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Losing Turns in the Arena

Losing Turns in the Arena

Jan 14, 2021, 00:3001/14/21

Losing Turns in the Arena

Hey Raiders. I've been having an issue in the arena and I'm trying to understand if it's a bug or a feature.

Essentially what's happening is that in certain battles of late, when trying to execute attacks, I choose the ability and the target, then click the enemy teams character I want to target but nothing happens and the champions turn simply ends and passes to the next character.

I've noticed this most often with miscreated monsters lightning storm ability, but I've also noticed it with the rest of the team and many different skills. It never happens when buffing my own team, so I suspect there's something going on here I'm not seeing, but I don't see anything that would prevent me from attacking particular characters.

Unfortunatly I don't have a video of this behavior I can share, but I'm guessing if this is normal behavior, others are aware of it. Anyone have an idea of what's going on here? What circumstances would lead to an enemy arena team being un-attackable and the character simply losing their turn?

Any help to understand what's going on here would be greatly appreciated.

Jan 14, 2021, 00:3801/14/21

If your champion have fear debuff it can prevent you from executing a skill

Jan 14, 2021, 00:4201/14/21

If your champion have fear debuff it can prevent you from executing a skill

Makes perfect sense. I don't recall seeing the fear debuff icon in these cases, but that must be it because it explains exactly what's happening. Thanks JoinME.

Jan 14, 2021, 10:4201/14/21

I've very rarely encountered a few bugs with champions not doing anything and just missing their turn, though more in dungeons than arena iirc. Also visual bugs where champions DO attack but you don't actually see it happen. 

Or indeed it could be fear in which case it works as intended. 

Jan 14, 2021, 19:4501/14/21
Jan 14, 2021, 19:49(edited)

I saw the answer concerning the "Fear" debuff which I fully understand, what has me baffeled is when I enter the arena the opposing team takes a full round of turns buffing up and then in some cases two full rounds of attack before I can do a single thing.  What is up with that?? Do some people have cheats that allow them multiple turns?

  BTW, I have a Progress Mission to acheive Silver Level in Arena.  LOL fat chance of that when you go into battle with a team who's power is 1/3 of yours and they just stand there and hammer you to death and you get no return chances.

Jan 14, 2021, 20:3301/14/21

I saw the answer concerning the "Fear" debuff which I fully understand, what has me baffeled is when I enter the arena the opposing team takes a full round of turns buffing up and then in some cases two full rounds of attack before I can do a single thing.  What is up with that?? Do some people have cheats that allow them multiple turns?

  BTW, I have a Progress Mission to acheive Silver Level in Arena.  LOL fat chance of that when you go into battle with a team who's power is 1/3 of yours and they just stand there and hammer you to death and you get no return chances.

Your team is likely very slow, speed 

Jan 15, 2021, 11:0501/15/21
Jan 15, 2021, 11:08(edited)

There are many things that could make this happen, Bassagitator.

1. The speed of your champions is, like Trips allready mentioned, probably very low. You can increase it with artifacts.

2. The opponent's speed is probably verh high, so he starts.

3. The opposite team has probably champions, that can increase turnmeter and speed of their team (for example Apothecary).

4. There is an artifact set (Relentless), that gives a chance of 18% to get an extra round. 

5. There are champs that can reduce your turnmeter (for example Shatterbones: Attacks all enemies 3 times. Has a 50% chance to decrease the Turn Meter by 30%).

All this together can give them even more rounds before you start. It's not chess, where making a second move before the opponent did, would be cheating.

An easy way to get a faster team, is bringing the High Khatun to the Arena. She is an epic barbarian champion and daily reward at day 30. She brings a speedaura and an additional speedbuff for your team.