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Stingy event and tournament rewards

Stingy event and tournament rewards

Dec 23, 2020, 17:1512/23/20

Stingy event and tournament rewards

Guys, the rewards are pothetic at best, not even Legendary book at the top of the list, considering how much energy, time, electricity, money and daunting grind it takes to reach the top, at least provide better rewards in the tables, and dont even get my started with top 3 spot rewards.

Considering how RNG the stats on items you get, and chances of rollin right stats up, after droping tons of silver, the top 3 place rewards for they tournaments should be waaaayyyy more rewarding. People that are typically at top place they are throwing money your direction, at least reward them properly! 

Dec 23, 2020, 21:1812/23/20

One of the best Tournaments I do in is Classic Arena Take down. I look forward to every one as I stand a chance at winning  in my group

However the rewards for this tournament are always lack luster and the gear for first place  is usually 5 star epic for first :/ 

So I feel your pain

The only tournament I did superb in was a shard summoning tournament. I summoned all my shards that time and recieved a legend book and a set of 6 star Legend gear.