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Overpowered arena

Overpowered arena

Jan 2, 2021, 21:2001/02/21

Overpowered arena

Hi all,

 fairly new to game but wanted to ask some advice about the new tag team arena.

went on for the first time and the most bottom tier (bronze 1) has a list of around 90% gold level 60. First team I clicked was 127k, 134k, 151k power teams. 

how am I suppose to even try these areas of game when it's taken about a month for 1 level 60 epic and a few level 40s?

I appreciate it's a P2W game but even if I was to put money it I would need £1000s just to start in bronze t1.

any advise or just time for a diffent game that doesnt cater only to whale players?

Jan 2, 2021, 22:5901/02/21

My advice, if you can call it that, is to just chalk up the tag arena as a loss for now. It's more difficult than just about anywhere else, besides maybe the Doom Tower. For starters you need 12 good champs, instead of just 4. And unlike in the regular arena, where you move up based on points and there is no limit to the amount of players per tier (outside of platinum tier), the tag arena limits the amount of people in every tier, with smaller numbers as you go up. This is why many players are ranked much lower in the tag arena than the regular one. Take for example myself, I'm a solid gold iv in the regular arena, who has made a couple pushes into the platinum tier, yet I'm only in Bronze IV-Silver I in the tag arena.

It is possible to get up in the tag arena without paying, I myself am free to play, it just takes a lot more grinding, and the tag arena is evidence of that, you're seeing either people who paid and/or grinded up already. So just keep going and you'll get there eventually.

Jan 3, 2021, 10:1701/03/21

Tag team is a total waste of time for many people, unless you have been playing for ages have 12 legendarys its hard to get out of bronze lol..well it is for me. Ive got 12 60s and cant get past bronze 3

Jan 3, 2021, 10:2501/03/21

Just put one char on each tab. 

When you are in bronze 1 chances are you will see other teams with 1 or 2 low chars that you can battle. No reason trying to advance before you have 12 good lvl 60s.

Jan 3, 2021, 10:2701/03/21

Yes I have put just 1 character in each defence team to help out other players :)

Jan 3, 2021, 10:4701/03/21

Am also a new player and I've found a way to make gains from the tag-team arena, even though I can only muster a single team of level 40+s, have no legendaries and no 6 star champions yet.

You can often find single champion teams where a defense only has 1 character in each team, experiment abit with them to find the champion with the least amount of AoE and put all your strongest champions against that champion, then just leave level 1 fodder for the two others, then just grind that defense team, even thou you loose, you get 5 bazaar gold for each won battle, so winning 1 and loosing 2 is still worth the effort.

Jan 3, 2021, 10:5101/03/21

My experience, I havent seen those single character teams at all. Always just a listing of full gold 60s with a few 60 epics, but fully ascended, power ranging 90-150k.

Jan 3, 2021, 10:5801/03/21
Wild amazonian

My experience, I havent seen those single character teams at all. Always just a listing of full gold 60s with a few 60 epics, but fully ascended, power ranging 90-150k.

lots of the people at the bottom with all those champ are likely inactive. its sad for new players 

Jan 3, 2021, 14:5201/03/21
Jan 3, 2021, 14:54(edited)

My issues are similar but in classic arena - getting to silver 1 to progress the chain of challenges is pretty much impossible. Got planty of 5s and a couple of 6s but eben that just hits a wall of multiple 60, fully ascended teams. Can still win if fast enough but never going to make it to silver - basically broken really.

They need to introduce a way to bypass a challenge - once a week or month or something, to at least allow progress.

Jan 3, 2021, 15:0001/03/21

They should cap tiers to rarity, so bronze is common too rare, silver, epic, etc maybe

Jan 3, 2021, 15:2001/03/21

Yeah, something has happened in Arenas recently, really hard to get out of bronze, let alone silver, due to some many maxed leggos in Bronze tiers

Jan 4, 2021, 08:1001/04/21

Tag Arena is still relatively new, and there is a limit to how many players can move up/down a tier each week.

Everybody - literally everybody started off in Bronze 1. In the first week, only the very very best teams went to bronze 2. The next week, those very best teams/players fought each other in bronze 2, and the very best got promoted to bronze 3 - BUT, the ones who werent quite as strong (but still 1000x stronger than everyone else) got demoted back to bronze 1.

Bear this in mind.

Obviously it has probably been a few of months since tag arena started - but when you consider that after 2 weeks, some of the very strongest players got themselves demoted back to bronze1 due to game mechanics, hopefully you will understand that it is going to take a little while for the very best players ALL to advance to the top where they belong, because each week, a small percentage of those best players are actually getting knocked back a tier. I am currently stuck between bronze 4 and silver 1, and I literally go up a tier one week, and down a tier the next. Each week feels a little bit easier, but for the moment, I just accept this is how it is.

Yes, competition is a bit sick at the moment in the lower tiers, but gradually those players should clear from the very lowest tiers.

Like another poster here said - just having 12x lvl60 champs with half-decent equipment is a mammoth task all by itself. If you are a new player, then dont worry about tag arena too much, as it is VERY competitive. If you can pick up a few wins and gold bars here and there, then great. But it is more of a long-term thing. There are ways you can find yourself some easy wins - but for that you will need to use your head (or look around on the forums)

Jan 4, 2021, 18:4801/04/21

Thank you for the advice Boo :)