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Where to go from here?

Where to go from here?

Jan 5, 2021, 16:5401/05/21

Where to go from here?

Hi All,

First post on here so sorry if I've gone about it the wrong way.

I've been playing for 180 x Days now and have progressed well however I have now hit a wall in understanding who to level to 60 next?

I want to understand who to take to Level 60 next that will help the most - I have a Man Eater however can you run unkillable with just one?

I am tied up between Baron, Peydma (for Spider), Man Eater, Gerhard the Stone or Hakkorhn Smashlord

Right Now:

Dragon - I need to do Level 19

Spider - I need to do Level 15

Fire Knight - I need to do Level 17

CB (on Brutal) - 12 - 15 Mil per key - Tayrel, Occult Brawler, Tyrant Ixlimor, Apothecary, Valkyrie

Doom Tower (on Normal) - Cannot get past the Poison Spider on floor 150


Jan 5, 2021, 17:5501/05/21

Out of the ones you mentioned, I would suggest Maneater.

Having said that, I can see a number of champions that I would prioretize above him that you didn't mention. Stag Knight, Madame Serris and Zargala are all better options, and Seeker is a strong contender as well, although he really shines most in arena so depending on your current team(s), he might be a lower priority.

Jan 5, 2021, 18:0301/05/21

Thanks for that, if its any help below are my arena teams (sometimes swap Skullcrown for Tyrant in classic)



Jan 5, 2021, 20:2701/05/21

Based on this, I would say that Seeker is absolutely worth building. He might not be the first one to do, but his a2 is invaluable  particularly when you're lacking speed auras.

Also based on this, I have a few recommendations to streamline your teams immediately.

1) Switch Athel and Tayrel. Since Valkyrie and Ghrush are both Def champs, he'll boost their damage output nicely.

2) Once you've done that, put Miscreated Monster in the leader slot so you're getting a better HP boost.

3) Try using Scyll instead of Kaiden. That might not work out (too dependant on your specific builds for me to accurately judge), but her passive and CC more than make up for the fact that her revive skill isn't as strong.