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Champions - Roster

Champions - Roster

Jan 8, 2021, 20:5001/08/21

Champions - Roster

I am stuck at level 12 of each dungeon and I am not sure If I am doing it right, so I decided to buy some shards and got some champions. not sure which ones are good for what. I would apreciate if you guys could the good champions I should level up to 6 * 60 and and also what are they good for?

my roster is below




I think Rector Drath , Jareg, Apothecary, SPirithost, Kael, Elhain, Coldheart. Tyrel, Dark Athel, Elhain, Athel, Jizoh look good to me, but which ones are good for minotaur, dragon, spider and fire knight, I am not sure.

Jan 8, 2021, 20:5301/08/21

You should get your mastery's, they cause you to do more 

Jan 8, 2021, 21:0201/08/21

more kaels probably

Jan 8, 2021, 21:2801/08/21

You are totally sleeping on Frozen Banshee. Your Apothecary has two "skill books" lying around in the vault, and he totally deserves to be *6.

Spirithost, as a cleanser, will help you everywhere where you get nasty debuffs, until you get someone better, such as Reliquary Tender (Void Rare). 

Athel will help you in Spider and Fire Knight. 

Soul Bowyer can totally reset turn meter. Coldheart removes 100% of it, but Soulbond Bowyer removes all of it. It may sound strange, but 100% does not mean fully depleting the turn meter. Thios does in no way mean that Coldheart is not god tier, but Soulbond Bowyer is awesome too, especially in Stun Set. She can also heal herself everywhere nicely if facing multiple enemies and she has Lifesteal on.

Oathbound is another one you are sleeping on, especially for Arena and Faction Wars.

Rearguard Sergeant could use some love too.

Valerie is generally heavily underrated.

Don't *6 Warpriest. Just don't. Use the resources on Tayrel instead.

Dark Athel is pretty much useless. Don't invest in her.

Jan 8, 2021, 21:3301/08/21

1. Tayrel

2. Apothecary 

Jan 9, 2021, 00:2401/09/21

We don't know if your problems in the dungeons really come from the heros you use or from insufficient equip. I could do a lot of content with the same heros as before after replacing every artifact with flat bonus as mainstat and after upgrading good artifacts to 16.

Apart from that: 

Apothecary is good for everything in this game.

Athel is great against Fireknight (her A1 hits 3 times) and against spiders. Her A2 kills every spiderling, and using her A3 AFTER her A2 shortens the cooldown, so she can kill the spiderlings again before they heal the spider-mom.

Jan 9, 2021, 04:4401/09/21
Jan 9, 2021, 05:06(edited)

THanks for the input guys, I do not have good equipment since I was not able to crack any dungeon above level 13, so that might be the problem, so I am going to work on the below:

Minotaur - Kael, Spirithost, Coldheart, Apothecary, Frozen Banshee

Dragon - Kael, Frozen Banshee, Apothecary, Tayrel, Elhain

Spider - Apothecary, Kael, Athel, Coldheart , Soulbound Boyer.

Fire Knight -Spirithost, Apothecary, Kael, Tayrel, Athel

Jan 9, 2021, 04:4901/09/21

You'd use valerie for the shield and makes buff extensions, really good for campaign teams or dungeon teams, with 30k hp you'd get 10-12k shield and add in her shield for a whole 20k shield, that helps...

Jan 9, 2021, 11:4901/09/21

THanks for the input guys, I do not have good equipment since I was not able to crack any dungeon above level 13, so that might be the problem, so I am going to work on the below:

Minotaur - Kael, Spirithost, Coldheart, Apothecary, Frozen Banshee

Dragon - Kael, Frozen Banshee, Apothecary, Tayrel, Elhain

Spider - Apothecary, Kael, Athel, Coldheart , Soulbound Boyer.

Fire Knight -Spirithost, Apothecary, Kael, Tayrel, Athel

Fire Knight: 

Coldheart instead of Kael.

Kael doesn't help in this fight. He as only a multi-hit on his A3 with long cooldwon. In general Kael is great, but this fight is his weak spot. 

Coldheart is probably the best char for Fireknight in the hole game. Her A1 attacks 4 times and gives heal reduction (the Fireknight heals himself!), her A3 can deplete turnmeter after his shield is down. 


Spirithost instead of Elhain. In this fight you can need her removing and blocking debuffs, because the dragon has nasty weaken and poison. Elhain does nothing special here.

Jan 9, 2021, 16:0301/09/21

1. Tayrel

2. Apothecary 

limit your focus. 6star these 2 and your dungeon progression will happen. dont waste time on athel, spirithost

you will eventually 6star fb for cb, but lower priority for u now

Jan 9, 2021, 18:1601/09/21
Jan 9, 2021, 18:27(edited)

limit your focus. 6star these 2 and your dungeon progression will happen. dont waste time on athel, spirithost

you will eventually 6star fb for cb, but lower priority for u now

I can't agree with that. Spirithost is worth 6 stars even if you don't use her in dungeons for her skills in the arena: speedaura and atk-buff. Team: Apothecary - Spirithost - Tayrel - Kael, that act exact in the mentioned order can nuke everything in silver. Spd-buff, atk-buff, def-debuff and finally Kael's A2.

/edit: But I agree that Apothecary and Tayrel have higher priority than Spirithost and should get 6 stars first. 

Jan 9, 2021, 18:4501/09/21

Spirithost serves that arena role at 40 just as well as 60. Waste of chickens imo, definitely will be higher priorities 

Jan 10, 2021, 00:0701/10/21

Stop building Kael's.

You have a lot of other champion's which need to be 6 starred, now.

- Bellower

- Samuel

- Ursine Ironhide

- Jareg

- Grush

- Warmaiden

- Frozen Banshee

- Apothecary

- Rearguard Sgt.

- Spirithost

- Reactor Drath

- High Khatun

- Tayrel

You shouldn't be focusing on Dungeons.

You should be focusing on Campaign.

You have 13 heroes which need to be level 60.

The Dungeon gives bad XP.

If you want gear, You should be using the gear from Campaign while getting XP.

Jan 10, 2021, 01:5501/10/21

I would definetly NOT upgrade all the heros Player J mentioned, exept in the very (very very) late game, where you want to start with five 6*-heros in every faction war. You don't need Warmaiden anymore when you have Tayrel. He can do her best move (AoE Def-debuff) and even some things warmaiden can't. 

Dungeons give bad XP, but they give good arftifacts. Going into dungeons improves your main champions by getting better gear for them.

I think I'm between Trips, who wants to upgrade only Tayrel and Apothecary, and Player J.

I would go for 1. Apothecary, 2. Tayrel, 3. Spirithost, 4. Athel, 5. Frozen Banshee. Then, combined with the 6*-champs allready in your roster, like Coldheart and Kael, you have a quite good team for every dungeon and for the arena. That will work for a while. Champs like Athel or Spirithost will get outdated someday, then they can still go to faction wars. But right now they help.

Jan 10, 2021, 11:4101/10/21

I am going to start with Apothecary, Spirithost, Frozen Banshee and Tayrel 

my next is Rector Drath since she has revive and heal as well.

I am definitely in need of good gear and accesories.

Thanks for all the good advice guys. hope plarium comes out with more heroes.

Jan 11, 2021, 02:2601/11/21
Jan 11, 2021, 02:27(edited)

I think Skadi got confused with my comment.

I didn't say you should upgrade all the heroes I recommended to 60 right away.

I was just giving Kalindra a list of possible champion's worthy of 6 star.

The order in which you should 6 star these heroes depends on what your focusing on.

You should always build champions based around a team set up to beat specific Boss.

You should never build a champion just to build it, unless you are completely Endgame.

You always want to build champions in a group.

Kalindra has a Campaign Farmer who can Solo Brutal 12-3.

The next priority for Kalindra should be the Clan Boss.

Kalindra should be building a team of 5 heroes which are good vs. Clan Boss.

The 5 Champion's Kalindra uses should try to have the following skills:

Critical Skills for Clan Boss

1. Decrease Attack

2. Decrease Defense

3. Weaken

4. Poison / HP Burn

5. Team Turn Meter Filling / Team Counter Attack

Bonus Skills for Clan Boss

6. Healer

7. Shielder

8. Debuff Extender

9. Increase Defense

10. Cleanse / Block Debuffs

11. Ally Protection

Tayrel does Decrease Attack + Decrease Defense

I didn't see any heroes with Weaken.

Kael does Poison

I didn't see any heroes with HP Burn

Apothecary does Turn Meter Filling.

Kalindra has 3 heroes out of 5.

To make up for the lack of other Debuffs - Kalindra could consider using a 2nd Poison hero.

Kalindra could use the 2nd Kael.

Kalindra Clan Boss team as of yet:

- Tayrel

- Kael

- Kael

- Apothecary

We still have 1 slot left for another hero.

We can go down the Bonus skills.

You could add a Healer or C.Healer as your 5th.

You have 3 different options:

Jareg - Grush - Rearguard Sgt.

I would go with Rearguard Sgt. because you already have her 5 star.

Jareg + Crush are still only 4 star.

Kalindra Clan Boss team:

- Tayrel

- Kael

- Kael

- Apothecary

- Rearguard Sgt.

Who should be 6 star first?

You start with the heroes who do more Damage.

You finish with the Support.

1st - Tayrel

2nd - Rearguard Sgt

3rd - Apothecary


Jan 11, 2021, 16:1901/11/21

Athel has weaken on her A1. Exept of that I totally agree with your Clanbossteam. But I don't see why Clanboss should have priority right now. The thread starts with I am stuck at level 12 of each dungeon.  Kalindra has no gamechanging clanboss-überchamps. We don't know her clan, but if they have similar champs, we are talking about Clanboss easy and normal. The loot there doesn't improve your champs any further.

So I would neither give priority to Rearguard Sergeant nor to a Clanbossteam. She gives the same debuffs as Tayrel does, but he is able to fight everywhere in this game, Rearguard Sergeant is not (her Def-debuff is single-target, so in Arena or in Dungeon-waves Tayrel will outperform her a lot).

Fighting in dungeons makes your champs better everywhere (by finding better gear). Fighting in the Arena makes your champs better everywhere (Great Hall bonus, Classic Arena stage bonus). The only reason to fight against low level Clanboss with a mediocre Team is, to do the "use 2 Clanboss keys" advanced quest every day.

Jan 11, 2021, 19:0401/11/21

After building a Campaign Farmer, Clan Boss should be the next priority.

The reason why is because the Clan Boss gives you the best return on your investment.

The Clan Boss gives you Shards, Tomes, Potion, Gear, Silver, XP Brews, and Gems

The Clan Boss rewards scale in accordance with the Mode.

UNM & NM are considered the Top Modes so they drop the best items.

Sacred Shards + Legendary Tomes.

The rewards begin to scale downward.

Brutal Mode drops Void Shards as an example.

Kalindra should try to reach Max Chest Damage for the highest Mode she can.

It will help Kalindra generate a steady in-flow of resources every day.

Getting a few potions from the Clan Boss might not seem worth while, but it is 1 less Potion dungeon run.

After a few weeks or months, It begins to make a huge impact.

It saves you energy which can be used on other things such as Dungeons, Minotaur, or Campaign.

In Addition, The team you create to fight vs. Clan Boss becomes your core team.

You are able to use some of them to help in other area's of the game.

For Example:

Tayrel is amazing vs. Clan Boss.

Tayrel is also amazing in the Dragon Dungeon.

Kael is amazing vs. Clan Boss.

Kael is also amazing in Dragon Dungeon.

Apothecary is amazing vs. Clan Boss

Apothecary is also amazing in Arena, Ice Golem & Faction Wars.

Rearguard is amazing vs. Clan Boss.

Rearguard is also amazing in Faction Wars.


Is Kalindra working on beating Faction Wars? 

NO, Kalindra is focusing on Clan Boss.

It just so happens that the hero in question has benefits in other areas.

They can be used in other places.


You should never Prioritize Dungeons over Clan Boss.

It's a huge mistake.

It took me 1 years & 5 months to get 1 Dark Elf ACC Banner from the Spider Dungeon.

I have been playing for almost 2+ years.

I only have 3 Dark Elf ACC Banners on my account in all.

Every time they do a Spider event.

I am farming the Spider Dungeon for over 2 years.

I still have Dark Elf heroes with no ACC Banner.

Its an empty slot.

Can you image waiting a year & half before building a Clan Boss team.

You can't really say the Dungeons are going to give you better gear.

I been playing for over 2 years - I'm still waiting on my better gear.

Will it ever drop from dungeons?

The Dragon still hasn't dropped me a Legendary Speed gear with Quad Speed rolls.

The Ice Golem still hasn't dropped me a Legendary Defense Chest Plate with DEF % main stat.

If you are trying to find better gear, You better pack a lunch.

You will be searching for a very long time.

Kalindra is new to the game.

I believe I told her in my previous comment to farm Campaign.

Go to Nightmare Mode Campaign.

Farm yourself some 6 star Gloves - Chest - Shoes which are Common gear.

- Upgrade them to +16 

- Put them on your heroes.

I have done it.

I know other people who do it.

If you go to the dungeons thinking, you are going to get better gear.

You have set yourself up for huge fall.

You have put yourself on a pendastal and the dungeon is just going to kick you off.

Your going to feel so sad.

The only way to approach the dungeon is the following:

You get your gear from Campaign.

You get your Campaign gear +16.

You go into the dungeon with very very low expectations.

You are thinking in your mind all I'm getting from this dungeon is a bunch of silver.

All the gear pieces I am fixing to farm will be garbage - I will sell them all for silver.

Wooo Hooo More Silver for me!

This is the mindset + the attitude you need to have when approaching the dungeon.

Now lets say just as an example - You trigger the .001%.

If a miracle happens, The Gear GODS smile upon you and give you a holy gear piece.

What you should do is run!

You get that gear piece and you run away from the dungeon so fast.

As soon as you see the gear item, your gone!

You remove the Campaign gear +16.

You put it on a faction war hero or random value champion.

You put the Holy gear piece on your hero +16.

You don't go back to the dungeon for at least 2 days.

Let me tell you why.

Once, you get the Holy of Holy gear pieces.

All the Dungeon Boss gather around.

They talk to each other and say I just gave this fool a Holy gear piece.

I'm have to drain him now!

Next 100 runs all he is getting is low rarity - low star - helmet!

They are not even going to give you a shield because shield sell for more silver.

They are going to be like I just gave him a Holy gear piece.

Now, he has to pay the tax!

Best thing to do is to run away from the dungeon for a couple of days.

Let the game do an update to rebalance itself.

If you decide not to listen to me and go Farm Fire Knight Stage 20, Don't say I didn't warn you.

I already know what you will get.

5 star - Blue - Curing helmet

Who uses the Curing Set Player J? 

Nobody, thats the point.

Jan 11, 2021, 19:3001/11/21

I have to disagree with getting gear in campaign.  The common gear is crap. Ill take the 5star dungeon gear. If you can't beat level 13 to 15 dungeons you don't have the right 6star champs, 2 kaels for example... either way 6star tayrel and apothecary:)

Jan 12, 2021, 12:5901/12/21
Jan 12, 2021, 13:31(edited)

*.Both Skadi and PlayerJ have defended their strategy really well. Skadi is right , I wanted to break the deadlock on the dungeons,  

I do agree that the attempts to get gear from dungeons has largely failed to get me good gear or accesories. I don't mind shifting focus to clan boss nm/unm and nightmare campaign to see if I can break the deadlock since I am not making much headway through the dungeons. or maybe I can continue to farm and upgrade Tayrel and Apoth first before trying dungeons again.

In both cases I should first upgrade Tayrel and Apothecary to 6 * before anything else since for both the strategies I need to take Tayrel, Apoth and at least couple of others to 6* 

let us see how I fare on that.

What do you guys think about Rector Drath, she seems pretty good , should I upgrade her to 6*

Jan 12, 2021, 13:3601/12/21

I pulled Rector Drath and in practice the mechanic of her healing is a real mess. She heals AoE and all champs that are at full health after healing get perfect veil. That is just stupid, because the poor teammate that is at low hp and not healed to 100% is the only one that doesn't get veil and is attacked by all enemies next round. At least she can revive him again. 

Maybe there are some ways to use that mechanic to your own advantage with unkillable champs that are not veiled or something like that. But as casual healer in a normal team Apothecary does a much better job.