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Where are the nerfs?

Where are the nerfs?

Dec 23, 2020, 20:5712/23/20

Where are the nerfs?

Plarium (and by extension, Raid) are incredibly proud of their creation, constantly reminding players how many champions are in the game, how many new champions are coming in, etc etc. 

Yet, because of their outright phobia of enforcing nerfs, the game continues to revolve around a very small number of characters. 

Yes, people grind to get certain champions, and/or pay for those champions, but that should not dictate how the game is balanced - that is a very poor taste method of governing the game. 

The fact is - CHARACTERS NEED NERFS. It is impossible to have any kind of balance in the game when the difference in the best vs worst characters is SO wide - no amount of buffs can fix that. 

I apologise to those who no doubt work hard to try and balance the game, but the ONLY recent nerf i recall is madame serris, who had 5+ possible ways to nerf her reasonably. What did plarium do? Of course, nerf her in the mildest way possible - making no notable difference in her versatility & rating. 

Making characters like serris SLIGHTLY more available does not replace actual game balance - it just shuts up some of the whales (we are well aware they are who you actually care about, but it would be nice to feel A BIT valued) 

It is simply frustrating to be at level 61, still unable to progress significantly, because I don't have any of the 5ish GOAT epics, or 10ish GOAT legendaries. 

And, knowing plarium, the response will be some long, rehearsed answer about feeling rewarded for getting lucky, or spending literal hundreds of £ on a single tournament, not addressing the heart of the issue. But I am still hopeful of a real answer....

Dec 23, 2020, 21:1212/23/20

I personally  believe when it comes to Nerf/Buff of champions  in the game to wisest move is gradual

I think the last update with nerf/buff to champions was cancervative and responsible. They can always add more down the road if required

I would not support any update to the Nerf/buff of champions that went to extreme throwing the whole game meta into a tail spin. Baby steps is best

But this  is just one players  opinion, much like you have one on the topic

Dec 23, 2020, 21:1612/23/20

I think you answered your own question, it is about $$$. I don't think anyone will dispute that. I would not expect any nerfs in the near future, could be wrong.  Instead, they will just continue to add better champions then the current GOATs (as you call them).  I think I have 2 lego goats, I would say that there are far more than 5 epic GOATs.  And completing the Arbiter missions can be done without any of them since Arena was nerfed.

Dec 23, 2020, 21:2412/23/20

 I agree with you priest, but my point is that their unwillingness to nerf characters while saying 'look we have 6billion champs' means most have no actual purpose. 

Eg - my best disabler is Oathbound (10% freeze chance) (and a situational block cooldown skills, but beside the point as it is 2 turns so a fast team won't really feel that effect as he doesn't usually go first anyway) 

Meanwhile - Miscreated monster has a 15% x2 stun, A 50% aoe stun, fear, AND sustain (heal) . If i get MM ill never use Oathbound again as his skills are much less impactful, clearly not balanced at all despite both epics