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Fix Pyxniel (#Fixniel)

Fix Pyxniel (#Fixniel)

Dec 23, 2020, 17:5112/23/20

Fix Pyxniel (#Fixniel)

Why should Pyxniel be buffed/reworked?

  • Everyone agrees that she is underwhelming for being both a Christmas fusion, and the book requirement.
  • She is a Christmas fusion. To maintain tradition, they should all be on the same tier of overall power. Christmas fusion champions are supposed to be special, powerful, and game changing.
  • She requires the most books in the game to book out. Only the top whales can book her, so she should be the best champion in the game.
  • She has lower ratings than all of the common champions, and all champions that previously received a buff/rework.
  • She is not too usable. She is not good at being an anti-freeze champion.

Current Pyxniel:


Rework Pyxniel:

Keep the same amount of books required. The skills described are when fully booked.

Affinity: Change from magic to void.

Change damage multipliers from based on attack to based on defense.

A1: Attack 1 enemy. Attacks 3 more times if the target is NOT frozen. 100% chance to apply 60% decrease defense and 25% weaken for 2 turns if the target IS frozen.

A2: Place 60% increase defense and 25% strengthen on all allies and self for 3 turns. 3 turn CD.

A3: Attacks all enemies 4 times. each hit has 25% chance to freeze for 1 turn. 4 turn CD.

P1: Whenever a debuff is placed on ally or self, 50% chance to freeze a random enemy for 1 turn. All debuffs placed on each ally from a single enemy turn will account for only 1 chance to proc. For example if enemy bad el uses his A2 to place 2 poisons on 5 allies (including self), there will be 5 chances to proc. not 10.

Will not target bosses or frozen enemies. cannot be resisted. If an enemy gets frozen from this passive, removes all debuffs (except for freeze debuffs) from the ally or self that procced it.

P2 (Cold Coach - No books): Allies and self that are frozen take 25% less damage. Enemies that are frozen take 25% more damage.

Aura: increase accuracy in ALL battles by 100.

Dec 23, 2020, 23:3612/23/20

Things you suggested are waaaay too op man. I agree she needs 100% a buff, but this is too much imo. They could at least just buff A2, that would already be ok. 

At this state she is just trash. I could use a lot of rares instead of her. 

Dec 24, 2020, 20:5112/24/20
Dec 24, 2020, 22:35(edited)

Things you suggested are waaaay too op man. I agree she needs 100% a buff, but this is too much imo. They could at least just buff A2, that would already be ok. 

At this state she is just trash. I could use a lot of rares instead of her. 

okay i balanced her rework. now it's less OP than tormin, which is less fair for us because while they are both christmas fusions, pyxniel is much harder to book.

considering she costs over $600 to book, she should be OP. being OP should be the baseline because that is fair value for what they are asking of us.

if plarium wants to make hundreds of millions of dollars in profits off of us, why should we only ask for scraps in return?

Dec 26, 2020, 02:4512/26/20

I love this skill rework, makes her so much useable and worth the Legendary books to use on her.

Dec 26, 2020, 03:4712/26/20
Dec 26, 2020, 03:54(edited)

Pyxniel is Trash.

Pyxniel needs a Buff.

The Buff your asking the game to do is Broken.

Your recommendation is to Over Powered.

You want the game to allow Pyxniel to do the Big version of Def Down + Weaken with 100% Chance on the A1 move if enemy isn't frozen.

This move alone would break the game.

You would be able to use it vs. every Boss in game.

Bosses can't get frozen so she would do this crazy move on A1.

Most champions in the game who do Def + weaken in same skill have it on Cooldown skill.


If the game wanted to fix Pyxniel, All they would need to do is change A3 + Passive.

A3 - AOE Freeze + Grants Extra Turn

With 100% Chance Booked Up.

Passive - Remove all Freeze from Allies, Transfers it to Pyxniel.

With 100% Chance Booked up to remove Freeze on herself at start of her turn.

Honestly, if the game made those changes, I would be able to use Pyxniel.

Pyxniel is unuseable the way they have her set up at the moment.


The reason Pyxniel is bad is for following reasons:

- Pyxniel does no damage.

- Pyxniel does no reliable crowd control.

- Pyxniel does average support.

- Pyxniel unqiue move doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong!

Not every hero in the game needs to deal tons of damage to be good.

However, those heroes usually have some other benefit making up for lack of damage.

Pyxniel has no other benefits.

- Freeze is unreliable - Against 4 or 5 rivals.

She will freeze 2 on average.

The 2 or 3 unfrozen heroes will slaughter you which defeats purpose of using her.

- Support aspect of Pyxniel is average - And me saying she is average is me being nice.

Increase Defense + 1x C.Heals - It really is a Joke.

Tons of Epics can do same thing with out needing 18 Leggo books.

- Pyxniel unqiue skill is her Passive.

No other hero in game has similar Passive.

Guess What? It doesn't work.

The Low Chance makes it completely useless.

She is suppose to stop enemy heroes from freezing your team.

Well, She doesn't - Your team still gets frozen.

Low Chance to stop enemy from freezing your Allies by transferring it to her.

Low Chance to remove freeze at start of her turn.

Whats the Bloody Point?

I don't understand why the game doesn't let her do the Bloody move.

The Champion doesn't stop Provoke, Stun, or Sleep.

Who cares if Pyxniel stops Freeze on your team?

Its literally 1 Debuff in a sea of dozen more Debuffs.

People will not run this champion vs. Tormin.

They will equip all their heroes in Immunity gear because Pyxniel does nothing.


The Youtuber SkratchAK47 said it best!

Pyxniel offers 2 very good things.

1 - Pyxniel Game Design is wonderful to look at.

2 - Pyxniel makes your Vault Glow a beautiful Blue Color.

That's it!

Dec 27, 2020, 06:0512/27/20
Dec 27, 2020, 06:12(edited)
Player J

Pyxniel is Trash.

Pyxniel needs a Buff.

The Buff your asking the game to do is Broken.

Your recommendation is to Over Powered.

You want the game to allow Pyxniel to do the Big version of Def Down + Weaken with 100% Chance on the A1 move if enemy isn't frozen.

This move alone would break the game.

You would be able to use it vs. every Boss in game.

Bosses can't get frozen so she would do this crazy move on A1.

Most champions in the game who do Def + weaken in same skill have it on Cooldown skill.


If the game wanted to fix Pyxniel, All they would need to do is change A3 + Passive.

A3 - AOE Freeze + Grants Extra Turn

With 100% Chance Booked Up.

Passive - Remove all Freeze from Allies, Transfers it to Pyxniel.

With 100% Chance Booked up to remove Freeze on herself at start of her turn.

Honestly, if the game made those changes, I would be able to use Pyxniel.

Pyxniel is unuseable the way they have her set up at the moment.


The reason Pyxniel is bad is for following reasons:

- Pyxniel does no damage.

- Pyxniel does no reliable crowd control.

- Pyxniel does average support.

- Pyxniel unqiue move doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong!

Not every hero in the game needs to deal tons of damage to be good.

However, those heroes usually have some other benefit making up for lack of damage.

Pyxniel has no other benefits.

- Freeze is unreliable - Against 4 or 5 rivals.

She will freeze 2 on average.

The 2 or 3 unfrozen heroes will slaughter you which defeats purpose of using her.

- Support aspect of Pyxniel is average - And me saying she is average is me being nice.

Increase Defense + 1x C.Heals - It really is a Joke.

Tons of Epics can do same thing with out needing 18 Leggo books.

- Pyxniel unqiue skill is her Passive.

No other hero in game has similar Passive.

Guess What? It doesn't work.

The Low Chance makes it completely useless.

She is suppose to stop enemy heroes from freezing your team.

Well, She doesn't - Your team still gets frozen.

Low Chance to stop enemy from freezing your Allies by transferring it to her.

Low Chance to remove freeze at start of her turn.

Whats the Bloody Point?

I don't understand why the game doesn't let her do the Bloody move.

The Champion doesn't stop Provoke, Stun, or Sleep.

Who cares if Pyxniel stops Freeze on your team?

Its literally 1 Debuff in a sea of dozen more Debuffs.

People will not run this champion vs. Tormin.

They will equip all their heroes in Immunity gear because Pyxniel does nothing.


The Youtuber SkratchAK47 said it best!

Pyxniel offers 2 very good things.

1 - Pyxniel Game Design is wonderful to look at.

2 - Pyxniel makes your Vault Glow a beautiful Blue Color.

That's it!

You made a good point about my reworked A1. I nerfed it so that it makes more sense. My thought process for my rework is to make her like a reverse Tormin.

Tormin punishes his enemies with freeze when they receive certain benefits (like turn meter boost). So I turned Pyxniel into the reverse, so that she punishes her enemies when they try to debuff her allies. Another aspect of her support in my rework is that she protects her frozen allies by reducing their damage, and increases her allies' damage against frozen enemies.


Yeah if they are going to buff her instead of reworking her, that is a good path.

I'd still change her aura because it doesn't make any sense for her to provide benefits when her allies are getting frozen, but at the same time she increases resistance to prevent her allies from being frozen in the first place.

I believe her passive would still be a bit underwhelming even if it was 100% chance. If she provides additional support by healing allies when she removes freeze from herself, that would be good. Perhaps if it's not 100%, then she also heals all frozen allies at the start of her turn.


I agree with you that being able to remove freeze doesn't matter in terms of balance. There are many champs that can cleanse debuffs in very powerful ways. If Pyxniel is supposed to be the anti-freeze champion, then she needs to not only remove freeze from her allies, but also provide benefits while doing so.

Otherwise she is not worth the hype of being a Christmas fusion, and not worth the 18 legendary books.

Dec 27, 2020, 07:4412/27/20

Well, she is obviously an arena champion, pair her with a shirimani or tormin and then she suddenly does more, and is completely good for waves if you actually go through the effort of making a freeze 

Dec 27, 2020, 13:2112/27/20

No, it's just too bad in the arena! It's way too much RNG and there are just so much better Epic and Rare ... why waste so many Legendery books here. Without an extensive buff and rework, Pyxniel is unfortunately just beautiful artwork. But it is useless in the game. 

Dec 28, 2020, 13:1812/28/20

Llene could be right.

Pyxniel looks like she was designed more for a Defensive Arena team.

Most Tormin teams are tanky defensive teams.

For example: 

Leader: Pyxniel - 80 Resist Aura

1st move: Pyxniel ------------> Increase Defense + C.Heals + Weaken

2nd move: Rhazin -----------> AOE Damage Dealer [Scales off DEF]

3rd move: Tormin ------------> AOE Provoke 

4th move: Valkyrie -----------> Counter Attack + Shields

This is like 1 of the few teams which could work with Pyxniel.

The problem is if you don't have a Tormin.

It will be very hard trying to replicate this set up.

Gurgoh the Augur is another hero who can do Freeze.

I think Gurgoh the Augur is to squishy to be used on a Defensive Composition.

Most people run Gurgoh the Augur on an Offensive Speed Nuking Composition.

Shirimani is another hero who can do Freeze.

Shirimani has 19k base HP + 1k base DEF.

You might can get her to work in place of Tormin.

She might be able to survive a nuke from enemy team.

You would have to change the move order of the set up.

You might do the following:

Leader: Pyxniel - 80 Resist Aura

1st move: Shirimani -----------> AOE Freeze

2nd move: Pyxniel -------------> Increase Defense + C.Heals + Weaken

3rd move: Rhazin --------------> AOE Damage Dealer [Scales off DEF]

4th move: Valkyrie ------------> Counter Attack + Shields

It can work, but I still think she will be useless for most people.

Pyxniel can be very good on 1 of the above specific team composition I just showed.

However, it is so specific.

I would prefer a Legendary which takes 18 books to have more functionality.

If Pyxniel had an AOE Freeze, I could run her in tons of different team set ups.

Pyxniel would be the crowd control champion similar to Shirimani with different utlitiy.

Dec 28, 2020, 14:1612/28/20

I was about to fuse this lego.  Got the epics all to 50 and ascended.  Got duplicates of the green and blue, so figured I am only trading 2 for 1.  I honestly don't understand the toolkit still of Pyx... lol.  But I am 100+ books short for my current roster.  Unless Pyx got buffed and books cut in half, it would not make sense for me to fuse.  Mad I wasted all my potions, oh well.  Back to doom tower and run my energy back up over 10,000.  No more grinding for me.

Dec 28, 2020, 20:5712/28/20

Well, she is obviously an arena champion, pair her with a shirimani or tormin and then she suddenly does more, and is completely good for waves if you actually go through the effort of making a freeze 

Any champion in the game can "do more" if you pair them with kings and gods. Preacher isn't good just because if you pair her with Ithos she can increase his survivability. That's not the problem. And if you have Tormin and Shirimani on the same team, there would not be a single bit of difference in the team's performance if you have Pyxniel there. (If you want to be literal, the difference would not be significant.)

One of the main problems for me (and a lot of other people) is that Pyxniel doesn't perform the way that we expect a Christmas fusion to perform. Let alone a champion requiring 18 legendary books.

Tormin can go in by himself with his 5 lego books in ANY battle and boost his massive defense by 33% with his aura (increasing his damage too). He can attack all enemies AND freeze all of them with his A1 alone, so provoking him doesn't stop his madness. Without taking a single turn he can completely lock out a turn meter boost team and a buff heavy team with his passive. He can block the enemy team's buffs AND stop their heals. He can remove or steal all buffs from an enemy and attack it multiple times. He can lock out an entire team by provoking them. Mate, when 90% of players see Tormin in arena they move on. They do not even consider starting the battle.

I can go on for hours. People can write novels on the magic that Tormin can do by himself, let alone when  in a team composition. If you consider Sir Nic to be a Christmas fusion, novels can be written about him too.

But Pyxniel? "pair her with a titan and she suddenly does more"? And let's not forget to spend over half a thousand dollars on the mountain of legendary books so that she can just "do more" when paired with a titan, so long as she isn't the negative affinity of course. But oh, looks like RNG isn't on her side in this fight. At least she can increase defense which is easily replaceable. Even the kind of rare champions that you can find stuck to the bottom of shoes can do increase defense.

Jul 20, 2021, 20:2107/20/21
Jul 20, 2021, 20:23(edited)

eyyy Pyxniel is finally on the buff list. we did it bois.

so do you guys still think my suggestions are "too OP"?

may the buff predictions begin once more.

Jul 23, 2021, 02:5107/23/21

eyyy Pyxniel is finally on the buff list. we did it bois.

so do you guys still think my suggestions are "too OP"?

may the buff predictions begin once more.

I was about to close this thread since it was resurrected but.. good reply. 

Jul 23, 2021, 14:2007/23/21

I  think  for  Pyxniel  buffs  we  need  a  complete  rework.

Look  at  her  A1.

It  has  a  chance  to  place  a  weak  version  buff  on  a  random  ally  for  one  turn.

She  is  supposed  to  be  a  legendary,  right?

I  think  the  A1  should  be  changed  to-

Attacks  one  enemy.  Has  a  30%  chance  of  placing  a  60%  Decrease  Defense  debuff  for  2  turns.  Also  places  a  Perfect  Veil  buff  on  the  ally  with  the  lowest  HP  for  two  turns.

This  gives  her  A1  more  all-around  usability  and  allows  you  to  'control'  the  buff.

The  A2  is  the  one  skill  that  is  fine  in  my  opinion.  I  mean,  it  could  be  better,  but  it  is  just  fine  as  it  is.

The  A3  however,  again  needs  to  change.  It  attacks  at  random  with  a  chance  to  place  a  debuff.  It  is  all  RNG  for  that  skill.

It  should  be  changed  to-

Attacks  all  enemies  two  times.  Each  has  an  80%  chance  of  placing  a  Freeze  debuff  for  two  turns.  Grants  an  Extra  Turn  if  all    enemies  are  under  Freeze  debuffs  after  this  skill.

This  allows  this  skill  to  be  much  more  controllable.  Now  you  have  a  guaranteed  AOE  Freeze  (if  you  can  get  enough  Accuracy  and  no  Weak  Hits  happen).

Lastly  we  have  the  Passive.  I  do  see  the  Passive  as  unique,  but  what  is  the  point  of  removing  a  debuff  from  an  ally  if  you  just  Freeze  yourself?  I  also  added  some  of  my  ideas  that  would  add  much  more  possibilities  to  her  kit.

Her  Passive  could  become:

Whenever  a  Freeze  debuff  is  placed  on  an  ally,  has  a  65%  chance  of  stealing  the  Freeze  debuff  and  placing  it  on  this  champion  instead.  Also  places  a  30%  Decrease  Speed  debuff  for  1  turn  on  the  enemy  that  placed  the  debuff.  Fills  this  champion's  Turn  Meter  by  50%  every  time  they  recieve  a  Freeze  debuff.  Has  an  85%  chance  of  removing  all  Freeze  debuffs  from  this  champion  at  the  start  of  their  turn.  All  enemies  under  Freeze  debuffs  recieve  no  damage  reduction.  Whenever  a  Stun  debuff  is  placed  on  an  ally,  instantly  removes  the  debuff  and  places  a  Freeze  debuff  instead.

I  feel  like  this  is  the  part  of  the  kit  that  needed  the  most  work.  Not  only  the  garbage  chances,  but  it  was  supposed  to  be  Pyxniel's  unique  thing,  and  it  wasn't  really  too  helpful.  This  gives  people  unique  options  to  use  her  in  areas  across  the  board.