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Please change Vizier AI

Please change Vizier AI

Jan 19, 2021, 17:4401/19/21

Please change Vizier AI

I know this is unlikely to get serious attention, but I'm just so fed up with this, I feel the need to rant :/

Vizier is an amazing champ - honestly, probably one of the few that absolutely define a CB team.

Unfortunately, the AI is absolutely braindead. Nobody uses Vizier on CB for the A2 and A3. Yes - at a certain point, the A3 becomes useful for survival. But until that point, the A1 is the only thing that is important.

Putting Vizier on auto means the A3 gets used first, which is useless at the start, and most likely means the important debuffs fall off at the start. He then uses his A2, which means a bunch of useless debuffs get put onto the boss. Finally, he uses his A1, which means those useless debuffs stick on the boss.

On manual, I can very easily get seven poison stacks, poison sensitivity, leech, and atk down with Vizier, FB, Corpse Collector, and Sepulcher Sentinel. On auto, it's next to impossible. Even if I manually play the first few rounds to get the right debuffs to stick, once I set it on auto, there's a very good chance they'll fall off, since half the turns he's not using his A1.

IMO - the AI should be: if Vizier HP is below 50%, use A3, otherwise use A1. Never use A2.

Jan 19, 2021, 19:0101/19/21

I remember having to manual the first 10 rounds back when I was using Vizier just to make sure my debuffs didn't fall off lmao I feel you. 

Hopefully Nethril's AI change (where he only does A1 on CB) set a precedent for a future tweak on Vizier's AI. I'll certainly pass this on. Cheers!

Jan 19, 2021, 21:0001/19/21

spot on i find that also - his AI should only have him throwing A1 unless health low A3 good to hide from stun and a2 to reheal if needed

the other really is any turn meter champ should hold off trying to use turn meter abilities eg Tayrel like ch change is good but watching Tayrel try use his A3 on FK into the shield on multi battles is annoying and im sure theres others that do the same 

vizier is  a great cb champ for his extension ability it would be great to see this sugestion at least looked at as it has merit and i too would find it a step in the right direction 

Jan 21, 2021, 01:1301/21/21

Alure and  OB  too,  they  should  always  use  A1,  except  OB  should  use  A2  only  if  he  has  5+  Debuffs.

Jan 21, 2021, 01:1401/21/21

Im  sure  there  is  pletty  of  others  LMAO.