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Standart allround-team able to do the job

Standart allround-team able to do the job

Jan 13, 2021, 12:2701/13/21

Standart allround-team able to do the job

Hi there guys

I play low budget, and i am considering who to focus on levelling to complete all dungeons >15

Currently my champs at 4* lvl 40 and more are:

Elhain (60) - starting champ :/

Scyl of the drakes (60) 

Occult brawler (60)

Bellower (60)

Warmaiden (60)

50: Achak the Wendarin, Hordin, Apothecary, Soulbond Bowyer, Kael, Dark Elhain, Tayrel (wrong mastery), Fenax, Frozen Banshee, Coffin Smasher, Athel, Luthiea, Thenasil, Jinglehunter, Morty-Macaab, Golden Reaper

40:  Basher, Psylar, Basilisk, Relic keeper, Husk, Oathbound, Dark Athel, Catacomb Councilor, Juliana, Adriel, SeekerAlure, High Khatun, Hellgazer, Vrask, Crimson Helm, Knight-Errant, Avir the Alchemage, Marked, Valerie, Mother Superior, Gnarlhorn, Spirithost, Magus

Any suggestions - maybe a team that can manage it all ? (or 2 teams)

// loink

Jan 13, 2021, 14:4301/13/21

tayrel and apothecary will take you far in dungeons, then probably alure (speed and acc and cr, no books needed). the first two should help in CB as well. I would then build an armiger.

other good champs: seeker, coffinsmasher (but u have atk down with tayrel), fb (already have OB so not a priority), 

tayrel, apo, scyl for all dungeons (except prob fk)

ob for dragon and ig

wm for dragon

alure and armiger for fk20 and spider20, and maybe one as 5th for IG

could possibly do all dungeons with 4 more 6stars

Jan 13, 2021, 15:0501/13/21

^I'd vouch for what Trips said. I'd toss in Psylar there to help with Spider too (and maybe Achak)

Also, Elhain is the fastest campaign farmer out of all the starters so don't be too disappointed about it. ;)

Good luck!

Jan 13, 2021, 15:1501/13/21

^I'd vouch for what Trips said. I'd toss in Psylar there to help with Spider too (and maybe Achak)

Also, Elhain is the fastest campaign farmer out of all the starters so don't be too disappointed about it. ;)

Good luck!

I missed psylar, I don't have but definitely 60 worthy.

Elhain fastest campaign farmer of starters? Curious on this.  But also has bellower at 60, who is faster than all of the starters.

Jan 13, 2021, 15:2901/13/21

I missed psylar, I don't have but definitely 60 worthy.

Elhain fastest campaign farmer of starters? Curious on this.  But also has bellower at 60, who is faster than all of the starters.

Well then I missed Bellower too lmao. (Yes, Elhain has 2 AoE's unlike the other starters so she clears campaign faster. She also got the highest base attack and base speed iirc) 

Anyway, personally I'd still take Elhain over Bellower for dungeon wave clearing if that counts.