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YEAH WELL I gave u guys at plarium a chance to fix this issue so now this post sigh!

YEAH WELL I gave u guys at plarium a chance to fix this issue so now this post sigh!

Dec 20, 2020, 04:0312/20/20

YEAH WELL I gave u guys at plarium a chance to fix this issue so now this post sigh!

Day number 3 of legendary characters that dissapeared near last after maintenance time and still no satisfactory response as to why , whether it was a hack or maintenance caused it or what in the h... ever . All i know is that I had several legendary and epic players that I spent good money and time leveling on over the last four months or so and I log on bout 3 days ago a few hours after a maintenance and every damn one of them are gone. I still having the missing spots you can tell cause I bought more character slots while leveling to accomodate the main ones and had enough room for up to 120 characters. Now I only have like 69 or 70 something characters and naturally its only the lil scrub 3 and 4 star ones!! Nobody wanted them I guess lol bs! Heres a list of the ones stolen from me...i say stolen because when something goes missing that wasnt misplaced by me but that I obviously paid for and i no longer have it, then yeah stolen ...via gone! How would you like to lose these characters at max lvl 60 and between lvl 12 and 16 armor on them....??  Scyl of drakes, Rae, Kytis, RelicKeeper,Lord Champfort...damn he was the best on list!! Septimus, Bushi, Richtoff the bold he kinda sucked but still,Mueve, Ignatius great on defense now gone!! Took my lvl 60 reinbeast but left me my other lvl 41..guess they didnt like the lower level one and too much work to lvl him on their own..lazy a..hats! Oh and Lanakis I miss him cause you could attack with all 4 or 5 characters on one of her sucks and it really should be fixed because someones liable for it, I AM NOT because I am just a customer and a paying one at that, but if you cannot satisfactorily fix the issue at hand and take a bit of responsibility for this then you really dont stand behind your product very well now do you?? I mean how hard would it be to actually go thru and go back say 4 or 5 days earlier in the week and pullup at the very least some sales logs of things in order to figure out that this is a guy that spends on average maybe about 300 or 400 dollars a month on this game only to have some stupid stuff ...incident such as this happen and wipe out this revenue base just because maybe alxandr or whomever it may be was lazy and didnt check into this far enough..i dunno maybe  it woulda been worth their time if it was their time or money or whatever...cause apparently my time, my money etc is worthless to you as is since i see that you are not going to resolve this issue and are just fine with allowing it to be thrown in a toilet somewhere because you dont want to freaking deal with. So my advice to anyone thinking about spending money on this game is you have been warned and do it at your own risk , because I was the same as you . that is not worried about it at all =UNTIL THE MESS DID HAPPEN TO ME!!! Now if they come and fix the issue i will publicly apologize etc but i doubt by the response they gave me this is going to happen. So until later..Plarium thats just wrong man...WRONG!!!

Dec 20, 2020, 09:5212/20/20

Are you saying that your champs are missing from your roster... but the space still seems to be used up in your champ storage?

That sounds really weird... almost as if the champs are still there but they are hidden somehow? Can you show a screenshot or give any other details? 

Im assuming you didnt just accidentally put them in the vault or something?

Dec 20, 2020, 14:1712/20/20

Been 3 weeks and all I get is we are aware and working hard to resolve. Yea right now they don't even respond to fix update questions. Tag team sucks with missing toons.

Dec 20, 2020, 18:0612/20/20

Yup i have deleted the game and its a damn shame because i like it. But if its any indication of how things are run over there so long !!! Buncha bs and nobody knows where their head or ass is, even though their head is up their ass!

Dec 20, 2020, 18:0812/20/20

Nope not in vault, vault only holds ten anyways but i checked in case it put em in there for some unknown reason. Doesnt matter cause im just out a buncha time and money , game now considered worthless to me and i had to delete it after just spending about 70 more dollars just before the legendaries got missing...effing PRICKS!!! Feck plarium!!!

Dec 23, 2020, 00:0612/23/20

Sue them!

Dec 23, 2020, 06:5112/23/20

I just lost all my artifacts in storag, every single one after a purchase. if this platform is unstable not going to start putting $$ into it. 

Dec 23, 2020, 07:4612/23/20

This is not weird, everything can hapend same as in real life. I seen with my own eyes when my husband log in to the game his (max!) Black Knight was but nacked lol No gear on him ! So my husband (after getting almost heart attack) loged completly out of the game (including task manager) and than re-log back and miracle --> Black knight have his pants back on and all gear. That could go way different way but luckly it turns good out (This time!!) . So yea i think Plarium should not ignore this "issues" and they should act immidiately! 

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Dec 23, 2020, 15:1612/23/20
bigb man

Yup i have deleted the game and its a damn shame because i like it. But if its any indication of how things are run over there so long !!! Buncha bs and nobody knows where their head or ass is, even though their head is up their ass!


Please contact our support team. They have the tools needed to take a closer look at your account and help with the issue. There are no ways to transfer champions from one account to the other.

Link to the support team:

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
Dec 23, 2020, 15:1912/23/20
Dec 23, 2020, 15:20(edited)

This is not weird, everything can hapend same as in real life. I seen with my own eyes when my husband log in to the game his (max!) Black Knight was but nacked lol No gear on him ! So my husband (after getting almost heart attack) loged completly out of the game (including task manager) and than re-log back and miracle --> Black knight have his pants back on and all gear. That could go way different way but luckly it turns good out (This time!!) . So yea i think Plarium should not ignore this "issues" and they should act immidiately! 

This is a known visual bug. Reloading the game, preferably after cleaning the cache, will restore all items. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience. The Fix will be released as soon as it is ready.

Dec 24, 2020, 05:3612/24/20

This is a known visual bug. Reloading the game, preferably after cleaning the cache, will restore all items. Sorry for the temporary inconvenience. The Fix will be released as soon as it is ready.

Yup this is best way to do first log completly out, run prefetch, %temp% , temp and run quick scan and clean, restart and log in back and if after all that your "issue" is  still there than contact the support team. We dont wish to overload support team aither with every "small" issues. They are already overfloaded probably.