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Occult brawler worth buying masteries?

Occult brawler worth buying masteries?

Jan 20, 2021, 10:5601/20/21

Occult brawler worth buying masteries?

I recently got occult brawler and he's been a beast in clan boss.  I've been contemplating spending 800 gems to buy his masteries.  Is it worth it at this point in the game?   I'm also f2p btw.

Thanks in advance.



I do 4-5 mil on normal clan boss per key.

Potion Keeps:  Stage 10-11

Minotaur:  Stage 13

Dragon:  Stage 13 

Ice Golem:  Stage 10 (haven't tried going further yet)

Spider:  Stage 9

Fire Knight: Stage 8

Arena:  Silver 1

Jan 20, 2021, 11:1601/20/21

You should probably get masteries for any champ you intend to use often - especially against bosses as you can really boost your damage.

It may be worth mentioning that it is actually cheaper to get the masteries by buying potions and just running minotaur stage 15 over and over again - you will also get silver. Of course, this is a more time consuming way of doing it, but you could potentially just do your 30 daily auto runs here.

It's also worth mentioning that this approach is really only best if you have 4 champs with full masteries, as you can put them on the team, and then all scrolls will go to the one champ who needs them.

I notice you say you are at minotaur 13 - I think you should be able to handle 15 with one more champ at lvl60 - or by just upgrading your gear on your favourite champs if they are not already wearing full lvl16 sets.

Or you could just buy them if you prefer.

Jan 20, 2021, 12:5901/20/21

Its a toss-up really. Occult will last you a really long time and his poisons will help on every boss, but you are significantly lacking heals/support. Hakkorhn in all respect, weak healer for CB.

You're doing good for the champs you have but I would save the gems for the next 2×ancient event and but a pack for 900 gems. You need a better farmer too since you, sorry to say, chose the worst starter hero 😔

Eventually you will upgrade Occult, but I say not right now!

Jan 20, 2021, 14:2201/20/21

dont spend gems on shards, masteries for your 6star heroes is better.  but brawler probably shouldnt ne your next 6star.  you need support (heal/shield/revive) to progress in dungeons.  Brawler could be 3rd/4th or 5th 6star.  The last mastery you can only get at 6stars, so those are the champs best to get masteries for.  That said, I am not a fan of Elhain as her usability falls off quickly.

Jan 21, 2021, 00:2101/21/21
Jan 21, 2021, 00:21(edited)

Hmm, sounds like I'll have to keep farming and hope to pull something better then.  Elhain is definitely starting to fall off already and from what I've read, bellower needs good gear to be usable, which ime seems accurate.  Tallia doesn't feel much better than elhain to justify investing in either.  Maybe I'll just 5 star armiger and call it a day.

Jan 21, 2021, 16:5801/21/21

Hmm, sounds like I'll have to keep farming and hope to pull something better then.  Elhain is definitely starting to fall off already and from what I've read, bellower needs good gear to be usable, which ime seems accurate.  Tallia doesn't feel much better than elhain to justify investing in either.  Maybe I'll just 5 star armiger and call it a day.

High Khatun and Soulbond Bowyer would be good to have at 5 star too, but I think as next 6* Hakkorhn is probably the way to go. Though the masteries might still be better for OB than Hakkorhn, once you get OB to 6* as well. 

Tallia is worth making 6*, but not superb. Should help you get further on Fire Knight, though. 

Jan 21, 2021, 17:4101/21/21

Soulbound? Really? I'd 6star warmaiden and use soulbound as a chicken instead. lol

Don't have Hakk, but definitely looks worth 6stars to me for a support

Jan 21, 2021, 20:1801/21/21

OB will be helped by getting his masteries, in particular Support tree with accuracy and Sniper + Master Hexer. He is awesome in CB, and can help in Dragon and IG. Just need to weigh if those is the areas you want to progess in at this time. I would say Warmaiden, Shaman or HK would be more helpful for your progression at this time. Armiger will help you get to Spider 20, but that is down the line.

I have keep trying to convince Trip that I need to level up my Soulbound, sitting in vault at 40. Her kits looks like she can help me somewhere: AOE A1, 75% ignore def A2, and 75%~100% TM reduction A3. 

He keeps advising I need to focus on someone else, now I see he thinks she is not worth more than chicken nuggests, LOL

Well his advice has always been great, and with all my questions he know my roster well enough to guide me in the right direction.

Hope this help 15349.

Jan 21, 2021, 21:1001/21/21

Masteries on OB will help push your damage in CB and in keeps and dungeons, but as said above working on High kathun would be better for your roster , no masteries for starters just level /ascend her and get her in fast gear.

Jan 21, 2021, 23:5301/21/21

Soulbond Bowyer is definetly NOT a chicken

She is not an allrounder that I would 6* in the beginning of the game as second champ to go to 60. But she is a specialist for Fireknight and Spider with her full turnmeter reduction. Maybe you have to fight manually to use the A3 in the right moment.

Jan 22, 2021, 08:3401/22/21
Rufus Shinra

Masteries on OB will help push your damage in CB and in keeps and dungeons, but as said above working on High kathun would be better for your roster , no masteries for starters just level /ascend her and get her in fast gear.

I don't really use high khatun for anything other than arena.  She's a nice replacement for spirithost and got me to silver.  Which dungeons would she be useful for?

Jan 22, 2021, 08:5201/22/21
Jan 22, 2021, 09:10(edited)

I'm probably wrong but I don't get the impression 6 starring hakk would help me push dungeons that much, unless I buy his masteries as well.  His skill cds are so long.  I kind of get a similar impression with warmaiden.  Also every time I try to use shaman, she always dies first and fast, so I have no idea how to gear her.

My main focus now is to get to spider 13, since my elhain doesn't even have an 1* amulet or banner yet.   Who should I focus on then?

Definitely not going to food soulbound, her a1 looks cool. 

Thanks for all the replies :).

Jan 22, 2021, 13:4201/22/21

I'd max  hakkorn  there  and  push  for  arbiter missions  asap

Jan 22, 2021, 23:1201/22/21

Occult brawler is a very good poisoner, especially going against force. I do suggest upgrading him weither you buy or grind for masteries. He will boost the damage for sure. Just do not use books on his A2. You don't want that 

Jan 23, 2021, 06:1001/23/21

Hmm, getting a lot advice regarding 6 starring hakkorn so that's what I'll do.  OB can wait since I do 4-5 mil per key which is enough to get me my rewards for 2 cbs anyways.  

Thanks all.