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Quick question

Quick question

Dec 20, 2020, 22:4712/20/20

Quick question

When is going to be possible for you're indivdual characters to get to level 100 just asking it was going to be put into the game but when will it be possible for that to happen?And i am not talking abould you're individual avater level actual characters we have instead of only being able to be at level 60 max.Thank you i like this game

Dec 20, 2020, 23:3612/20/20

Thats a tall order. I cannot imagine actual champions becoming lvl 100. I could only imagine it would require more asending star lvls also to go with the added 40 lvls

Lets not forget a possible few more difficulty levels  in campaign and dungeons as well as a rework of all enemy AI champions. I mean we are lvl 60 fighting lvl 250+ AI. So what lvl enemy AI would we fight if  our champions were say lvl 100

I personally do not see this happening  in the coming years but I am not a developer for Raid either :/

Dec 21, 2020, 00:5412/21/20

Thank you for you're reply 

Dec 21, 2020, 01:0512/21/20

terrible idea, do you want to create 9* chickens... lmao

Dec 21, 2020, 13:4612/21/20

I don't think I have the patience to make 9 9* food lmao

Dec 22, 2020, 22:3212/22/20

I had only brought that up because it was in a update do not get me wrong i do like this game.It really do's not matter to me if they do or do not put that into this game.And a another thing that i think needs to be fixed is the way that you have to spend silver in this game like i said i really do like this game so do not take it as i hate this game but the game can have improvements to make this game better for everyone who plays this game that is all

Dec 22, 2020, 23:0712/22/20

And another thing about this game is it is supposed to give you as the player more extra rewards for more people you get to play this game just to let you know as to how much i like this game i personally got 16 other then my self playing this game  all at level 50 now and yet i have not received any of my referral program rewards the more indivduals you get to play this game.The indivdual as you the person is supposed to get some kind of extra stuff or thing because you as the player got more people on playing this game and again i have yet to receive any of the so called gifts for a person to get more people to play this game.And yes i really do like this game i just think that there can be improvements to this game 

Dec 23, 2020, 00:1912/23/20
Dec 23, 2020, 00:22(edited)

It takes a lot of silver to take off artifacts from one character to another even more so now that the doom tower is open so if you need other artifacts  it cost a lot of silver to take off other characters you need to get further progression in the doom tower so that way you can get higher up into the doom tower or any other area in this game it just do's not make to much sense to have to spend a lot of silver to get further in the game. The doom tower is a good addition to this game  I know it do's take silver to upgrade one's artifacts and that is cool but when you need certain gear you all ready have and then have to  spend a lot of silver to do so  do's not make to much sense to me or other's that play this game just saying so if they take that part out of this game it would be a hole lot better  for all who play this game.Just get rid of the cost of silver it take's to take artifacts off you're character's would help everyone in this game.They are still getting a lot of money from this game as it is so why not take that part out of the equation. It is a really good idea as so many others are saying as well

Dec 23, 2020, 00:3512/23/20
Dec 23, 2020, 01:18(edited)

And a another thing is i'm not stuped just so everyone know's and that i had made a lot of really good points about this game you can take as to what i say anyway you like just like as to when i had just asked about getting ones characters to level 100 that was not my idea i did see that in a update in this game and i was just asking about it that is all and in my mind everyone who had made a comment to just a question and then just dogging someone for just a simple question that a person has it is really like putting that person down and that is not cool.I try and help others on this game to make it better and i know that can be done because this is a good game and i would not really like to leave playing this game just for others being incometence in this blog or what ever anyones wants to call this place.I I really did think that this was a place to go for good quality questions being answered in a good manor  and not to just get ridculed for something someone had seen in a update for this game  all that i see here is not really to much help from others  in this game and i am fine with that.Just do not get rude with people making it seem as the person just asking a question is a moron. And not any real help trying to get some help with this game.Have a good day anyone can resond to my questions that have a good answer for me that make any sense.And another thing is i see as to why we are in this situation that we are in now is because of a lack of good questions not getting answered by individuals 

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Dec 23, 2020, 15:0112/23/20


We do not plan to increase the level cap on champions in the game. The level cap is one of the pillars of the balance in the game, and we do not plan to change it without absolute necessity. The level 100 cap was never considered or planned as an addition to the game.

Silver costs are a part of our resource management balance of the game and will not be removed. However, there are some improvements to the artifacts' systems planned for the future. Stay tuned to our patch highlights to learn more.

This is a forum of the Raid SL community. Every player can post their thoughts on the subject of any post. It is regretful if you felt antagonized by their comment, but please refrain from labeling "incompetence" or ill intentions towards someone. We are here only to discuss and share opinions.

Have a great day and stay safe.

Dec 23, 2020, 16:2512/23/20
Dec 23, 2020, 16:27(edited)

Thank you for you're reply and i was not getting rude with anyone i had just felt as to just a logical explantion to just some questions that i had about this game that is all.Have a good day and you all so stay safe as well it is just a game and it is a good game as to the question about silver in this game it would be nice to have a place in the game as to where one can go to farm for it not only in the spider's den in the dungeon like maybe open up somewhere  else in the dungeons to fram for silver that is just a suggestion it would be nice

Dec 23, 2020, 17:0112/23/20
Dec 23, 2020, 17:01(edited)

Although I expected the response that lvl cap for champs will not be increased..... I do wonder if there will be an addition of a red framed rarity tier for items (and/or champs) in the future....