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Bloodtwin fragments

Bloodtwin fragments

Jan 15, 2021, 07:1401/15/21

Bloodtwin fragments

I finally saved up 36k bars to buy bloodtwin fragments in te bazaar. I bought one fragment and found I'm locked for 24 hours before I can buy the next one.  That means that I'll have to wait 100 days to actually get him.  I don't think that's fair.  It doesn't say "one per day" before you buy the first one, so the only way to discover this is to read the forums. Not fair.

I didn't buy them earlier because I wasn't certain I would still want him after all the time it wojld take me save up. I'm only at bronze 3 now and I'm not capable of wininuing 3-0 20 times a day (nowhere near), so slow going. I'm not sure I will want him in another 100 days. Yet I'm being asked to commit bars in advance. Not fair.  What's the point of this delay? Fear that some players would earn the points too quickly?  That time is over now and those players don't need him. 

Please eliminate this restrtiction. It took me a long time to save up and instead of getting being rewarded, I feel cheated.  

Jan 15, 2021, 07:3701/15/21

Wow, that's very unfortunate... I have to say, I also think the way it's locked is obnoxious, with the exactly 24 hours cooldown instead of just allowing you to buy 1 fragment per day at whatever time. Because that means that unless you obsessively track it, it's likely to take you at least some days more than 100 to get him. Hopefully they'll change that at some point.

But what you suggest, eliminating the time restriction entirely, there's really no way that's going to happen, I'm afraid. 

Jan 15, 2021, 08:3801/15/21

Thanks for the sympathy. But why do you say they won't consider removing the time restriction? What purpose does it serve other than making us commit our bars before we know if we really want to?

Jan 15, 2021, 14:4701/15/21

ouch, had you bought anything in bazar? doesn't everything have a cooldown on purchase?

Jan 15, 2021, 22:4101/15/21

I think I had bought a couple of ancient shards, not enough to see a pattern. As soon as Bloodtwin became available, I started saving for him. It didn't make sense to me to commit to spending bars considering how long it would take to earn that many.  

At this point, I think the delay is pointless. If they were worried some pepole woiuld aquire him too fast, those people already have him or dom't want him.  They are making us commit to a purchase more than 3 months before it can be completed, when a lot can change in that time. 

Jan 15, 2021, 22:5101/15/21

congrats man! now you can save the bars for others. My opinion, this leg champion is not worth the 36k golden bars.

Jan 15, 2021, 22:5301/15/21

I think I had bought a couple of ancient shards, not enough to see a pattern. As soon as Bloodtwin became available, I started saving for him. It didn't make sense to me to commit to spending bars considering how long it would take to earn that many.  

At this point, I think the delay is pointless. If they were worried some pepole woiuld aquire him too fast, those people already have him or dom't want him.  They are making us commit to a purchase more than 3 months before it can be completed, when a lot can change in that time. 

It's really just a matter of them not wanting to make things too easy - guaranteed legendaries for free should be a very rare, special thing that requires a lot of time/effort to unlock, in their logic (and the logic of most similar games, really). Same reason that you get the login reward legendary after 180 days in the game, not after 30 or so. They did communicate this clearly at the time the tag team arena and bazaar were introduced, and as Trips said, it fits with the general logic of the bazaar where anything you buy has a cooldown because they don't want you to buy too much at once. 

Jan 15, 2021, 22:5901/15/21

One more unfortunate thing can happen, on the 99th day you summon Drex on your shard. Happened to my clan mate. He is soo frustrated. 

I also don't think 1 per day limit is necessary. 

Jan 17, 2021, 10:5101/17/21

@L9753 "It's really just a matter of them not wanting to make things too easy - guaranteed legendaries for free should be a very rare, special thing that requires a lot of time/effort to unlock, in their logic (and the logic of most similar games,  "

How is it easy? There is a limit to how often you can play in tag team arena (20/day). Someone at my level is lucky to win half that in a day to earn 10 bars per victory. The time delay doesn't make it harder, just longer. And it makes you commit bars now when it's possible you won't want the reward when the time is up. That's big.. I might be better off buying shards or books. But I want him now he would help me out in some dungeons and doom. 3 plus monghts from now? Who kmows. 

What I do know is, every day that I buy a fragment, I resent it. Is that what they want?

Jan 17, 2021, 12:3001/17/21

I am at 92/100 for this champion fragment fusion and started day 1 (I missed a couple days)

I am very happy Plarium offered me the chance to aquire this Legend  in this manner and  not  one day did I regret buying the fragment

If we could get everything we wanted  in this game during a 24hr time period, do you think we would still be  playing the game 3 months later? not likely

Its known this game  is a grind even though some community managers have said  otherwise :P But FTP grind is what its all about

Love this game :)

Jan 18, 2021, 04:5801/18/21

More surprise to me is he could save up to 36k without knowing how bazaar work.