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What is with the disproportionate shard chances?

What is with the disproportionate shard chances?

Dec 31, 2020, 09:2012/31/20

What is with the disproportionate shard chances?

There are so fewer Void Legendaries compared to Force, Magic or Spirit legendaries and that's saying nothing of the frequency of acquiring void shards compared to Ancient and Sacred Shards.

To address this issue, which has quite painfully affected me in regards to void champions this year, I have some propositions. Also, ironically I've gotten less void champs from shards than I have from elsewhere. I got Warlord from a void shard way back in March and since then I've not seen another Void Legendary aside from Wurlim Frostking who came from the battle pass and Visix the Unbowed who no one cares about in her current state. 

Here are my proposals:

Increase the chances of gaining void legendaries to either 1-3% as a basic to more accurately reflect the divide between Void and Non Void legendaries. 

Drastically decrease the Mercy System counter for Void summons to either 50 or 100 before the chance starts going up for Legendaries. 

Add a system into the game that allows for easier void shard acquisition such as being able to purchase 6 Void shards with 900 gems, similar to the way the Ancient Shard packs work. 

Introduce an equivalent for Sacred Shards but for Void champs and make them accessible. 

These are a couple of ideas I've had and given how hopeful I was to get Torvin this weekend, my hopes are now much lower as I've been reminded of how unbalanced the chances are when it comes to Void champions. 

Dec 31, 2020, 09:4112/31/20

As much as I would like to see your ideas implemented  into the game we must consider this

Void shards offer the most powerful champions across the board. Rare / Epic / Legend all are more powerful than any other champions with extra abilities 'most often' in comparison

Perhaps we can even argue that void shards then are even more valuable than sacred shards in some ways

So because of that reasoning I can understand why they offer the worst chances to aquire the strongest champions  in the game compared to sacred shards

I am not saying I like it, just that I understand some of the logic behind the terrible chances of aquiring and summoning when it comes to Void shards

Dec 31, 2020, 10:0012/31/20

Hey there

Well, since void champions are mostly very strong and sought after it wouldn't make sense to increase the % of pulling a void legendary from a void shard.

It could hurt the balance a lot, if people would be summoning almost back to back void legendaries.

This said, it would make more sense to increase the chance to summon a legendary or epic from ancient shards, since this would illustrate the rarity and strenght of void champs better.


Dec 31, 2020, 11:0912/31/20

In response to PriestGuardian, I understand your perspective but I hardly find that it answers the problem. Yes the Void champions are amongst the strongest however it shouldn't warrant the odds being so bad that in a years worth of playing, I've only acquired now two from Void Shards. I managed to acquire Tormin with a new set of shares just then. I will point out that the only reason Sacred Shards have their value is because of their increased chance for legendaries and their guarantee for epics. Void shards are the only source of void champions so it feels that they should be slightly more balanced than Ancient Shards. 

I can understand why they have the worst odds easily but surely they don't need to be the worst odds by such a big stretch. Even if the chance was boosted as a basic to 1% and the boost to 2% it would make a decent difference and make a lot more players feel like Void Champions were actually worth the wait. 

In response to Strangiii, one of the points I made was referring to the pull chance. There were others providing alternative solutions. Many people believe that Void Champions are out of reach as even when the chance is boosted it's only to 1% and on top of that, they barely have enough Void shards to even make hoping worthwhile. I believe that changing the Mercy System around may help or at the very least making it a bit easier to acquire Void Shards. 

I definitely wouldn't mind seeing an increase to Ancient Shard chances as there are still plenty of legendaries of the other affinities that perform well. I just feel that some people and me included sometimes, believe that Void Legendaries are too far out of reach the way things currently are.