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Events and timing

Events and timing

Dec 27, 2020, 23:1112/27/20

Events and timing

Hi there, I been playing just under one month so not really sure how things work here with events.

It bothers me that sometimes there's so many tournaments and events going on the same time, for example:

Just recently champion training event and champion chase tournament was over with rare champions as milestone rewards, but straight after that there's a champion summon event and champion training tournament with legendary champion for 1st place.

Is it only me thinking that timing was a mistake?

Or was it done on purpose?

I had hardly anything left to upgrade after the first events and I am sure I'm not the only one.

Are events randomly generated or there's a timetable?


And who created fusion event for 2 weeks over Christmas period?

I mean,where do the person behind it think players will get time?

Not only it's requires to get the rare champions first from other events, but also fusing epics and ascending them to 5 stars.

Maybe money is not a problem for many of us,but what about the time?

Do dungeons,do farming,get rare,farm rare,ascend rare,fuse epic,farm epic, ascend epic and not any consideration that specific potions available one day a week , while we have to do shopping,wrap present,make dinner,see family...

Hopefully I got my point across

Dec 27, 2020, 23:1212/27/20

You'll be able to do the events easy and take not that much time at all when you progress- fusions aren't for players that new

Dec 28, 2020, 10:3012/28/20

Yes it was done on purpose because Plarium knew people would have wasted a lot of their resources for this trash fusion but got enough money as gift for xmax to refill their gembox in order to try this tournament ;)

Dec 28, 2020, 12:5412/28/20

You just have to be wise with your resources. Pick the events that you feel lines up with what you have to do at the moment. 

I can't speak for how the game schedules its events but you don't have to do every single tourney/event the game throws at you. Prioritize account progression over chasing event rewards.