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Pyxniel, the holiday joke

Pyxniel, the holiday joke

Jan 10, 2021, 20:1601/10/21

Pyxniel, the holiday joke

I have never put so much time into a game and received so little in return. Pyxniel is trash, and I cannot comprehend why Plarium released her as trash. 

She needs a buff. Here are my suggestions:

Aura: increases ally resist in ALL battles by 80. 

A1: attacks 1 enemy 3 times. The last hit has a 75% chance of applying a perfect veil for 2 turns. Books to 100% chance. No veils on self. (so sick of eventually getting a veil on someone and then they attack directly next which wastes it).

A2: places a 60% increase def, 15% continuous heal, and 30% increase speed on all allies for two turns. Attacks all frozen enemies one time. Removes all freezes on all allies. Books to 3 turn cooldown like it is. 

A3: attacks all enemies two times. The first hit has a 55% chance of freezing the enemy. The second hit has a 55% chance of placing a 25% weaken. If the enemy is frozen, has a 100% chance of applying 25% weaken. Will book to 75% chances and 4 turn cool down. (she will actually be usable for bosses because she has some chance of applying weaken)

Passive: has a 25% chance of stealing an ally's freeze debuff. If a freeze debuff is stolen, fills this champions turn meter to full. Has a 75% chance of removing freeze from this champion at the start of every turn. Books will add 25% to both chances. 

Increase attack and multipliers. Change defense to 1225 (Christmas!)

Reasoning: I want to use pyxniel in multiple areas of the game. She was very difficult to get. She is a huge disappointment.

For reference, I have been playing raid shadow legends for 72 days according to my login rewards. I made the legendary mistake of repeatedly hitting replay, using silver, and using energy for weeks to eventually fuse pyxniel and make her 6 stars. I wasted all my 5 legendary books trying to land it on A2; only 1 out of 5 went on A2. I am extremely disappointed and upset for how underwhelming she is. She is literally good for nothing. She did not help me in arena. I seriously use my 5 star pain keeper over 6 star pyxniel for how terrible pyxniel performs. She makes my clan boss team do less damage, so I do not use her there. She did not help me progress on ice golem (you know the one place at which you think she should be good because she supposedly counters freeze). She did not help me progress on spider. She did not help me progress on fireknight. She did not help me with bosses on doom tower; havent passed the 3rd boss because I have not wanted to spend all my silver to switch gear. She did not help me progress on dragon. However, she did help me on some levels in nightmare campaign. 

I thought legendaries were supposed to be account changing, and I guess she lived up to that. She consumed all my resources and 5 legendaries books to become the biggest disappointment in the game. Before I six starred pyxniel, I was between pain keeper, seducer, and marked. Seducer or marked would have been a better candidate with their block debuffs which is way more than what pyxniel can do. I wish I had apothecary or reliquery tender. I chose pyxniel because I listened to some bad advice and thought a legendary would not be a mistake because she is a LEGENDARY, let alone my first Christmase fusion. After now taking a look at many other epics and legendaries in the game, I cannot believe I was so naive.

I left Hearthstone because it would take months and years before game balance changes were made which made me lose interest. I am not going to be playing raid very much anymore. I think I will still get the daily log in and will consider playing more once I get Scyl of the Drakes if I do not lose interest by then. I spent around $120 dollars in the game which I do not mind. It was fun at the time, and I do not mind giving. The creators and staff need money or they are out of a job, but I think I will take my money elsewhere for now.

Anyways, Pyxniel is a LEGENDARY Christmas joke. Does anyone think Plarium will actually buff her? Does Plarium take into consideration the desires from its community? Will there be any changes with receiving duplicates or the amount of silver needed to switch gear?

Thank you for taking the time to read my rant!!!

Jan 10, 2021, 21:0601/10/21

The weird thing is, in early versions of her, her aura did actually apply everywhere, then they reduced it to only arena - weird move, because already from the start her kit did not look overpowered by any means, rather the opposite. With that aura working everywhere, that alone would have made her far stronger already. As it is, I guess she's intended as a Tormin counter in arena, but not sure she's very effective at that either... 

I did also fuse her, knowing she wasn't too great and that some of the epics used for her like Rugnor were probably better. But then I'm way further ahead and have a number of other top champions, the fusion didn't cost me anything I couldn't afford, just a lot of time/focus. I'm expecting a buff at some point, yes, though they're unlikely to make changes so big that she suddenly becomes a top tier legendary. With previous disappointing fusion champions, like Gurptuk, they made some minor improvements afterwards - still not enough for most people to use him, though. 

Jan 10, 2021, 21:5501/10/21

Hey there

The aura from Pyxniel got never changed, but had a typo in the announcement article.

Her aura was never meant to be working in "all battles" and the in game version of her "arena only" aura is the correct one from the start.


Jan 10, 2021, 22:4601/10/21

Hey there

The aura from Pyxniel got never changed, but had a typo in the announcement article.

Her aura was never meant to be working in "all battles" and the in game version of her "arena only" aura is the correct one from the start.


Makes sense, but yeah, she's still underwhelming and needs a buff. :) Certainly for the amount of books she requires - if she already had part of those improvements directly and only required half as many books, it'd be another story. 

Jan 11, 2021, 00:1401/11/21

"Thinking all Leggo heroes are Account Changing"

You made a Text Book Beginner Mistake.

Don't feel bad. 

Next time, you should do research before using your precious Legendary Tomes.

It is worth the extra effort to find out from other people if a hero is worth booking.

As far as your Rant about Buffing Pyxniel goes, My advice is to forget about it.

It takes the game on average 4 months to think about Buffing heroes.

Than another 2 months to tease about Buffing heroes.

Than another 2 months to make a video about the Buffed heroes.

Than another 2 months to actually implement the Buffed hero's into the live game.

At that point, The Buff the champion will receieve will be minor.

You walk away from the game thinking the champion is still Trash.

So I think you should listen to what I am telling you and cut your losses.

You have a Legendary Champion (Pyxneil).

You used 5 Legendary Tome for Pyxneil.

You used Potions to acquire Pyxniel.

You used Chickens to acquire Pyxniel.

The way I see it - You can still savage the situation.

Most Legendaries on average run between 25 to 30 bucks.

The fact you own Pyxneil (Who is a Legendary) means she has value.

The 5 Legendary Tomes you used on Pyxneil is harsh, but I have seen worse.

You can chalk this up as a learning experience.

You can still bounce back from this.

You used Potions to acquire Pyxniel.

You can always regather more Potions - Not Huge Loss.

You used Chickens to acquire Pyxniel.

You can always relevel more Chickens - Not Huge Loss.

Lastly, You could toss Pyxniel into your Faction War team.

Pyxniel could potientally help you get Glyphs for further improvement.