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Separate the Campaign levels

Separate the Campaign levels

Jan 17, 2021, 12:5901/17/21

Separate the Campaign levels

The one thing that really, and I mean REALLY ticks me off is the fact my Hero setup 

in Normal will pop up in Hard , Brutal, nightmare ....

They are Separate Difficulty lvls ,, Each lvl has different Drops and Monster Difficulty

With a Seperate star system Rewards for completeing all 12 at 3 stars

BUT the heros i put in to fight Normal 12/3 ,, 

will be the exact same heros that will pop up in Hard 12/3,, Brutal 12/3 and Nightmare 12/3

Just a real royal pain in the *Recked Em* to have to Reload different heros for Every Diffuculty level 

Jan 17, 2021, 15:0401/17/21

I'm not sure if anyone can make sense out of this...

But if you haven't yet, make your starter hero as strong as you can and he/she will take down every level with ease (except NM)

Jan 17, 2021, 17:1601/17/21

no,, your missing the point ,,, I have heros set up to farm in Normal ,,,

BUT those same heros , in those NORMAL CAMPAIGN DUNGEONS 

are the Ones that pop up in HARD , and Brutal ,,, So I have to change them out 

NOW , if i go back to Normal , the heros i set up in Hard and Brutal are in Normal too 

So i have to change them out ....


This starts to become Problematic and Expensive in Energy to have to Change out heros

Everytime For Every Dungeon ...

and Seriously Problematic if I forget to Change from Normal to Brutal

Seeing as i dont have a 6 that can solo all of hard or Brutal yet 

So I set up my Elhain in normal to farm all 12 dungeons with 3 food for over night farming with the Chance to get rare 3 stars as drop instead of just farming 12/3 or 12/6 ,,,,

then i click into Brutal, forget to change out all the foodies in all the Dungeons ,, walk away and LOSE all the Energy as I lose fight after fight 

Jan 17, 2021, 18:0601/17/21

It's not much of an issue for most people because you rarely switch that much between campaign difficulties normally, unless maybe between farming on brutal and completing nightmare. Your situation where you still farm normal while progressing on brutal seems very strange - why aren't you farming in hard instead of normal? Also, you know there's a setting on multi-battles to stop when you lose a battle so you don't waste energy on a series of losses, right? 

Jan 20, 2021, 14:5001/20/21

no 60s yet ,,, Completely messed up and went for Faction Teams ,,,

Got a Team for all factions btw, Most on 6 some are even past 7 now 

so I am into 3 star glyphs  ,,,

NOW i have to but a 6 well still maintaining enough silver etc

and Yes, Probably become a None issue once i get a 6 in 5 star gear 

Jan 20, 2021, 15:2301/20/21

lol, at least u realized u messed up.  FW is the LAST area of the game I would recommend focusing ANY effort on.  Get a 6star, get a second, and then a 3rd.  Happy farming