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Want to beat Spider 10/ Dragon 13

Want to beat Spider 10/ Dragon 13

Dec 29, 2020, 01:1612/29/20

Want to beat Spider 10/ Dragon 13

Hi Peeps!!

You were all so helpful a month ago (thank you very much).  I am stuck again.  Been trying to read up and also watch videos from Hell Hades, Ash,  and  such, but my head starts to swim (heck, I'm lost for weeks after they upgrade my phone - sucks getting old😂)

Gear is my problem.  To get the gear, I need to advance in Spider and Dragon, so I can get better in Arena (I really suck in Arena - in Silver II which seems to be populated with people much better than myself - sometimes with lower level champs that are rocking that gear and killing me).

I spend a little money on the game (allowance of $50 a month - which is crazy for me, but I'm entertained for now).

My 6 Stars:

  1. Elhain - fully booked, full ascend, full mastery
  2. Apothecary - half booked, ascended, mastered
  3. High Khatun - 3/4 booked, 5 asc, on 3rd teir mastery
  4. Kael - 2/3 booked, 5 asc, full mastery
  5. Masuleum Mage - no books, 4 asc, 3rd teir
  6. Miscreated - 2/3 booked, 4 asc, fully mastered

My 5 stars are Bulwark (zero books, 5 asc, full mastery) : Zargala (1 book, 4 asc, 3rd teir) : Warmaiden (half booked, 4, teir 2) : Grohak the Bloodied (no books, 4 asc, teir 3) : Septimus : Shaman : Soulbound Boyer: Stag Knight (just got him)

Other notable rares, not leveled: Spirithost, Banshee, Frozen Banshee, Spider (quite a lot more)

Notable epics: Oathbound, Teshada, Grimskin, Galkut, Valla, Jazoh, Reinbeast, Yaga, Gorgarab, Catacomb, Dark Elhain, Husk, Karam Captain Temil, Ursine Icecrusher


Levels I've cleared:

Spider 10, Dragon 11, Ice 10, FK  7, Minotaur 12, The Keeps - 12, CB 3-4 key Hard to get best chest

I have enough to make 2 more 6 stars and 5 more 5 star heroes.  14 rare books, 9 epic, 6 leg.  There's enough gems to fully master 1 more as well. 

I only have 24m silver for gear.  I have a hard time leveling bad gear up too high, just because it take forever to earn more!!  I do the dailies and such, events and Tourneys as best I can.  


It just seems that everyone wants similar stats on gear (ACC, C.R, SPD).  I'm having a hard time deciding who gets dibs and what gear to invest in since it seems to take millions to level just one piece!!  I'm starting to understand how gear works in relation to skills (I waisted much money leveling crap gear).  Probably need to find some other videos to watch.


Current Spider team:  High K, Apoth, Kael, Misc M, Elhain

Dragon: High K, Kael, Elhain, Shaman, Misc M

CB:  Bulwark, M Mage, High K, Septimus, Kael


I appreciate the help.  I seriously spent hours today making lists and stuff to try and figure things out and my head is swimming on deciding what the best route is.  I should probably find a more active clan as well (only 7 members).

Thanks all!!

Dec 29, 2020, 10:3712/29/20

You seem to be focusing too much on early game champs - it doesn't make much sense to invest further in both Elhain and Kael, or to have both of them in your dragon team. Especially because you're overlooking two very important things in your team: decrease attack and decrease defense debuffs. Quite convenient that you just got a Stag Knight, then, who can put both of those debuffs on all enemies in a single move! 

I would suggest that you focus on Stag Knight and Gorgorab now, taking both to 6*. Frozen Banshee could be next, to replace Kael on your CB and potentially Dragon teams. Finish booking Miscreated Monster (at a minimum, you need the reduced cooldown on his second ability, so you can have the shield up permanently), then put your remaining epic books into Stag Knight. As for rare books, finish booking Apothecary and then start on Frozen Banshee, never mind Kael and Warmaiden. I'd just keep the legendary books for now, until you get a more game-changing lego. Septimus can be excellent on CB indeed, but more in late game when the rest of your team is also top tier. 

Once you have those champions built, your Dragon team could be something like Apothecary (lead), Stag Knight, Gorgorab, Elhain and Frozen Banshee. Or maybe Apo, SK, Gorgo, Kael and MM - FB is a better poisoner than Kael so will deal with the CB and the dragon better, but she's dead weight on the dragon waves, while Kael can handle the waves and put at least some poison on the dragon too. 

For arena, you'd use Gorgorab and SK as well, with Kael and either Apo/HK for additional speed, or a second DPS (Elhain for AOE or Septimus for single target, against teams where killing one nuker is basically enough to win the battle). Or MM is pretty good in arena too - you have plenty of good options, but Stag Knight is in basically all of them. 

Dec 29, 2020, 21:5112/29/20

You have a Septimus? You should be taking him to the dragon in the later stages. Deffo frozen Banshee is better than Kael if you can get through the waves, as long as you are not completely wiping then if you have a reviver you should be fine. 

Dec 30, 2020, 00:0012/30/20

Yes- Septimus and FB

Septimus is good in Spider, FK, IG, and More

FB is a game changer for CB and Dragon, which will help you to get mice better gear to progress further