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Power Level Drops

Power Level Drops

Jan 13, 2021, 07:0001/13/21

Power Level Drops

I noticed the other day that the Power Level of all of my Champions are dropping for no reason at all. Not making any changes to them in Artifacts, Skills or Masteries - and the Power Level is dropping. Not quickly or at an alarming rate but little bit at a time. Almost like there is a slow leak or drain in the game. I track all of my Champions on a spreadsheet (I am that anal) and that is how I noticed it. Why is this happening? 

The other thing that I noticed the other day is I put a 6 star artifact on a Champion - obviously with an artifact or accessory that has not been upgraded the power level of the Champion will drop with the new item. But what I saw as I upgraded the item higher the Champion Power Level continued to go backwards? How can an Artifact or accessory that is being upgraded to be "better" cause a Champion Power Level to drop? I thought the purpose of putting higher star items on a Champion and spending my silver to upgrade them was to improve the stats of the Champion. Maybe I do not understand this whole Power Level thing.

Please note - I am not that much of a noob - both the original artifact I had on the Champion and the new artifact were weapons of the Offense Group. The original Artifact was a base (silver) 5 star that I eventually fully upgraded to level 16. It 's primary stat was "Attack". The new artifact was a 6 star (silver) artifact with a primary stat of "Attack". I understand that putting a non-upgraded 6 star artifact on and taking the 5 start level 16 off - will cause the power level to drop. But as I was upgrading the new Artifact I noticed the Power Level continued to drop ?? 

Jan 13, 2021, 09:0401/13/21

No real idea about this, perhaps you were dropping in the rankings via arena defence and losing the % increase resulting in a drop of power.

Jan 13, 2021, 12:5701/13/21

Its unlikely that all the sub stats of these 2 artifacts were identical

In which case these sub stats would of been upgraded differently also

Is it not possible, that not all sub stats are equal in value when it comes to a numerical value  in power which would ultimately cause the difference in total power numers?

Jan 13, 2021, 14:5401/13/21

First of all, don't worry too much about power. Focus on getting the right stats for your champs instead. 

You might be losing a couple of points if you're getting demoted in arena, but that should be the only reason you'll see a "drain" of sorts. Regarding the power going "backwards" when you equip new artifacts/accessories, you may just be losing the power heavy stats like Resistance and HP. Like I said, you shouldn't look too much into it- just focus on building properly. 

Jan 15, 2021, 04:4001/15/21

Its unlikely that all the sub stats of these 2 artifacts were identical

In which case these sub stats would of been upgraded differently also

Is it not possible, that not all sub stats are equal in value when it comes to a numerical value  in power which would ultimately cause the difference in total power numers?

That is very true - except it was happening daily on Champions in which I have not made any artifact changes in weeks.