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Dragon 16 and above

Dragon 16 and above

Jan 3, 2021, 11:5501/03/21

Dragon 16 and above

Hello guys,

I was hopping to get some help here, i am a player that spends quite some real cash on this game and i have made the huge mistake not picking Kael at the start of the game and stuck with Elhain. 

First i want to say that if u dont pick a Kael at the beginning of the game and dont have a good aoe poisener its pretty hard to go past 15-16 dragon and why dragon? Because dragon is the best dungeon early and mid till early late game. 

Second i made miself a team of Speed boster (Apothecary rank 6), debuffer (Warmaiden rank 6), AOE CC (Miscreated Monster rank 6), buffer (Sentinel rank 5) and my aoe Damager (Elhain rank 6) and its really impossible for me to go past 15 Dragon.  I have a Frozen Banshee but she is really weak against killing the wave and even if my Warmaiden is on relentless set and makes some good aoe and single target damage its not enough for the wave. 

Can someone help me with some ideas of a team to advance to 16 dragon? Thanks

Jan 3, 2021, 12:0101/03/21

Well.... who else do you have? Can you screenshot your champion list?

Jan 3, 2021, 12:0501/03/21

I would screenshot if the sever was up :) 

Jan 3, 2021, 12:4901/03/21

You don't really need AOE poisoners for anything, you need single target poisoners, like your Frozen Banshee - and then in the case of dragon, you need nukers for the waves. Kael sort of combines both roles, true, but he's arguably less good at either role than FB and Elhain. So you really need to find a spot for FB to finish the dragon indeed, while still getting through the waves. Apo and Sentinel make sense as support champions, then FB, that leaves two slots for a debuffer and nuker. Assuming you don't have any better debuffers than Warmaiden yet, I guess Elhain gets the last slot and you'd have to drop MM? Unless you keep in MM instead of Warmaiden, taking a long time to get through the waves but with less risk of dying along the way. 

Of course, FB needs to be booked, perhaps best in lifesteal, and having warmaster/giantslayer on as many champions as possible will also make a difference. 

Jan 3, 2021, 13:5401/03/21
Jan 3, 2021, 14:48(edited)

Well, possible, you just need the extra support, actually in the last fusion event, there was an attack down character.

You'll down the wave but taking damage is really an issue and if you can't get a healer or am attack down number going twice every turn you maybe won't get through it. Surprising you can drop sentinel, and warmaiden because you have to get through the wave, grunchkill joy does slot of damage also, bombs do so much damage, and he packs a continuous heal. 

Look at this, 


This baby can't solve that issue, but you can get through it somewhere, I know you can....

Jan 3, 2021, 14:5001/03/21

I guess a nice ideea is to drop my MM and use FB in place and maybe will work., never tought about it. As soon as the game starts i will make a screenshot and post it here. Thanks

Jan 3, 2021, 15:2301/03/21

I also have in my vault 100 champions, dont know if i should put them here, maybe i havbe missed something 


Jan 3, 2021, 15:2401/03/21



Jan 3, 2021, 18:0501/03/21

I am really sure, if you get your alric going for two turns, and pick up sentinel and miscreated monster, you can put in frozen banshee and kael but, you still have to get enough poison out on the dragon to not get stunned and attacked. I dunno, I've only gotten as far as stage 12.

Jan 3, 2021, 19:1601/03/21

Seems to me like you have the champions for the job (mostly), but you'd need to grind some levels and focus on getting their masteries unlocked. Get some more champs to lvl 60, grind dragon 15, do their masteries. It takes time, but you can't really skip that part. 

Atk down:

Lightsworn (single target, so more for the dragon than the waves. I used him in a lot of content)

Sentinel (AOE -25%, not ideal but fine)

Maneater (AOE -50% if critical, not my favorite champ, but still pretty good)


Frozen Banshee (great single target poisons, but I prefer her in a counter-attacking team)

Coldheart (hard to build properly, but damn useful once you do)

Occult Brawler (one of the best at poisoning, but very squishy without full masteries)

Juliana (Poison + HP burn, nice kit, can deal decent damage without the debuffs)

Defense down:

Warmaiden (AOE, your best option, you can't really switch her out if you rely on her to be able to kill the waves)

Miscreated Monster (single target defense down, stuns, shields, allies protection, pretty much all you need to survive the waves) 

Damage dealer:

Clear lack of heavy hitters in your roster. I struggled a lot with Kael as my starter to go high in dragon, until I got Zargala and dracomorph, and then it all became much easier. 

Elhain fills that role pretty well but might need some more investment

Coldheart as I mentioned above, she's a monster with the proper gear (A1 AOE is unreliable since her attack targets randomly, but she'll eat 25%+ HP out of most bosses with Heartseeker)

If you spend money on the game, I'd say it would be worth putting some dollars in if you see a chance up to pull champs like Royal Guard, Dracomoprh, Zargala or maybe Gorgorab for the revives. 

Grind some more, pull some more, unlock masteries, and don't sweat it if it takes some time

Jan 3, 2021, 19:2001/03/21

Don't go broke though, pull responsibly lol

Jan 3, 2021, 22:1501/03/21

I would look at both Fayne and High Khatun. High Khatun's pretty good in most areas and her aura should help you here, and Fayne's kit provides just about every debuff you want for the dragon (atk down, def down, weaken, poison) by herself. Add in MM for crowd control/survivability, Apothecary for healing and speed boost (running him along with High Khatun means you effectively have perma-buffed speed), and either another heal/support type (will make for slower runs, but if it works, it works) or a good AoE damager. You could try Elhain and see if she works with the comp i suggested, build the two I mentioned earlier and hope you pull someone better in the meantime, or possibly use Seer.

Jan 4, 2021, 07:2001/04/21

You have Coldheart - beast mode against every boss, especially spider.

Sadly the turn meter decrease doesnt work on the dragon, but you will still hit for a ton of damage - you just need to get your crit rate to 90% + (ideally 95% +), and as much crit damage as possible. Getting high accuracy will also be good for certain other areas, but doesnt make much difference for dragon.

Coldheart A2 also packs a nice punch, which many people seem not to mention. I run Coldheart in a relentless set, purely so she can fire off the Heartseeker more often.

Since you have Coldheart - you really just need to support her to survive the first waves. Get a nice nuker on your team, a healer/reviver (just in case), and a speed booster. Someone to put out some poison and hp burn will also be useful.

My dragon 20 team is Sethallia, Scyl of the Drakes, Kantra the Cyclone, Kael and Coldheart. Can win in roughly 5-6 minutes, which is the best I can currently do until I optimize my Seer.

This, and the advice above should get you where you need to be. Although I dont advocate ranking up High Khatun. No idea why people like this champ. I can see at least 5 other champs in your storage who I would prioritize working on before I would even consider HK. (sorry to those who promoted him).

If you are close to receiving Scyl of the Drakes from the daily login rewards, then I would absolutely wait and make this champ a high priority as she will make a huge difference in your boss fights. Maybe even top priority. Passive heals, revive skill, AoE stun, speed boost, and turn meter decrease. It's not getting much better than that. Compare that to High Khatun.... 

I'm not seeing Dark Elhain anywhere in your roster, so I'm guessing you still have a couple months to go.

Jan 4, 2021, 08:0301/04/21

I am halfway to get dark athel so i still have to wait long enough for the legendary. I tried subbing MM to FB (Apothecary,Sentinel for the buff, FB, Elhain and Warmaiden) and the problem is that 2 of my champs are bad affinity and take to much dmg and no real debuffs (Sentinel and Warmaiden are red) and cant even get past the waves. Probably gear is not enough . I was thinking of maxing Souldbond Bowyer and get some nice gear on her for the wave clear and probably rank to 6 stars sentinel and FB. 

Jan 4, 2021, 08:2801/04/21
Jan 4, 2021, 08:29(edited)

Oh wow - I saw Dark Athel in your roster and assumed it was from daily login rewards!

To be fair, if you aren't even 3 months in and you are already at dragon 15 or 16 or whatever, then that really isnt too shabby. I think I was still stuck at dragon 13 around that time, so give yourself a pat on the back!

Overall I'm not sure who would be your next best 60 for advancement on dragon - but since you have Soulbond at rank 6 already, then definitely worth getting her to max level, and seeing how much difference that makes.

Bear in mind that you only need to beat that level one time (or x10 if it is for progress mission) - you mainly want to focus on a team that can smash lvl20.

But absolutely best advice is probably to build a team around Coldheart. I'd say MM will also be good (except for poor affinity levels). Just need another hitter and support. Final space to be filled depending on the performance of the first 4. IE - more damage, CC or survivability.

Jan 4, 2021, 08:4201/04/21

I am trying to get past stage 15 dragons so i can farm a little in stage 16 for better items. I was searching on my roaster for a better affinity for debuffer and buffer since Sentinel gets high dmg and cant put that shield on in the second wave. Sentinel is rank 5 with almost 1,9k def with 19k HP and on lifesteal gear.

I also have seer but dont think i have gear good enough to make those high dmg and i really need to book her up first because of her long cooldown.  I hate bad affinity :)) I also dont have a better gear on Coldheart (Lifesteal atm and almost 70% crit rate, was building her for heartseeker) and most of all i dont have hard hitting nukers with high dmg at the moment because of the lack of gear. Maybe another ideea is to farm some dungeons for some items.  

Jan 4, 2021, 08:5601/04/21

Yeah, it just sounds like you are trying to push too far, too fast.

You are doing very nicely for 3 months in, and have some great champs to choose from. Dont stress too much about having 6 star gear at the moment - just build up what you have gradually.

Lots of people would love to have a Seer and a Coldheart, and they will serve you very well when you have them built just right.

Just realised we're talking about Dark Athel.... that is absolutely a nice AoE nuker champ. Not the very best by a long shot, but absolutely worth putting some time into. 2x AoE attacks, one with speed down, other has some special abilities which I forget (best for spider boss, but still okay elsewhere) - and def down on A1. And Attack buff aura. Absolutely a viable option for dragon, and also good for faction wars too.

Jan 4, 2021, 08:5801/04/21

Also - you will eventually get quite a few epic skill books. When you reach a certain 'strength' you will notice you pick up quite a few of them in different places on a regular basis.

Lastly, it does sound like farming up some new gear and extra silver would be your best option at the moment.

Jan 4, 2021, 09:0401/04/21

Thanks for the advices to everyone.  I will rank a few more champs till 6 and see what will happen. Thanks. 

Jan 4, 2021, 15:5501/04/21

Oh ya, consider actually finishing mastery's, it is something that can increase your damage, and it is a entire 30% more damage for killing bosses, and just worry about getting through the wave.