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Dungeon drop rates - Speed Gear etc

Dungeon drop rates - Speed Gear etc

Dec 23, 2020, 11:0912/23/20

Dungeon drop rates - Speed Gear etc

So I have been doing some extensive testing on Dragon 20 and I can confirm without doubt that the ratios of gear in the loot tables are not even. Plarium will say time and again that that each gear set has an equal chance to drop and with that they are not lying, however what they are not telling us is that in the loot table there are simply more sets like Toxic and Avenging ( the ones we don't want ) so image a 5x5 grid as the loot table.... you would find toxic and avenging occupying more slots whilst speed and lifesteal occupying less slots. So.... yes the chance to get each set is even however the ratio of speed and lifesteal to toxic and avenging for example is not even. I think this sucks, just as well to make it even and a fair chance. Even with the recent buffs Toxic is still mediocre at best and some of the others are just made for sale. 

I have made 100's of runs and the speed gear drop rate is just too low. How anyone F2P could conceivably get decent speed gear.... well it would take years. Great game, love it! But.... damn they could be more reasonable with F2P and low spend accounts I think. 

Dec 23, 2020, 12:2412/23/20
Dec 23, 2020, 12:24(edited)

You want the game to be reasonable with F2P and low spender accounts, but unreasonable with P2W and high spender accounts.

Serious question: Are you trolling right now?

Dec 23, 2020, 16:2912/23/20

I have recently farmed Dragon specifically for Toxic and Destroy gear and contrary what you'd expect, that also took a long long time just to even get decent pieces. 

Farming for good gear is a long grind and I understand how we get confirmation bias with regards to the lack of speed gear. Lots of clans have already made spreadsheets about this- pooled data from thousands of runs and it all evens out everytime. 

PS I got a relatively fast Arbiter as a f2p player. It took a while but it's certainly doable. Good luck!

Dec 23, 2020, 16:5912/23/20

I too am free to play, and I will agree that getting great gear takes time, but it looks even to me. Sometimes you can have many runs without any speed gear at all, and then have some runs with several speed items in a row. Thats just the way it goes.

I have a Sethallia with over 300 speed, so can also confirm along with Lxzy that you just need patience.

Dec 23, 2020, 18:2412/23/20

No I'm not trolling at all, it's a simple case that if you pay then typically you will have more energy and that equals more runs per day and that equals more gear per day. 

I understand that great gear doesn't come quickly i was simply pointing out the disparity is the drop rates of different types of gear and I am not the only one that has tested this. Can anyone honestly say that after doing 20 runs that you end up with more Speed or Lifesteal gear than the others? 

F2P or low spend should not be treated differently to those that pay lots, but I do think that given the results of my tests it would take some pretty serious luck to get a decent speed piece. Yes it will come, but likely you will get a decent toxic piece long, long before.  

Dec 23, 2020, 21:4412/23/20
Dec 23, 2020, 21:45(edited)

If you do extensive testing, can you write down what set you get each time? Then we'll be able to "confirm without doubt" your hypotesis with math.

Dec 23, 2020, 23:1612/23/20

Yes I can, but presenting numbers here won't go any way toward proving anything, you have no reason to trust any numbers I post. I have just out of intetest just completed another 25 runs btw and got no speed gear at all... not one piece. Yet I'm told it's even. To prove me wrong or right without question would be to have say... 200 players capable of completing dragon 20 to run it say 20 times and then post a screen shot here on the forums of the loot they recieve. That should lay rest to all doubts, don't you think? 

Dec 23, 2020, 23:4212/23/20

Also is it possible for someone to clarify why it would take many thousands of runs to even out disparity when the RNG has only got to generate the numbers 1-9 ( or 0-8 ) inclusive to determine which set will be used as the loot type for that victory.

Dec 23, 2020, 23:5512/23/20

The math is fairly straight forward, while getting no speed gear in 20 runs is unlikely it will still happen nearly 10% of the time.

Dec 24, 2020, 20:2512/24/20

The math is fairly straight forward, while getting no speed gear in 20 runs is unlikely it will still happen nearly 10% of the time.

The math is straight forward, but you need to compound the results. That additional 20 runs with no speed gear plus my previous 2 runs of 20 which yielded only 5 pieces between them. So sixty runs and 5 pieces of speed gear. Am I just super unlicky. I got a daze and toxic in every set of 20 runs, and avenging. It is not an even ratio. I'm afraid it isn't. 

For anyone I interested I wrote a small program using the STL and it's random number generator. Running 3 sets of 20 I could not get close to producing the disparity I see when running dragon 20. 

Anyway it's not like it's going to be changed, the point I was trying to make is that people dont need to be deceived or confused by the use of language designed to obfuscate the reality....ratio and chance for example. if it's a lower drop chance then that's what it is. Why not just come out and say so. 

Dec 26, 2020, 00:5412/26/20
Dec 26, 2020, 01:03(edited)


5 pieces in 60 runs is nothing exceptional.

2 pieces in 20 runs is almost an average result, 3 is lucky. Getting 5 or more speed artifacts in 20 runs is 1.5 times less likely than getting 0 speed artifacts in 20 runs.

Jan 13, 2021, 13:1601/13/21

I was free to play player but then I decided to spend a few dollars and I do not see the point of spending any money. The probability of getting the required artifacts or accesories is not impacted if you are f2p or if you spend money to be honest.  the probability of getting a legendary, artifacts, accessories remain the same. I understand that Plarium wants to earn money and also maintain the novelty in the game. after all if we get everything we want in a matter of days then why would anyone play any longer. just my two cents.