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Feed Frozen banshee for skills or build out a second ?

Feed Frozen banshee for skills or build out a second ?

Jan 9, 2021, 11:2601/09/21

Feed Frozen banshee for skills or build out a second ?

Hey guys , I just pulled a second frozen banshee and I am in doubt. Do I keep her and build her so I have 2 or.... do I feed her to my first banshee because she is pretty book hungry. your thoughts are appreciated.

Jan 9, 2021, 11:2901/09/21

I really don't know what you'd use a second FB for. She's a CB and possibly dragon specialist, but you only need one and the same gear/masteries works fine in both cases, plus maybe usable in Faction Wars, but there too I see little point in having a second one. 

Jan 9, 2021, 16:0501/09/21

skill book

Jan 10, 2021, 00:2801/10/21


This is a potential 2-key, skills and masteries are not maxed yet.

I've made a clan boss simulator that checks if a team is unkillable and tries to predict its damage. It's not perfect, but it shows that 2nd FB is better than Fayne, Rhazin or Bulwark in this setup, so I went with this team.

Jan 10, 2021, 01:1201/10/21

I am surprised by that projection, would think fayne (dd & weaken)  plus some amount of crit damage would eventually win out

Jan 10, 2021, 10:4001/10/21

damn. I fed her to the first one wfter the first 2 comments. No worries though. If I pull her again I will keep her ;) . Where do we find that simulator SunnyRay ?

Jan 10, 2021, 11:1601/10/21

I am surprised by that projection, would think fayne (dd & weaken)  plus some amount of crit damage would eventually win out

Yeah, indeed... if we assume 9 FB poisons ticking for 50 turns (slight overestimate but close enough), that's 62.5 * 9 * 50 makes 28 million. Warmaster plus normal hits on my unkillable tend to add up to a bit over 2 million per champ, but that's with decrease defense up most of the time, though not weaken (still need to get around to fixing my rhazin's speed). In this case it would be more like 1.5 or 1.8 mill each. So 35-37 million ceiling, might indeed just be enough for 2 key. 

That's a good bit more than I'm doing now, would have to see where I get once I finally bring Rhazin in for Tayrel. 

Jan 10, 2021, 16:3301/10/21
Jan 10, 2021, 16:37(edited)

damn. I fed her to the first one wfter the first 2 comments. No worries though. If I pull her again I will keep her ;) . Where do we find that simulator SunnyRay ?

We find it оn my PC :)

I ran it with random speeds and skill delays to find a tune.

In another mode it chooses equipment to meet required speeds and stats similarly to what Hell Hades offers to paying customers. I rely on a tool another person is keeping up to date to export artifact data, I don't fully understand how in works and it requires updates with each new game version.

My app has no human interface, not even command line. To change attributes or heroes I write them in code. Right now I'm interested in fixing bugs, researching why results don't match what I see in game exactly (predictions are usually a couple million less) and improving gearing alrorithm.

I'm not a frontend developer, so I will probably never make a website. Offline tool with simple interface is possible, but not anytime soon.

I may share some tunes and results for different teams.

I don't think sharing code will be of any help because even I have troubles understanding why it doesn't do what I want when I modify something :)

Jan 10, 2021, 16:3901/10/21
Jan 10, 2021, 16:41(edited)

Yeah, indeed... if we assume 9 FB poisons ticking for 50 turns (slight overestimate but close enough), that's 62.5 * 9 * 50 makes 28 million. Warmaster plus normal hits on my unkillable tend to add up to a bit over 2 million per champ, but that's with decrease defense up most of the time, though not weaken (still need to get around to fixing my rhazin's speed). In this case it would be more like 1.5 or 1.8 mill each. So 35-37 million ceiling, might indeed just be enough for 2 key. 

That's a good bit more than I'm doing now, would have to see where I get once I finally bring Rhazin in for Tayrel. 

As I understand it, Def Down and Weaken are great if you use high damage champions. It does't add much if your damage dealers are Frozen Banshee and Skullcrusher. It's easier to achieve 30m with poison, but normal damage scales better with gearm so ceiling is higher for hard hitting teams. We'll see if I can get to 35m for poison team.

Jan 10, 2021, 20:5801/10/21

As I understand it, Def Down and Weaken are great if you use high damage champions. It does't add much if your damage dealers are Frozen Banshee and Skullcrusher. It's easier to achieve 30m with poison, but normal damage scales better with gearm so ceiling is higher for hard hitting teams. We'll see if I can get to 35m for poison team.

WM/GS procs without either def down or weaken are about 34k each. With both, they are 67k each. So even without high damage champions, purely from WM/GS, they will add up to a good number of millions of damage. 

With no counterattack (ME, PK, Rhazin, FB and Aothar as slow boi), I'm now doing about 25-28 million - disappointingly small increase from the 21-25 million that I was previously doing with Tayrel instead of Rhazin. I guess the question is where you'd end up if you replaced one of the FBs by Rhazin too... 

Jan 10, 2021, 21:3701/10/21

I definitely see the benefit of 2 FB with a pure posion team, really the only way to get a "benefit" from the posion sensitivity imo as the break-even beyond an additionaly posion is at 5.  Fayne is actually not perfect for unkillable as the dec atk takes up a spot.  With rosh block debuffs and skullcrusher occasional heal reduction I have multiple bad debuffs on my team.

Jan 11, 2021, 14:4501/11/21

I envy you guys not just a little bit. I try and watch vids and read the forum but still on 1 lvl 60 champ Athel, or at least almost there 4 more lvl's . doing the campaing not too bad bu for the rest I still suck. I need an active and helpfull clan .

Jan 11, 2021, 21:2801/11/21

WM/GS procs without either def down or weaken are about 34k each. With both, they are 67k each. So even without high damage champions, purely from WM/GS, they will add up to a good number of millions of damage. 

With no counterattack (ME, PK, Rhazin, FB and Aothar as slow boi), I'm now doing about 25-28 million - disappointingly small increase from the 21-25 million that I was previously doing with Tayrel instead of Rhazin. I guess the question is where you'd end up if you replaced one of the FBs by Rhazin too... 

I don't have Rhazin, so I can only answer the question with simulation :)

I've fixed a bug that gave clan boss 20% arena defense bonus, so simulation is better than ever :)

Battle log for 2 FBs in my real gear. 34.667231m.

Battle log for one FB and Rhazin with very high stats. 33.623330m.

Jan 12, 2021, 02:2401/12/21
Jan 12, 2021, 02:29(edited)

It's not hard to generate more Banshee, I mean all rare champs (except void) are easy to earn, if you have about 1000 green shards and pull them when there are no champ summon/champ chase events. 

P/S: I got 3 or 4 banshees from shard pulls but feed them all, the only FB I kept is the one from Battle Pass Season 1. 

Jan 12, 2021, 15:0801/12/21

I have close to 400 green shards but I am terrible at saving the blue and void shards :)

Jan 12, 2021, 15:1601/12/21

It's not hard to generate more Banshee, I mean all rare champs (except void) are easy to earn, if you have about 1000 green shards and pull them when there are no champ summon/champ chase events. 

P/S: I got 3 or 4 banshees from shard pulls but feed them all, the only FB I kept is the one from Battle Pass Season 1. 

? Getting any specific rare champ is quite difficult even if you open 1000 green shards. On my second account I completed arbiter missions before pulling apothecary. And I still am one rare short of rhazin. It is significantly more difficult now than before simply due to all the new champs that have been added. 

Jan 13, 2021, 06:2401/13/21
Jan 13, 2021, 06:26(edited)

? Getting any specific rare champ is quite difficult even if you open 1000 green shards. On my second account I completed arbiter missions before pulling apothecary. And I still am one rare short of rhazin. It is significantly more difficult now than before simply due to all the new champs that have been added. 

The way you live got you bad luck (or good luck, not in this case). 

I got too many rares and feed them all.

For rhazin fusion, I used to use that to play Champion Chase Tournament, I already fused 3 to 4 epic of each kinds, when having too many I fed them to make 6* champs. 

At peek time I store enough rare champs to fuse 2 Rhazin from scratch (although it is not allowed), after Plarium drop old fusions, I fed all non-void rare champs to save 200 spaces (in total 500 spaces), and till now I stilI get rid of non-void champs.

Below: current rhazin fusion epic left and next is the bottom of my champ vault, only void rare champs. 
