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Epic Fusion Rotation and Storage Space Resolution

Epic Fusion Rotation and Storage Space Resolution

Dec 22, 2020, 14:1212/22/20

Epic Fusion Rotation and Storage Space Resolution

Since storage space is such a major concern, and you keep diluting the pool with brand new champs, can you start rotating the epic champions for the old syle fusions? I'm sure that everyone has their copy of Relic Keeper and Broadmaw at this point since they've been there for over a year. This will at least give the player base an outlet for all of those saved rares we've been hoarding for no apparent reason. It will also provide a business opportunity for early to mid game players in the way of selling more ancient shards who are actually trying to get the epics they don't have. Since this should clear up some space, then maybe you can devote this space to artifact storage. Your claim to fame is that you have over 500 unique characters for us to play with, yet you give us minimal space to store any gear for them. You continue to introduce more artifact sets in the game so then we are forced to store gear on vault champs,  which you charge us a fortune in silver to remove the gear from. This is a major issue that pisses 99% of your player base off and should be considered a top priority for retention of existing players.

Please stop making excuses and get this fixed already. If you don't have the technology to support how big you are making the game, stop making the game bigger and focus on the problems at hand. So in economic terms, live within your budget.

Dec 22, 2020, 14:4312/22/20

We're getting more artifact and champion storage slots early next year, so that's something to look forward to. :)

Regarding the new champions, while I agree the Epic pool is getting diluted for each fusion lately (further decreasing my chances of ever getting a Gorgo or a Sinesha lmao), I think Plarium has done a good job with the format of the current one. Yes, we still got new rares but the pool wasn't diluted with 20 new champions unlike the Vergumkaar fusion.