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my 2nd 60

my 2nd 60

Jan 18, 2021, 09:1701/18/21

my 2nd 60

Hey guys! I'm quite new to the game (3 weeks in - I've installed it as a favor for a mate with his ref link, but guess what!? ... I'm hooked) and I've just about managed to rank up the food for my second level 60. The first one that I 6 starred was Bellower - I know most people do the starting hero, but it seemed like the more fun aproach for me. My conundrum - I've level 50 the following : Aethel (starting champ), Jareg, Apothecary, Peydma, Geargrinder (though I don't use him much any more) and Jizoh. If I had chosen Kael as my starter, this would be a no brainer, but as it is... I personally oscilate between Aethel & Peydma. Both put out considerable damage... but my Aethel doesn't really seem to be all that great in the arena (granted, I might have her with the wrong gear) and she dies quite easily. I would like to get to Bronze III so I can progress with the missions, but that seems rather unlikely in the forseeable future - I'm going against teams of at least 2 legs or full lev 60s (it's really unfair that these teams are tiered so low). That's why I'm leaning a bit towards Peydma. Aethel is fully booked, for Peydma only need 2  more. I don't really spend that much money on the game, so it might be a while until my next 60...  Both have their own merrits and offer quite a bit of versatility...So, suggestions ? 😁 Thnx

PS: Apothecary is also fully booked but I think he will be my 3rd.

Jan 18, 2021, 09:5901/18/21

Personally I'd get Apothecary to 60 before Athel or Peydma. Also, can you show us a screenshot of your roster here? You may be missing out on a key champ there. :)

Jan 18, 2021, 10:0701/18/21

I have a decent enough roster imo (for a week 3 I mean 😁)... The next 3 I want to develop (unless i pull a better one):

- Umbral

- Reliquary Tender

- Anax (one of the new ones and he sounds very interesting)

Because in the beggining I didn't really know what I was doing, I fed a Frozen Banshee 😢😢😢


Jan 18, 2021, 11:3501/18/21

Yeah, there's a few here you're sleeping on.

As long as your bellower is able to grind 12-3 (if not, either rebuild him or raise athel), i'd prioritize seeker, apothecary, and inquisiter shamael, all of whom are strong in just about every area of the game.

As for the ones you mentioned:

-Athel, peydma, and jareg are all solid champions. Worth bringing to 60, but i'd do the ones i mentioned first.

-Umbral enchantress is excellent in arena, but not as much elsewhere. She's still decent (except in cb), but not really amazing.

-Jizoh and Anax are... not great

Jan 18, 2021, 12:2701/18/21
Jan 18, 2021, 12:30(edited)

The thing is I need a good damage dealer and debuffer. With Peydma, with her atk decrease on A1, solid AOE on A2 and the steal buff on A3, in my mind, sounded like an arena beast. True, Apoth is amazing and I've bee playing around with Seeker a bit (also good). Granted, speed in the arena is paramount, but when you come against something like this... if you can't deal damage, you're dead by the end of the first wave:


PS: this is Bronze I btw... mental, right ? How can you compeat with this?! And this is not the most "epic" team I've seen... at least 4 level 60 Madames (+1 or 2 leggos) in the last 24h. This really needs to be balanced somehow...

Jan 18, 2021, 13:3901/18/21
Jan 18, 2021, 13:58(edited)

I would choose Peydma. Made her lvl 60 on my own account. The big advantage of her is, that you can use her everywhere in the game. She is void, so no bad affinities. 

Decrease Atk is one of the most important debuffs in the game. You will need it against the clanboss and the hard hitting dungeonbosses and waves. Reliquary Tender has a single target 25% decrease Atk, Peydma has an AoE 50% decrease Atk (her A1 hits a single target, but the debuff spreads AoE) - clear choice.

And she can fight in the arena. The damageoutput of her AoE is not bad (3,3 * Def + 1 * Atk), so she can work as nuker. And in longer lasting fights she will bring the victory. As a Def-based champion her damage-equip will also make her survive, and her A3 buff-stealer can turn every fight. 

Btw, I don't know why everybody thinks that Kael is better than Athel. As long as you don't have a atk-buffer in your Team (Spirithost could do that at the beginning of your Raid-career, because you can farm her in the campaign), Athel just deals more damage than Kael because she can buff herself. Kael's nuke A2 has a damage  of 4,65 * Atk. Athels nuke A2 has 4,1 * Atk * 1,25 because of her increase atk buff.


Remove Jareg from your team. He doesn't fit. You don't have a team of hp-whales with counterattack. 

Put in your Bellower instaed and - the following is important - let your team act in the following order by managing the speed they get from artifacts:

1. Apothecary: speedbuff/ turnmeter

2. Bellower: A3 def-debuff

3. Athel: buff herself + nuke

4. Peydma: either A2 nuke, or, if an opponent got a nasty unkillable buff or something like that, A3 buff-stealer.

Jan 18, 2021, 14:0801/18/21

Good, clear advice mate. Thanks! I'm gonna go with Peydma - she does seem like a jack of all trades (Apoth in the next month hopefully). Can you recommend some gear combos for her ? 

Jan 18, 2021, 14:2601/18/21








not necessarily in that order. u have lots of good epics but will need books, so apothecary good choice.

u really dont need athel, lucky pulling bellower early... must have bought some void shards with that lineup :)  

Jan 18, 2021, 14:4401/18/21
Jan 18, 2021, 14:56(edited)

It's hard to say wich gear you should use for Peydma without knowing all your artifacts. In general, as a demon girl she is very demanding. You need accuracy to land her debuffs (the buff-stealer also depends on accuracy), her damage will increase by def, atk and crit-damage, hp obviously fit to every champ, and some speed is important to act in the arena before the opponent team does. Very hard or impossible to get all of that.

Most important to me seem crit-rate and accuracy for her debuffs. Every damage-dealer should try to get a high crit-rate, but as her atk-debuff depends on a critical hit, she needs crit-rate even more than others do. Unless you have a warehouse full of perfect 6* legendary equip and can achieve 100% crit-rate just by sub-stats, you should use gloves with crit-rate as mainstat. 

Ignore atk and hp. Her skills scale with def and atk, but def gives a higher bonus than atk and will make her survive even with rather low hp. Sets: Accuracy, maybe the version from the forge for extra speed.

Gloves: critrate

Body: def

Boots: speed

Ring: def

amulet: crit-damage

Banner: accuracy

Jan 18, 2021, 14:4601/18/21
Jan 18, 2021, 14:50(edited)

thanks. as you saw, I'm done with my relic keeper fuse requirements. Is he worth it ? I'm assuming that he can be good, but now I think the books should go into better epics... or leave him at 40 (maybe 50) for FW? 

Edit: I know I have to fuse him eventually, but can I benefit from him now, in the early stages ?

Jan 18, 2021, 14:5901/18/21

thanks. as you saw, I'm done with my relic keeper fuse requirements. Is he worth it ? I'm assuming that he can be good, but now I think the books should go into better epics... or leave him at 40 (maybe 50) for FW? 

Edit: I know I have to fuse him eventually, but can I benefit from him now, in the early stages ?

dont make a bunch of 50s, leave relickeeper at 40.  build 60s that will get u to mid-game (dungeon 20s)

Jan 18, 2021, 15:1301/18/21

thanks. as you saw, I'm done with my relic keeper fuse requirements. Is he worth it ? I'm assuming that he can be good, but now I think the books should go into better epics... or leave him at 40 (maybe 50) for FW? 

Edit: I know I have to fuse him eventually, but can I benefit from him now, in the early stages ?

Relic Keeper is a solid champ - like so many others in the game. And they all need food. It's important to concentrate on a small group that can do as many content as possible first. Otherwise you will end up with dozens of lvl 50 champs and only one lvl 60. That will slow down your progress.

The first and most important thing is to have a champ that can do campaign stage 12-3 or 12-6 alone with 3 food puppets in his team.

Then lvl up champs to 60 that can do a lot different content to progress further. Your arena bonus and great hall will increase, your gear from dungeons will get better. Peydma can do that, Apothecary can do that. I don't think Relic Keeper is that versatile.

The last step is levelling up other champs that are specialized for only one dungeon or even used in faction wars only.

Jan 18, 2021, 15:5501/18/21

Relic Keeper is not a solid champ. Just fuse him for the missions but do not waste resources on him. 

Also in regards to the Peydma suggestion earlier, I'd advise against it. Jareg is way better for dungeon progression, and way better for CB. As for the damage part, you'd need better nukes as you get further in arena anyway. Athel and Bellower should be fine in arena offense for now. Save the epic books for Jareg and Umbral. (I'd also like to address Skadi's earlier comment- Kael is more commonly picked over Athel not because of damage but because he is more useful for CB) 

For Arena you can use High Khatun lead(once you get her), Seeker, Umbral Enhantress, Bellower/Athel.

High Khatun speed buff/TM boost>Seeker TM boost/Atk up>Umbral Enchantress provoke> Bellower/Athel nukes

Jan 18, 2021, 16:0201/18/21

probably can use hk and seeker at 40 for early arena fyi. 

Jan 18, 2021, 16:0301/18/21

hk seeker spider (great AI now) nuker (bellower build for speed farming and damage)

Jan 18, 2021, 16:4401/18/21
Jan 18, 2021, 16:46(edited)

I can 12.3/6 on brutal with Bellie without breaking a sweat. I currently have him on life steal + divine life. He didn't seem very Arena-ish, but for that I probably need a different build (have full masteries as well). I suppose people recommend champs that suit their playstyle... There are rares that are better than at least a third of the legendaries, so I would assume that we have to make best with what we got. Utill I get HK to get that speed boost, I guess I'll stick with Apoth, Peydma, Athel and Bellower for the arena. And try to pick my battles so I can upgrade that great hall. It will next to impossible to get to Bronze 3 till i get another 60... but that's the game I guess. It would be great if you would have to reset deff arena every week. That way we wouldn't get so many inactives in lower tiers (but with top level champs).

Jan 18, 2021, 17:0601/18/21
Jan 18, 2021, 17:11(edited)

To Lxzy:

Where exactly is Jareg way better for anything else exept Clanboss than Peydma? 

Booked 60% chance of decrease attack debuff single target vs. booked 100% chance of debuff AoE. All the little Spiderlings, Ice Golem's minions and so on get debuffed from Peydma. 

She is the top champion to grind the keep for potions, stealing the shield in the magic keep and the block debuffs buff in the spirit keep.

She can wipe out the waves in the dungeons with her A2. 

And you really say Jareg is better for dungeon progression? 


And to Kael vs. Athel: Kael is better against CB until you find your first real poisoner, and Outlaw Monk is good enough for that job. Then Athel becomes much better because she comes along with a weaken-debuff. Kael only takes unsefull space in the debuff-bar with his mini-poison.

Jan 18, 2021, 17:4001/18/21

To Lxzy:

Where exactly is Jareg way better for anything else exept Clanboss than Peydma? 

Booked 60% chance of decrease attack debuff single target vs. booked 100% chance of debuff AoE. All the little Spiderlings, Ice Golem's minions and so on get debuffed from Peydma. 

She is the top champion to grind the keep for potions, stealing the shield in the magic keep and the block debuffs buff in the spirit keep.

She can wipe out the waves in the dungeons with her A2. 

And you really say Jareg is better for dungeon progression? 


And to Kael vs. Athel: Kael is better against CB until you find your first real poisoner, and Outlaw Monk is good enough for that job. Then Athel becomes much better because she comes along with a weaken-debuff. Kael only takes unsefull space in the debuff-bar with his mini-poison.

Yes lmao I don't really need to convince you here. The point is Jareg will be more useful in the long run. CB is arguably the most important content in the game and you'd find Jareg in a couple of 2 key UNM comps, but never Peydma. I'd give Peydma the points for Potion keeps but then being better on the easiest content in the game doesn't do much for me. Peydma is a solid champ (unlike Relickeeper lmao), OP can build both if he wants but I'm just saying Jareg> Peydma.

Also I was just stating why Kael is picked by most players. I picked Elhain myself but I switched over to Athel and she carried me through early game content but I'd rather have started with Kael. Only needing to finish masteries/gear for Kael is much much more economical than finishing masteries for Athel AND a poisoner early game. Faster progress is the point, and he is starter hero meta for a reason. 

Anyway, I'd rather not us hijack OP's thread any further. We've given our advice and it's up to OP to decide what to do next. Cheers! 

Jan 18, 2021, 17:4201/18/21

I would choose Peydma. Made her lvl 60 on my own account. The big advantage of her is, that you can use her everywhere in the game. She is void, so no bad affinities. 

Decrease Atk is one of the most important debuffs in the game. You will need it against the clanboss and the hard hitting dungeonbosses and waves. Reliquary Tender has a single target 25% decrease Atk, Peydma has an AoE 50% decrease Atk (her A1 hits a single target, but the debuff spreads AoE) - clear choice.

And she can fight in the arena. The damageoutput of her AoE is not bad (3,3 * Def + 1 * Atk), so she can work as nuker. And in longer lasting fights she will bring the victory. As a Def-based champion her damage-equip will also make her survive, and her A3 buff-stealer can turn every fight. 

Btw, I don't know why everybody thinks that Kael is better than Athel. As long as you don't have a atk-buffer in your Team (Spirithost could do that at the beginning of your Raid-career, because you can farm her in the campaign), Athel just deals more damage than Kael because she can buff herself. Kael's nuke A2 has a damage  of 4,65 * Atk. Athels nuke A2 has 4,1 * Atk * 1,25 because of her increase atk buff.


Remove Jareg from your team. He doesn't fit. You don't have a team of hp-whales with counterattack. 

Put in your Bellower instaed and - the following is important - let your team act in the following order by managing the speed they get from artifacts:

1. Apothecary: speedbuff/ turnmeter

2. Bellower: A3 def-debuff

3. Athel: buff herself + nuke

4. Peydma: either A2 nuke, or, if an opponent got a nasty unkillable buff or something like that, A3 buff-stealer.

The reason to choose Kael over Athel is his Poison vs Clan Boss.   Kael is viable all the way to end game as a main poisoner.

Jan 18, 2021, 18:1301/18/21

Kael an endgame poisoner? No way. He is not even in the same league as Occult Brawler or Frozen Banshee. 

Jan 18, 2021, 18:2101/18/21

Doesn't Peydma have the strongest decrease atk of all champions in the game? At least I couldn't find one better... And I may be new at this, but isn't decrease atk extremely important against CB?