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Why limit my playtime?

Why limit my playtime?

Jan 21, 2021, 09:5501/21/21

Why limit my playtime?

Energy limit is ridiculous - don't you want me to play? How is this "free to play" when I have to pay if I want to play the game? That's just plain milking and I won't have it. I would pay for other things I want but this? There are other games, you know and I can buy the whole game for the money I would spend here in a few days. It's ridiculously shameless grabbing money. Make your own conclusions about my and other players motivation to play this game. 

Jan 21, 2021, 10:0001/21/21
Jan 21, 2021, 10:01(edited)

Not sure how long you've been playing, so therefore I am not sure if you are aware of the following:

energy limit increases as you level up your account

energy regenerates - 1 point every 3 minutes

there are lots of activities in game that can give bonus energy - event rewards, tasks, quests to name just a few

you can also buy energy with gems which you can also generate over time, and by doing certain activities

If you're already aware of these and still not enjoying the game - well, thats your choice I guess

Jan 21, 2021, 10:2501/21/21
Jan 21, 2021, 10:28(edited)

Well, I bought some things for money and got about 2000 energy. It all went in one day - that's how much I'm willing to play. And about the limit - when it's full it doesn't go any higher and I'm on 110 right now. Nearly not enough.

Jan 21, 2021, 10:4901/21/21
Jan 21, 2021, 10:50(edited)

Yeah, energy can go quickly.... it's better to think of the game as a long term thing. It's not something you are going to complete in a week or two.

I actually find there are too many things to do in a single day. I generally just try to prioritize my time, and when I run out of energy, I stop and come back later.

Jan 21, 2021, 12:0601/21/21

Yes, this game is just too expesive, I'm losing interest

Jan 21, 2021, 13:0001/21/21

Yeah, energy can go quickly.... it's better to think of the game as a long term thing. It's not something you are going to complete in a week or two.

I actually find there are too many things to do in a single day. I generally just try to prioritize my time, and when I run out of energy, I stop and come back later.

Agree with Boo here. Part of the game is managing your resources well, and being efficient with everything. The game isn't made to be completed in a few weeks. Players would quickly lose interest if this were the case. 

Also as a F2P player who has pretty much finished everything in the game, I can attest to how false statements like the game being heavily "pay to play" is. If you're patient, and efficient with resources, you'll get there too. 

PS I've deleted Shahrwaraz' comment for anti-semitic statements.

Jan 21, 2021, 13:0901/21/21

Long term... I will play long term if the game keeps me interested, not if I'm limited to play. I played WoT for 10 years, I played all Civs from the first, I played Skyrim for 5 years, Batlledfield 2 for 10 years, etc. The reason was not limited gametime.

I can see I'm writing in vane, so ...

Jan 21, 2021, 13:1901/21/21

I agree with Boo - once you've been playing a while and you have not only the campaign and dungeons but also clan boss, arena, tag team arena, faction wars and doom tower, you're likely to find that you just don't have enough time in a day to do everything. The prices being high is certainly true, though as Lxzy said, it's perfectly possible to be successful as f2p in this game, you don't have to spend. But on the playtime, that's really not an issue in the longer term. 

Jan 21, 2021, 13:4401/21/21

In the begining it feels like energy is lacking (and it is because really the only thing you should be doing is leveling up in campaign), but eventually you don't have time to do all the content every day.  

They should give new players 30 days of unlimited campaign runs IMO.   That would let new players "catch-up" / start quickly but force them to stay in campaign.  Then you get a couple 6stars and are "hooked".

Jan 21, 2021, 15:2501/21/21

Obviously Truetom, if you dont like the model Plarium is using for Raid then you can choose to not play. Raid is very popular right now so Plarium is able to charge what they charge. As long as enough people are willing to spend, they will continue. Once they see spending/popularity slows down, the prices will probably drop or provide more free resources. 

I am sure everyone on this forum, except Plarium stockholders LOL, agree that the cost for packs is high, but we each can decide how much we want to spend. 

I started the game based on sons advice, but lost interest after about 2 weeks. Didn't know what I was doing, what I should do, or what I was trying to accomplish. After about 2 months picked it back up during Christmas 2019, watched some videos, read stuf on Reddit and this forum, and was able to understand it better. Then COVID hit and had lots of time working from home to play more regularly, thankfully I was able to join a great clan that provides lots of support, and havent looked back. 

I do spend $5~$10 here and there, but use Chosen Elites calculator to see if it really is a good deal or not.

In any case, your post is not in vane, we can agree with what you say, but there is lots of enjoyment the farther along you get in the game.

Jan 21, 2021, 15:4701/21/21

I guess we'll see then. Thank you for your responses

Jan 26, 2021, 22:5101/26/21
Jan 27, 2021, 12:26(edited)

Have the same problem, can do nothing. Waiting to new enery
gaming for a few minutes and then nothing can be done.  (level 53) only 123 energy, it's a joke.👎

Cant do nothing, cant do tournaments, ore events. 👎

I think stop with this game, its boring in this way,
lack of energy will ruin the game. 

Working for good artifacts, but the most sucks. Or silver for grading up the artifacts, but many times failed , all energy wasted, and silver gone for nothing.  😭

and gems wasted on arena, because the balance is not right. Too high ranks of the opponent's chamions .

I get quite pissed off about it sometimes.
I regularly think to be quit, but the game itself is fun. 

The energy may simply be unlimited. Because even then it is not easy to get good pieces of gear and to upgrade. Then you still have to win in the arena. Or achieve campane. and so on .