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Clan Boss Team Decisions

Clan Boss Team Decisions

Jan 18, 2021, 17:3701/18/21

Clan Boss Team Decisions

I'm still a mid level player.  My current Clan Boss team is Kael, Grizzled Jarl, Scyl, Frozen Banshee and Apothacary.

I recently pulled a couple of characters that I think might improve my CB team.

Farakahn the Fat...for HP burn and Poisons as well as ally attacks.

War Mother...for Decrease attack on her A1.  I'm also interested in seeing how her bomb damage might be against CB (but mainly interested in the Decreased attack).

Who would I switch out for those two.  I'm thinking to replace Grizzled Jarl is my first choice...but I'm torn on who the second one to replace would be.

Kael is by far my best damage dealer in CB.  Scyl is my reviver and secondary healer.  Apothacary of course for healing and speed boost...and Frozen Banshee for Poison sensitivity.


Jan 18, 2021, 18:0001/18/21

Not entirely sure about how detrimental Fahrakin's passive will be to your team, I gotta look into this later. War Mother is very good if you're only looking purely for the Atk down role, but she will definitely be replaced by champs with better utility like Sepulcher, or Jareg. Her bombs are not great for CB btw, poisons would still deal more damage. 

With that being said, I'd still pick them to replace Scyl and Kael. Not accounting for War Mother's bombs, Frozen Banshee and Fahrakin's 5% poisons should be more efficient for maximizing the debuff slots over Kael's 2.5% ones. Also you won't be needing Scyl's revive and heals with Grizzled Jarl's Def up and War Mother's consistent Atk down. Apothecary can handle the emergency heals anyway while doing his role of letting your team get more turns in. 

Finish masteries, get decent stats on your gear and I see this comp doing at least a 2 key NM. Good luck!

Jan 18, 2021, 20:4201/18/21

frozen banshee kicks kaels but on cb especially when you have ally attack champ or counter attack champ 

post up your champs via screen shots see if we can see anything to help you out