Doom Tower or Faction Wars can be completely different from all the above.

This is why it is better for you to figure out where you want to use him.

Jan 26, 2021, 14:5501/26/21
Player J

You are proving my point.

Players customize hero builds vs. the content they are trying to beat.

A Champion build can change depending on what the player is using the hero for.

For Example;

If a person was using Ghrush for Nightmare Clan Boss, They would want the following stats:

- 200 ACC

- 171+ SPD

- 4k-5k DEF

If a person was using Ghrush for UNM Clan Boss, They would want different stats:

- 250 ACC

- 191+ SPD

- 4k-5k DEF

The masteries for both the above builds could be Offense + Support with Tier 6 Mastery Warmaster.

The gear for a Clan Boss build could have Lifesteal gear or Immortal gear.

If a person was using Ghrush for Gold 4 Arena, They could go a different way with the stats:

- 350 ACC

- 170 SPD

- 4k DEF

- 100% C.Rate

The masteries for an Arena build could be Defense + Support with Tier 6 Mastery Eagle Eye.

The gear for an Arena build could have Defense gear - Immortal gear - ACC gear

or they can do a flip flop in Gold 4 Arena

- 350 RESIST

- 170 SPD

- 4k-5k DEF

The masteries for an Arena build could be Defense + Support with Tier 6 Mastery Unshakeable

The gear for an Arena build could have Defense gear - Immortal gear - Resist gear

There is also several different 4 piece sets which can be used on Ghrush for Arena.

- Ret.

- Avenging

- Frost Set

- Swift Parry

- Deflection

In addition, The gear sets you use in Doom Tower or Faction Wars can be completely different from all the above.

This is why it is better for you to figure out where you want to use him.

ok  i  got  that  much  and  will  be  adjusting  for  clan  boss  but  my  main  question  was  what  team  should  i  use?

Jan 26, 2021, 15:1701/26/21

too slow to use anywhere

Jan 26, 2021, 18:1701/26/21

too slow to use anywhere

Works  fine  in  gold  4  arena

Jan 26, 2021, 18:2301/26/21

lol, against bots u can use anyone

Jan 26, 2021, 22:5001/26/21

The reason players use Ghrush in Clan Boss is because of his Leech.

Ghrush Leech is like a Smaller Verison of Lifesteal gear.

You put Leech on the Clan Boss so that your team can heal with out having them all wear Lifesteal gear.

The team's people use Ghrush on are mostly Counter Attack teams or Rally Attack teams.

The reason why is because Ghrush Leech is on his A1 move with like 50% chance.

Counter Attacks + Rally Attacks let you attack more often with your A1 move.

This helps the debuff have higher probablity of staying on the Boss the whole fight.

You don't own any Counter Attack heroes or Rally Attack heroes.

This is why I didn't recommend a team for you in Clan Boss.

You want to use Ghrush in your Clan Boss team.

I think any team you make with Ghrush will be inferior because you don't have the proper set up.

If I was to make a Clan Boss team with Ghrush, It would be the following:

- Sepulcher ------> Atk Down + Def Up + Block Debuff Buff

- Rhazin ----------> Def Down + Weaken

- Occult Brawler -> Poison

- Valkyrie ---------> Counter Attack + Shield

- Ghrush ----------> Leech + C.Heals

Obviously, The Clan Boss set up I made above is completely irrelevant to your situation.

I don't see any of those heroes in your roster so its not really helpful.

Jan 26, 2021, 23:3201/26/21
Player J

The reason players use Ghrush in Clan Boss is because of his Leech.

Ghrush Leech is like a Smaller Verison of Lifesteal gear.

You put Leech on the Clan Boss so that your team can heal with out having them all wear Lifesteal gear.

The team's people use Ghrush on are mostly Counter Attack teams or Rally Attack teams.

The reason why is because Ghrush Leech is on his A1 move with like 50% chance.

Counter Attacks + Rally Attacks let you attack more often with your A1 move.

This helps the debuff have higher probablity of staying on the Boss the whole fight.

You don't own any Counter Attack heroes or Rally Attack heroes.

This is why I didn't recommend a team for you in Clan Boss.

You want to use Ghrush in your Clan Boss team.

I think any team you make with Ghrush will be inferior because you don't have the proper set up.

If I was to make a Clan Boss team with Ghrush, It would be the following:

- Sepulcher ------> Atk Down + Def Up + Block Debuff Buff

- Rhazin ----------> Def Down + Weaken

- Occult Brawler -> Poison

- Valkyrie ---------> Counter Attack + Shield

- Ghrush ----------> Leech + C.Heals

Obviously, The Clan Boss set up I made above is completely irrelevant to your situation.

I don't see any of those heroes in your roster so its not really helpful.

So  sticking  to  my  current  team  until  i  get  the  3  missing  heroes.  Brawler  is done  and  working  well