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little help for best team overall & arena? 6*?

little help for best team overall & arena? 6*?

Jan 19, 2021, 00:4001/19/21

little help for best team overall & arena? 6*?

Just over a month in, as title describes who would you think is worthy of my first 6*. Also any thoughts on best overall team to use all over/arena.

Recieved a vogloth epic today, is he worth the time?

first time post so any help appreciated



Jan 19, 2021, 00:5201/19/21

First, 6 star your farmer. It looks like Elhain is your starting champion, you can start to work on ranking her to 6 star. 

But honestly, if I have your account, I will not rush into creating an arena team. I will just throw anyone that have artifacts at this point. 

I will also probably not 6 star Elhain, she is a good farmer but the are better ones. I will 6 star Shieldguard first. He can be an easy 7-9s 12-3 farmer and will carry you in dungeons. 

Jan 19, 2021, 00:5601/19/21
Jan 19, 2021, 00:59(edited)

Do you really want to upgrade a champion to 6* right now? I just ask because I don't see any useless 5 star lvl 1 champs that are not upgraded. Technically you could bring a champ to lvl 60 right now, but do you really want to sacrifice a upgraded lvl 50 Warmaiden to bring Elhain to 60 or the other way round?

You allready have a nice arena team for bronze tier: High Khatun, Spirithost, Warmaieden, Elhain (or Athel). Speed, Atk-Buff, Def-Debuff, Damage. Bring the damagedealer to 60 and it will work for a while. You need better champs later on, but that is allways a fact in this game until you find all the top tier epics and legendaries.

Jan 19, 2021, 01:0301/19/21

Thanks both for your input! I shall hold off and just farm and train a few more 5* for food!