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Some suggestions and ranting from a low spender

Some suggestions and ranting from a low spender

Jan 2, 2021, 20:5801/02/21

Some suggestions and ranting from a low spender

First of I enjoy the game a lot thats why I spend anywhere from 5 to 10hrs a day playing, helps working from home. I'm 194 days in playing and lvl 69. I spend money once a month mainly on the shard packs or energy for boosted summons. In the short time I been playing and spending hundreds of dollars in hopes to pull some mid to end game champions, lady luck hasn't been on my side. I have only pulled 5 Legends out of the 107, 1 from daily login and 2 from fushion, so a total of 8. Epics 70 of the 152 majority are not end game viable. Of those epics several duplicates and one triple. Sadly I used a few end game epics as food in the beginning of playing and regret it severly. For faction wars I have 3 factions severly lacking mid to end game champions to the point I can't beat stage 7 in them. Demonspawn, Undeadhoardes and Skin Walkers. This is due to I think plarium's algorithm on evenly pulling from each faction. Where currently we or at least my experience are pulling way more in certain factions and very little in other factions, which is killing me advancing in doom tower and faction wars. If plarium could resolve this issue it would greatly improve free to play and low spenders gaming experience. Another thing is when pulling several shards back to back and getting multiple same champions, this is a serious issue. Even some of the "whalers" big spenders have pointed this issue out. I thought plarium was going to resolve that issue? I can't afford to spend my money when I continue to get double's triple's, quad's in one series of pulls only to use them as food. It's foolish to continue buying packs so plarium can continue making millions of dollars for a flawed system. Last rant, from free to play to the big spenders, we need a way to farm silver, win higher amounts something. The millions it cost to lvl16 a 5 or 6 star artifact or accessory is insane, then the ridculous amount it costs to switch champion to champion. Come on plarium there's making a profit and then there's just plain greed. I got one more thing to ask plarium, can you put bots in the 3v3 like you do in classic arena? I been stuck in bronze 3 forever!
