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Artifact Optimizer (in progress)

Artifact Optimizer (in progress)

Dec 22, 2020, 15:4912/22/20

Artifact Optimizer (in progress)

Hi, I'm working on a computer program that automatically finds out the best sets of gear (I mean the 6 artifacts + 3 accessories) which matches with the minimum amount of total stats you want for a champion.

It's still in development but it's quickly progressing  and soon it will look like that :

You precise the total base stats of a champion, the amount of minimum total stats you want for him after he is geared up and the list of items you want to compute for the simulation. (each item has to be given with its mainstat and substats)

The program generates all the possible gears and calculates for each one the total stats according to the champion base stats, then do the addition and tests if the total stats is higher than the minimum you precised.

Finally it shows you all the gears that passed the test with the total stats and the 9 items included, and it is you with your human eyes who selects the best gear among those shown, for the content you want to use your champion in.

I looked briefly on internet if an online program like that already exists but it seems not ?

Let me know if you already know something that does the same thing or if you are interested in my work and want me to share it once it is finished.

And sorry for my english I'm not native, hope you understood though !

Dec 22, 2020, 16:0912/22/20

Interesting, but I have a few questions here. How would the program get a list of your artifacts and how would this be different from just sorting through the artifact filtering system we currently have in game? 

Not really sure I understand 100% but I'd still love to see this! :)

Dec 22, 2020, 16:5012/22/20

Sure would love to play with something like that. let me know when you have it completed.

Dec 22, 2020, 17:2812/22/20

Interesting, but I have a few questions here. How would the program get a list of your artifacts and how would this be different from just sorting through the artifact filtering system we currently have in game? 

Not really sure I understand 100% but I'd still love to see this! :)

I am not advanced enough to generate a file with the details of all the artifacts we have in our inventory, I'm not even sure if it is possible or legal to use a script that sneaks in the data directly from the game.

However the purpose of this program would be to help you when you have like 15, 20, 30 or even more  really good pieces of gear and you are hesitating about what piece combination to equip in order to maximize your total stats, while still being above the minimum required for a specific content (like 3.5k defense 191 speed and around 220 accuracy for CB for example).

Then you don't need to bring all your inventory but only the few pieces that you know they have potential.

For now I just fill a text file with all the items stats line by line like this :


It is still a prototype not ready at all for the use by someone who is not familiar with the program. In fact I still need to calculate myself the total amount of each stats because of the % stat which depends on the champion's basestats. Moreover I need to print zeros when the substats do not give a particular stat.

But there is no doubt that I will soon enable the program to do all of this itself so that it would be clear for the user.

When you're gearing up a champion with the filtering system in game, you proceed piece after piece, like accessories first, then middle row and finally top row. For example you look for the best pieces you have for the banner then you go for necklace and do the same, etc ...

But nothing tells you that when you reach helmet, there were better boots with substats that complete better with a particular helmet. And this is true for any artifact, you are probably missing a better combination everytime you proceed like this

This is when the program is usefull, it will give you all the combination of 9 artifacts with a totalstat that exceeds the minimum totalstat you precised at the begining, and let you make your choice with them.