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Suggestions for Champion and Champion Vault Areas

Suggestions for Champion and Champion Vault Areas

Jan 4, 2021, 21:5601/04/21

Suggestions for Champion and Champion Vault Areas

These areas will give your finger and mouse wheel a heavy workout.  Why does your champion window list on the left side of the screen have to totally reset to the top when you click the vault button?

Let's say I leveled a 2 star champ up to L20 so I can upgrade it.  I see it in my champ list to the left. I then go to the vault to pick out 2 more 2 star champs to do the upgrade.  I select my two champs from the vault and move them out, but then the champ list jumps to the top. I have to scroll down again to grab my L20 champ and then hit the upgrade button. It does the upgrade but then I want to move the new 3 star I just made into the vault, but I have to scroll all the way down again to get that champ.  But I have to open the vau;lt again to move it and that jumps me to the top of the champ list again, making me scroll all the way down to grab it and make the move, finally.  This is very unnecessarily tedious...the champ list should remain where it last was until I scroll it up and down myself.

A second thing is using the wide view (10 champs/row), there is no button to directly see the vault.  The user has to switch back to the narrow view, scroll all the wy down to the botttom of the list and hit the vault button.

For less than 50 champs this is not too bad, but when you have hundreds it is a MESS!

Jan 4, 2021, 22:3001/04/21

Its not a very fluid interaction between the 2 , I agree.