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Advice needed 6*

Advice needed 6*

Jan 3, 2021, 06:0901/03/21

Advice needed 6*

Who should I 6* next? need stronger arena, cb...still getting killed by some with half my power in arena gold


Jan 3, 2021, 08:4201/03/21

My suggestions out of the champs shown would be any of the following 

Alure, Tayrel, Occult Brawler, Umbral Enchantress or Vrask - all excellent in my opinion.

Some say Alure is just as useful at 50 - but I think she is a great all-rounder with a very useful skillset - only letdown is that her A2 only has a weak def down.

Of course it all depends on where you are lacking the most (and why)?

It is surprising you are getting beat by such weaker teams in gold arena with that champ selection - can I ask who you use? I suspect you just dont have enough focus on speed stats and that is why you are struggling.

You could use Skullcrown (lead), Umbral Enchantress, Apothecary (or Gorgorab) - and any other champ who is either suitable for high damage output, or just someone who is bloody annoying in terms of utility or crowd control.

Apothecary or Gorgorab MUST have high speed (ideally minimum 250) as you will be aiming to have the first turn and boost other champs turn meters. Umbral enchantress to go next (high speed and accuracy) and provoke everyone which basically neuters them. Then Skullcrown to deal damage, and the last champ to either finish off anyone still standing, or ensure they have no real chance to retaliate.

Jan 3, 2021, 16:0801/03/21

I'm using Rhazin, stag, bad el, and gorgorab.  My speed on gorg is pretty weak it seems only at 130.  That's probably my biggest problem is im building these guys with no guidance and f2p.  My clan is not much help, no one talks...Thanks for the help, much appreciated.  I'll work on fixing gorgorab.  

my cb is OB, SS, Rhazin, gorg and bad el.   

Jan 3, 2021, 16:2901/03/21

In my opinion, as a good arena def team should be skullcrown(lead), foli(high speed to decrease attackers), stag knight(decrease their def) and bad el for survivability. Then skullcrown comes in and smacks everyone!

Offence again skullcrown, Gorg(increase TM and atk), Apo(increase TM), Stag Knight (decrease def) and have skullcrown come in last and one-shot everything! So I'm guessing you just need some more speed gear on your chars.

So either OB or Steelskull. OB is pure dmg and steelskull is more survivability. Whichever you need.

Jan 3, 2021, 18:5701/03/21
Jan 3, 2021, 20:37(edited)

Clan boss v1.

Find Pain Keeper in your vault. If found, your next 2 6-stars are Maneater and Pain Keeper. Build budget unkillable.

Clan boss v2.

Zavia (is that Zavia #2 in upper row? I'm not sure), Rhazin, Bad El Kazar, Skullcrusher should make a great killable team lacking only Attack Down, so you may 6-star Tayrel to provide this crucial for killable teams debuff.


If I were you I would go for Clan boss champion as you have decent arena options already: Skullcrown (aura, nuke), Gorgorab (aura, speed), Stag Knight (def down), Foli (nuke), Apothecary (speed). Def down is mandatory, one of the rest may go. Using 2 speed boosters may somewhat compensate for the lack of Arbiter.

If you really want to improve this already good team, Umbral Enchantress is your 6-star. But you will still struggle against better speed teams, so to improve significantly you need Arbiter.

Disclaimer: I don't know all of your champions.

Jan 3, 2021, 19:0801/03/21

I'm using Rhazin, stag, bad el, and gorgorab.  My speed on gorg is pretty weak it seems only at 130.  That's probably my biggest problem is im building these guys with no guidance and f2p.  My clan is not much help, no one talks...Thanks for the help, much appreciated.  I'll work on fixing gorgorab.  

my cb is OB, SS, Rhazin, gorg and bad el.   

130? You need to double that at least. Kill more Dragons. A lot more. You don't need any other stats on your turn meter booster being it Gorgorab or Apothecary (you may use both in the same team to reduce speed requirements for 2 other champions).

Jan 3, 2021, 19:5701/03/21

I'll give some comp advice-

Gorgorab, Stag Knight, Foli, Skullcrown should be good for Arena def/offense. Like people have mentioned, you gotta push Gorgorab's speed. Get Accuracy for Stag Knight to land his Decrease Def debuffs, Foli and Skullcrown should be able to clean up the rest. 

For CB- Bad el Kazar, Rhazin, Skullcrusher, Tayrel, Frozen Banshee would work. Build appropriately, finish masteries, tune speeds, book up, and you're golden. 

Jan 3, 2021, 21:1101/03/21

@SunnyRay That's Minaya, not Zavia. :P Solid healer, but not a poisoner, I think Lxzy's version with Frozen Banshee makes more sense. 

Jan 3, 2021, 21:5501/03/21

For arena, I would go Fu-shan, Gorgorab, and Stag Knight, and pick your fourth after a bit of trial and error. Foli and Rhazin both provide turn meter manipulation, while Scyll or Bad-el-Kazar offer more survivability.

Jan 4, 2021, 02:3901/04/21

Thanks definitely gives me stuff to work on, much appreciated!  

side note - I increased goegorab to near 200 but he gets killed easlily first few attempts I used him now.  Maybe need to fight more dragons like was mentioned get better artifacts

Jan 4, 2021, 02:4101/04/21

And bad el poisons really well, do I need frozen to do that also?

Jan 4, 2021, 07:4901/04/21

And bad el poisons really well, do I need frozen to do that also?

Do you normally have the full 10 debuffs on the dragon? BEK only puts 2 poisons every 3 turns, FB can put more than that - while also making BEK's poisons do more damage. Although if you risk having a full debuff bar, then maybe indeed reconsider - you wouldn't want to have so many poisons that the decrease attack or decrease defense fail to be applied. 

For Gorgorab, sounds like you decreased his survivability a lot to increase his speed? That's not good indeed, he needs both. Does he have good 5 or 6* boots with speed as main stat? 

Jan 4, 2021, 07:5501/04/21

I actually dont like FB for CB - built her, tried her, wasn't wowed with her performance. 

However, I do auto-run CB, and my FB probably isnt optimal - so who knows. If you like Bad El's performance, then maybe FB isn't going to be a huge improvement without a lot of work. 

I should point out that I don't have a Bad-el - so I have no idea how these two compare.

With regards to your arena team, Gorgorab and speed etc - if you are using this approach, then you need to get the first turn, that is all that matters. This is the favourite approach of most players because it is the easiest to build in general. It is much harder to build a viable defensive team as you will need a really solid group. (and generally speaking, even a defensive team will be far more successful with the first move in arena)

200 speed is much better, but still only average in terms of arena. I expect with another 25 points or so, you may start to see better results, but you still want to get it as high as possible. Lets put it this way - I like the arena, and I want to win just as much as everyone else - I am a genuine, real player just like you. I have Skullcrown as my lead for her speed aura and generally because she is just great in the arena, but the MVP is Sethallia with 297 speed (before aura bonus) - there are not many teams I see that move before I do. After Sethallia, I have Shirimani - she will freeze the whole enemy team virtually without fail - this effectively means that my damage dealers are near guaranteed two turns each to AoE punish the enemy before they even get a chance to hit back. The only teams I tend to avoid are ones with some sort of passive counter to freeze skills (Dark Elhain for example).

I also have contingencies. For example, Skullcrown has stun set for additional CC. In the rare situation that an enemy team goes first - there is a chance my Skullcrown will fire off a counter and potentially stun some of the enemy team, disrupting their 'teamwork' which will improve my odds of Sethallia moving next to boost my team turn meters so that I am now on the offensive. (assuming of course that the enemy is not so ridiculously powerful that they just wipe me out in one attack)

Obviously if you dont have particular champs then you need to work with what you have - but the above is what you can expect to face in the arena. If I can put together a team like this, than other players can do it too. I am F2P 15-18 months or so.

You may need to tinker around with your items, but basically you want 3 speed sets on your main guy, with as many speed stats as possible. That champ will boost turn meter for the other 3 - but they are going to need a good mix of speed and offense stats too.

The more speed you get, the better you will perform. Move first and kill them before they kill you. If you can do that, then it doesnt necessarily matter how squishy your guys are. You may of course take your own style and approach, and come up with an even more effective strategy. Part of the fun of it is seeing who works well together, and it is pretty satisfying when you find that right mix of champs that just roll straight over the enemy team in 5 seconds.

When this approach starts to work less often, then you know you are really end-game arena.

Jan 11, 2021, 05:4201/11/21

What then would be my best one to level 6* for auto on spider?  Was thinking tayrel or battlesage?

Jan 11, 2021, 06:3201/11/21

There are basically 2 approachs to defeating spider (so far as I am aware)

1 - HP burn on all spiders, and tank/sustain on the rest of party - you dont really want AoE hitters, as you want the spiders to stay alive to keep churning out the HP burn damage as much as possible

2 - Turn meter decrease - basically you'll want to do everything possible to prevent the spider moving often. This approach is a bit harder to manage effectively, especially for lvl19 or 20. 

If you have decent options for placing HP burn on the enemies, then this is probably the easiest way forward. 

However, if you are like me and have no decent HP burn options, then you'll probably need some trial and error. I finally got this done with Kantra the Cyclone (lead), Scyl of the Drakes, Sethallia, Tayrel, and Coldheart. 

Above is for lvl20 - which was actually relatively easy for me compared to lvl19. I eventually got lvl19 completed after pulling Nethril. If I recall correctly, I used him instead of Tayrel... but not 100% sure on that. I'm just glad I finally got it done, it was a headache for months.

I see you have Ultimate Galek - so that's probably the best way forward - you'll probably want to build him with accuracy and speed, and make sure he has someone who can buff attack to trigger his hp burn ability. Personally I'd use Seeker  - but I don't see him in your roster, but I'm sure you'll have an option somewhere. Besides that, just stay alive for a couple turns.

Jan 11, 2021, 07:0301/11/21

Following on from the above - I do recall a clan mate using Ult Galek for spider, and it's by no means a guaranteed win.

I believe his A3 will really only give 75% chance to place HP burn, and its on a long cooldown (unbooked).

If you can place HP burn on all (or say... at least 8 of them), you should be in for a fairly quick and easy win.... otherwise, it's not going to be a cakewalk. Sustain is going to be important, and you'll likely need him fully booked (or at least his A3), to win consistently. Not sure what the accuracy requirement will be - but likely north of 200. Someone more knowledgable of stats may have a clearer idea.

Jan 11, 2021, 09:2701/11/21

Following on from the above - I do recall a clan mate using Ult Galek for spider, and it's by no means a guaranteed win.

I believe his A3 will really only give 75% chance to place HP burn, and its on a long cooldown (unbooked).

If you can place HP burn on all (or say... at least 8 of them), you should be in for a fairly quick and easy win.... otherwise, it's not going to be a cakewalk. Sustain is going to be important, and you'll likely need him fully booked (or at least his A3), to win consistently. Not sure what the accuracy requirement will be - but likely north of 200. Someone more knowledgable of stats may have a clearer idea.

You're overlooking that it's not HP burn OR turn meter reduction, it's both. For the HP burn strategy to be effective, you still need to keep the big spider's turn meter down, so she doesn't consume all the spiderlings to heal back up so you can start all over again. 

Turn meter reduction is always required on spider, no matter if you rely on HP burn or on max HP damage like Coldheart/Royal Guard, unless you have the kind of stacked roster and endgame gear that allows you to nuke her so hard that she dies before even getting a turn. 

Jan 11, 2021, 09:5101/11/21

Absolutely fair point!

And if you don't have HP burn, you probably need to be heavy on the turn meter reduction.

Thanks for clarifying the error.

Jan 11, 2021, 17:0601/11/21

ok thanks so go tayrel and ultimate galek there then...