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Jan 10, 2021, 17:3001/10/21


im about 35days in now, and getting books is a massive problem for all my champs(rare books/epic No legendarys pulled yet,  fair enough they shouldn't be easy.

now I check kuzad seems pretty good with his skills, but hang on I need 18 rare books that's obsured as a F2p small spender.  rare books are super rare! 

it actually feels easier To get epic books.

Jan 10, 2021, 23:3301/10/21

"Putting Rare Books" into Kuzad Deepheart

Your so Funny.

You Crack me up.

Don't you realize Kuzard doesn't need books - You Silly Man.

Kuzard main benefit is to do Increase ACC Buff.

You don't need books to do his Increase ACC Buff.

Jan 11, 2021, 09:3701/11/21
Jan 11, 2021, 09:38(edited)

Some of us don't have the benefit of having vast holds of different champs, hence needing versatility in there champs they do decide to invest in.

his dmg is really good, just not really a feesable option when his book requirement is so high.

frustrating to say the least.

Jan 11, 2021, 10:1101/11/21

Not sure if I am missing something, but I don't recall rare books being difficult to get - unless you are trying to fully book every single champ?

I am a F2P person also.

I dont know much about that champ, or how useful he might be - but 18 books does sound like a lot.

On a seperate note - you should NEVER, and I mean NEVER, use higher tier books on lower tier champs.

If you have a few epic books lying around, then thats lucky.... but trust me, you will want a whole lot of them later.

As for getting decent champs - just have patience. First month or so can be slow progress, but they will soon come quicker than you can build them up.

Jan 11, 2021, 10:3201/11/21
Jan 11, 2021, 10:33(edited)

Player J, you confuse me so much..... 😂

You normally advocate the use of rare champs with some utility, and this one looks to have as much utility as some others that you promote.

So I had a look at this Kurzad, just out of curiousity.

Would I use him? Well, no.. probably not... except maybe for FW as good dwarves are not so easy to get.... but his skillset does not look so bad for a rare, and if I DID want to use him... well I would absolutely book him. Why not increase his damage output? Why not max his chance of the def down on the A3? Sure it is only a small def down, but still something, and it is a quick cooldown. He also has 2x AoE skills, which is pretty okay. 

Overall, I'd almost certainly not use this champ as I have others who I feel are better, even for FW.... but if I did, I would book him - but then I have a whole ton of spare rare books.

My only advice really is similar to my post above.... rare books should be pretty easy to get, unless you are trying to fully book every single rare champ.... in which case, you should try to select only particular champs that you really like for now. Eventually you will probably retire most rare champs in favor of epics or legendaries anyway. Just have some patience as you will (should!) get a lot of rare books... or just try to focus on a smaller number of champs, 1 or 2 at a time... theres no need to book everyone - most rares will be replaced by stronger champs in time, anyway.

If this champ was epic or legendary, would I book him? 18 books? Hell no. He would be in the bin.

Jan 11, 2021, 10:3801/11/21

Wow - okay, another post from me...

So I'm looking at him again on Ayumilove... and at the bottom they link to 3 youtube videos on this champ..

Apparently Kurzad is:

End-game Rare!

Raids best Rare Champ ever!

A game-changing rare!

Not sure if I am missing something here??? 😂 But I can see why you would be encouraged to use him. That sure is a sick number of books though.

Not certain I agree with these video headlines, but I'm sure he's probably somewhat useful. As an end-game player, I still wouldnt use him. 😂

Jan 11, 2021, 12:2101/11/21

Don't be fooled with the content creators. Most of them are just for you to click and watch their video. They will put so much hype in on a new champion since this will be most likely you will view right away. 

As for the rare books, yes it becomes rare when you are already hitting NM and UNM clan boss. 

So when a new player progresses so fast that it can hit at least nightmare already, there will be a shortage of rare books. 

And  you don't want to hit brutal and below, clan boss again if you are already hitting NM or UNM just because you are short of rare books.

I also don't like that they remove this in NM and UNM clan boss. I hope that they just add this to the rewards but not lessen the chances of getting epic or legendary books. 

Ex. You should / can get two books (1 rare and 1 epic at least) and a shard from one reward in NM and UNM

The last rare that I 6 star is Geargrinder, because I need a healer/reviver in FW which requires 18 books. I saw my saved rare books then I realize that if It continues to be like this and I needed to 6 star rares for FW and Doom Tower. I might run out books in the future and might run lower cb again just to get rare books. 

Jan 11, 2021, 14:3701/11/21

You can usually pick up the rare books pretty easy from events and tournaments though? Im sure theres two or 3 different style events that almost always have rare books as one of the early rewards.

Jan 11, 2021, 15:1801/11/21

There is a shortage of books (and of everything else in the game as long as you don't pay a lot of money). I'm not sure if I would book him.

In general books will increase the damage a lot. Their multiplier affects the hole damage. For example a skill get's 25% damage from books, that is really the damage without books (including critdamage) * 1,25.

But this true not only for Kurzad, but as well for any other champ. So as long as he is not the main damagedealer of your team, you'll find somebody else to read the books. Like Player J mentioned, Kurzad can give his ACC-Buff even without books.

And probably he should not be the damagedealer of your team. His initial skilldamage, according to Ayumi, is to low. A1: 2*Atk, A2: 3,3*Atk, A3: 3*Atk. To compare: Kael's A2: 4,65*Atk. Even the slightly higher base-atk of Kurzad can't compensate that. 

For a single target and with 100% critchance, his A1 will deal quite good damage with an extrahit on critical, but he is not an AoE-nuker.

Jan 11, 2021, 15:3901/11/21
Jan 11, 2021, 15:43(edited)

Kuzad Deepheart is a game changing hero because he is the only hero in the game which can do INCREASE ACC BUFF on your whole team.

You need ACC to land debuffs.

It can be very hard to get ACC when your an Early Game player + End Game player.

Early Game players struggle to get ACC because they are new to the game.

They have no Gear.

They have no Great Hall Development in ACC.

Kuzad INCREASE ACC BUFF is huge!

It means you don't get Resisted.


Mid Game - Kuzard Deepheart is garbage.

No one will use him.

Why? because by that time you have ACC gear + Great Hall Development.

You don't need his buff to give you more ACC because you have it covered.


End Game - Kuzard Deepheart becomes insane!

Once again, Kuzard becomes a GAME CHANGER!

Why? Because you beat everything in the game.

You beat all the Abriter missions.

You beat all the Faction War Crypts.

You beat all the Doom Tower.

Once, you have beat everything in the game.

The only thing left for you to do is Arena.

And the people who are going to be fighting in Arena are going to be insane!

We are talking about a Legendary hero in Legendary 6 star gear with Quad rolls into RESIST fully Glyph.

How do you suppose we beat a hero in such gear?

We would need a Legendary 6 star gear with Quad rolls into ACC fully Glyph.

Do you know how hard it is to get a specific piece of gear from Dragon which rolls a Quad roll into ACC?

Lets break it down so you can understand how hard it is.

You have to farm Dragon:

You need the gear to be ACC gear vs. 1 of other 9 gear sets that drop from Dragon.

You need the gear to be Legendary vs. Epic or Rare.

You need the gear to be 6 star vs. 5 star.

You need the gear to have good main stat vs. bad main stat.

You need the gear to have ACC in the substats vs. non-ACC substats gear pieces.

You need the gear to upgrade into ACC 4 times making a Quad Roll.

Are you starting to understand why they call Kuzard Deepheart a GAME CHANGER?


How do you think a player should build Kuzard Deepheart?

You want him fast + tanky.

HP % Gloves - HP % Chest - SPD Shoes

WHY? Because you need him fast to do his Increase ACC Buff.

You need him tanky so he stays alive forever to keep doing his Increase ACC Buff.

No one cares about his Damage.

No one cares about his Small Verison of Decrease Defense.

The game has over 500 heroes in all.

The game has hundreds of Damage Dealing heroes.

The game has hundreds of Decrease Defense heroes.

The game only has 1 Increase ACC Buff hero.

Kuzard will never do the same level of Damage as all of the other heroes in the game

Kuzard will never do the big verison of Decrease Defense as all of the other heroes in the game.

If you think building Kuzard as a Damage dealer is a good idea, you are bad Raid player.

Jan 11, 2021, 15:4201/11/21

I agree his AoE damage is low in comparison with a lot of decent champs

Jan 11, 2021, 15:5801/11/21

You could also use Stag Knight who can auto buff accuracy on your team mates if they fail to land a debuff. Does also have a nice AoE with 2 decent debuffs.

Also, as mentioned, it's some kind of mammoth difficultly and insanely unlikely odds to achieve all those max rank, max level items with max resists on them, to outfit even one champion, much less a whole arena team. If someone can do all that with all the hours it would take, I'm totally okay with maybe losing a match because I didn't have a rare Kurzad on my team, thats assuming Stag Knight doesnt cut the mustard in that situation 😂 He's definitely not under my consideration for end game arena teams

I guess he's fair to use to increase accuracy early game if needed though.

Jan 11, 2021, 16:3101/11/21

I am probably too low in arena to see Kurzad or being fought with Kurzad 🤣

Jan 11, 2021, 16:5101/11/21
Jan 11, 2021, 16:52(edited)

You could also use Stag Knight who can auto buff accuracy on your team mates if they fail to land a debuff. Does also have a nice AoE with 2 decent debuffs.

Also, as mentioned, it's some kind of mammoth difficultly and insanely unlikely odds to achieve all those max rank, max level items with max resists on them, to outfit even one champion, much less a whole arena team. If someone can do all that with all the hours it would take, I'm totally okay with maybe losing a match because I didn't have a rare Kurzad on my team, thats assuming Stag Knight doesnt cut the mustard in that situation 😂 He's definitely not under my consideration for end game arena teams

I guess he's fair to use to increase accuracy early game if needed though.

Stag Knight will not work.

The Arena team which uses Kuzard are Speed Nuking teams (Which are Glass Cannnon).

The Arena team which players use Kuzard against are Big Shield + High Defense + High Resist teams.

If the Speed Nuking team fails to land debuff + remove enemy Shield , The enemy team will have a turn and 1 shot the Glass Cannon Speed Nuking team.

Stag Knight auto ACC Buff happens after the team fails.

The team will die right after it fails - They will never get a 2nd chance to make use of the ACC Buff.

Jan 11, 2021, 16:5301/11/21
Jan 11, 2021, 17:01(edited)

I am probably too low in arena to see Kurzad or being fought with Kurzad 🤣

I thought you ran a Speed Nuking Arena team.

They wouldn't use Kuzard against you.

The reason you would run Kuzard is to counter high Resist Tank teams.

Kuzard can be used to help give a Madam Serris more ACC.

Sometimes, the enemy team has more Resist vs. a person Madam Serris.

I have seen some people with over 800 Resist.

Resist Aura + Resist Great Hall Bonus + Resist gear with crazy rolls.

Jan 11, 2021, 17:0801/11/21

Sk acc buff can be handy in doom tower fyi

Jan 11, 2021, 20:0901/11/21

Thanks for the replies guys.

Think my main issue is the number of books seems to be getting higher and higher for new champs (talking rare here I don't have manu epics) 

I have never got a book from cb thought they removed rare books from the loot table ? 

Jan 11, 2021, 22:5301/11/21
Player J

I thought you ran a Speed Nuking Arena team.

They wouldn't use Kuzard against you.

The reason you would run Kuzard is to counter high Resist Tank teams.

Kuzard can be used to help give a Madam Serris more ACC.

Sometimes, the enemy team has more Resist vs. a person Madam Serris.

I have seen some people with over 800 Resist.

Resist Aura + Resist Great Hall Bonus + Resist gear with crazy rolls.

I run high resist team in defense since I got Warlord few months back. And after this guy's release, no one dares to use this guy to me. 

Blender comp is created because of high resist meta in arena. 

In theory, yes you can use this guy in offense but it will take a valuable slot in your team. You may now need to think who are you going to replace now that you are going to use this guy. 

Jan 12, 2021, 17:1701/12/21

Most Resist teams are not built crazy fast.

The Speed teams don't need to run double turn meter filling against them most times.

They will just take out there Siphi.

Arbiter ---> Kuzard ---> Madam Serris ---> Trunda

Jan 13, 2021, 12:4601/13/21

You are not wrong. But I think you are not completely right. 

Sometimes 1 nuker is not enough. 

Anyway this can go on forever, but this is not the thread starter's problem. 


The rare books where removed in UNM and I believe in NM too. That is why I said if time comes when I need rare books again, I might need to run low tier CB again.