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Tag Team Arena is BROKEN. Bronze 1, 4 hours after reset and it requires 6,000pts to go Bronze 2...

Tag Team Arena is BROKEN. Bronze 1, 4 hours after reset and it requires 6,000pts to go Bronze 2...

Jan 12, 2021, 16:4001/12/21

Tag Team Arena is BROKEN. Bronze 1, 4 hours after reset and it requires 6,000pts to go Bronze 2...

Tag Team Areana is plain and simple BROKEN AF.

I'm literally in the first bracket - Bronze 1 and around 4-5 hours after restart this Monday I entered to play and it already was around 6,000 pts to go from 1,000 and progress to mere Bronze 2. 

You joking and having a laugh with us? 

And it is climing each hour by the hundreds. 

Right now, it's 27,... my bad it just ramped up more... it's 28,013 pts... to advance to fucking bronze 2... not the last tier... WTH, TF, T... whaaaat!?!>!

and it has 5d and 13h more, which means it will reach way more points to progress...

Even if you purchase and abuse every single possible green token and win each and every highest pts enemy(refresh and only kill top 1-3)... you still won't be able to make that number... and for WHAT... to go to bronze 2... and invest days, not hours... DAYS to even play all those fights, if it is even possible to have so many tries...

Fix this cause it's so ridiculous that it's sad and definitelly makes people feel that only those who have the first tries in the beginning of Tag arena managed to climb, and that is it... no more people in higher brackets. 

Imagine you have 3 teams with Gold 4 tier teams to kill anything in Tag arena... and 

... and you can't even get out of the very first tier. Pure joke.

Seriously, it's really pissing off and makes you stop playing

Jan 12, 2021, 16:4901/12/21

You don't need that many points, that's just how many the top player has. Although it is very annoying, these ridiculous points numbers, because they're confusing everyone and making it harder to gauge where you really stand. 

It doesn't inform you precisely how many points you need because that constantly changes, but it would be something more in the 1300 - 1500 or so range. You can see from the indicators how close you are - if you're in the green and you move on into the third bar, it means you'd promote if the week ended right then. Although it seems for people close to the cut-off, that green isn't always entirely accurate, so better to have some safety margin and move a bit further in the third bar. 

Jan 12, 2021, 17:0501/12/21

You just need to get to the green zone by arena reset to make it to the next tier. The 6,000 points you're seeing now is just how much the top guy currently has- you don't need to go that far. 

Jan 12, 2021, 18:0401/12/21

As I learned last month . You only move from one bracket of tag team arena to the next bracket when the arena is reset each week.  At which time after the reset you will remain in your previous bracket / move to a higher bracket or down one bracket.  All based upon your arena wins/losses during the week

You cannot move  into a new bracket during the week. But can stage yourself for the upgrade when the reset happens each week

Jan 13, 2021, 23:3601/13/21

Thank you all for the clarification! 

It was very frustrating to reach the second bar and turn green and never move to the 3rd bar only ever slightly moving, and seeing my points / the big number(and rising) was not helping. 

Thanks again. Your clarification really helped.

Jan 14, 2021, 10:3901/14/21

You just need to get to the green zone by arena reset to make it to the next tier. The 6,000 points you're seeing now is just how much the top guy currently has- you don't need to go that far. 

It wouldn't be crazy to put a cap on it and do something about the complete distortion of the visuals by these extreme cases, though... either just put a hard cap on how many points you can have, at maybe 5000 or so, or at least stop those extreme cases from distorting the bars for everybody else. 

Mar 7, 2022, 10:4203/07/22

Not true, it is broken. I keep getting over, but it wont put me to bronze 3. i get to 1800, but still in bronze 1. Also, winning gives 21. If I lose one battle, it takes 14. So what is the point in winning when even 2 wins will result in fkn not getting any points

Mar 7, 2022, 16:1003/07/22

This is enough a bit of a blast from the past that I don't even recognize the moderator from 14 months ago.

Hakim, you don't just need to get over the green line. You must be AT the green line during reset. So either you need to be very far into the green if you're going to go to sleep and not watch during the reset, or you need to be watching 3v3 Arena during the rest and making sure you are gaining enough to mitigate any losses from people pushing at reset.

I progress up and down usually, week to week, at the edge of Silver and Gold, when I putting a lot of effort into 3v3. Easier for me to move up one week and fall back the next it seems, than try and stay EXACTLY in my tier.

BUT....Hakim, if you are SURE you are in the green exactly when reset happens, please start a new post in the Bug Reports section of the forum, hopefully with screenshots, and we'll get your stuff looked at by Plarium.

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