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Progression guidance

Progression guidance

Dec 20, 2020, 02:3112/20/20

Progression guidance


I am level 41 and returned to the game a little over a month ago. I spend money on the game but don't get me wrong it isn't for a pay to win approach. I like this game because of how in depth it is and all of its intricacies but I feel like I've hit a wall. I'm looking for help on what to focus on and where I can end up. Here is my current champions: 






I want to be able to work at clearing level 20 of dungeons for potions, gear and scrolls. The biggest hurdle I feel like I have now is clearing Brutal with a farmer. My relickeeper dies usually on wave 3 sometimes 2 on 12-6. I have a relentless set on him with +12 across the board. 

Right now my arena is silver 2 and I seem to have hit a wall. My team is Gorgorab, Golden Reaper, Hexia, Fenax. 

I'm looking on ways to improve without playing the shard lottery I've been playing. If I could clear dungeons on 20 the need to buy gear as it comes available wouldn't be necessary.  I feel like I have more than a solid foundation to start u just need some help on where and how to apply it. Please offer suggestions on focusing on gear>sub stats and what to focus my attention on. I wouldn't mind spending time to over come hurdles so that I can better myself in the long run with the assumed notion all daily, weekly, monthly quests are being done to acquire more champions. Any help is greatly appreciated as I cannot say if I am beginning, mid game or not. I've cleared normal and hard all 3 star. 


Dec 20, 2020, 10:2512/20/20

What you should do is the following:

Step 1 - Make a Brutal Campaign Farmer which can Solo

The reason you do this is so you gain the Best XP.

This allows you to level up other Hero's faster.

Your Campaign Farmer will often be in Lifesteal gear in the early stages of your account.

This is so your hero doesn't die vs. Campaign monsters.

Later on, You will get better gear.

Than you will be able to go completely offensive to kill the Campaign monsters in 1 shot.

You will replace your Lifesteal gear with Damage Gear at that point.

A Few Examples of Damage gear include:

- Offense gear

- Divine Offense gear

- Critical Damage gear

- Cruel gear

- Savage gear

Step 2 - Make a Clan Boss Team

The reason you do this is because most of the heroes which work vs. CB can work vs. other Bosses.

The heroes you use against the Clan Boss can often branch out into Dungeon teams you make.

The Clan Boss will also give you very good rewards.

- You will be able to get Cruel Gear.

- You will be able to get Immortal Gear.

- You will be able to get Tomes.

- You will be able to get Shards.

Step 3 - Make a Minotaur, Dragon, & Arena team -----> They can all work in Parallel.

This is when things begin to pick up because everything is building on itself.

The Clan Boss is weak vs. Poison.

The Minotaur & Dragon are also weak vs. Poison.

What will happen is the hero you are using for CB will often slot into the Dungeons.

For Example:

A player can use the starter named "Kael" against the Clan Boss.

Than they can turn around and put Kael in their Dragon team.


You want Defense Down & Weaken vs. Clan Boss.

You often want Defense Down & Weaken vs. Minotaur & Dragon.

For Example:

A player can use the hero Warmaiden(Def Down) against the Clan Boss.

Than they can turn around and put Warmaiden in their Dragon & Arena team.

A player can use the starter named "Athel"(Weaken) against the Clan Boss. 

Than they can turn around and put Athel in their Minotaur & Arena team. 


You can sort of see what I am saying.

You will build a Core Group - Than pull a few of them into other Content.

Than you will finish off your team will a Specialist!

Let me give you an example: 

In the Clan Boss, the fight starts right away.

You rush into the fight & you attack the Clan Boss.

In the Dragon Dungeon, the fight doesn't start right away.

You have to go through waves before you can attack the Dragon.

Those waves might even be extremely tough to deal with.

For this reason, you might bring in a specialized hero.

This specialized hero might be a Crowd Control hero.

It might Stun/Freeze/Provoke the waves so you don't take tons of damage from them.

Against the Clan Boss, A Crowd Control hero would have no use!

The Clan Boss is immune to Stun/Freeze/Provoke.

However, the enemy has changed!

The Dragon Dungeon & Clan Boss can have a few things which are similar.

They also have a few things which are different.

This is the mindset I would recommend having when doing the different area's of the game.

- I think it will help you feel less pressure.

- I think it will help prevent the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Dec 20, 2020, 10:3112/20/20

Relickeeper is kinda okay, I guess - but you'd be better off using a champ with decent AoE attacks for your campaign farmer.

Kael would be ideal, but I didnt see one in your roster.

Elhain is a decent substitute - but if you have a Kael lurking somewhere, then I would personally work on him.

I dont recognize every champ in your roster, theres a few epics ive never used or really seen in action - its possible you have a better alternative. I couldnt say for sure.

Dec 20, 2020, 10:3412/20/20

Both Relic keeper & Athel can be a Campaign Farmer.

Players use Relic Keeper to farm Brutal 12-6.

Players use Athel to farm Brutal 12-3.

They both can Solo the fight.

You just might need to use Lifesteal gear on them in the beginning.

Dec 20, 2020, 11:0512/20/20

Player J is correct - the champ is viable, and if you've built him already, there's no harm in using him, you may just need to regear him as suggested to make him more survivable.

Im not sure how quickly Relickeeper can clear the stage, and I suspect Kael or Elhain might do it quicker - but I'm sure later when you have more champs built, you can consider swapping to someone faster.

I realized after reading the post from Player J, that my post probably wasnt very helpful in terms of progressing your account. Using lifesteal gear would probably be a quicker fix in the short term for your brutal campaign farming.

Dec 20, 2020, 11:1012/20/20

Since J covered the campaign/dungeons/CB, I'll just comment on your arena team. Gorgorab and Golden Reaper are good choices for sure. Fenax is certainly an option but not necessarily always the best one. Hexia is just bad, honestly. You should be considering Warmaiden (for the AOE decrease defense), Athel (just AOE nuke) and Gurgoh (AOE buff strip plus freeze? how good is that?). That leaves six champions for four slots, so you can experiment a bit and see which you like best - or switch people in and out depending on the opposing teams. 

Part of that is affinity matchups - against teams with a lot of force (red) champions, you probably prefer your spirit affinity nuker Fenax above the magic affinity nuker Athel. Part is also, once you get more experience in the game, to go by the opposing team's skills. E.g. if you face an enemy team with a Krisk on it, then you know that because of his passive, the enemy team will have a massive shield on them before they even took a single turn. So you make sure to bring Gurgoh to strip that shield and hopefully freeze a few people in the process. 

But arena is also simply a speed race in many cases. Your Golden Reaper needs to be as fast as you can get her - definitely above 200. Then the rest of the team needs to be fast enough that once they get the boost from GR, they can immediately take their turns. That way, all of your team can go before the opposing team takes a single move, which should be enough to decide the battle in your favour. 

Dec 20, 2020, 14:3212/20/20

Thank you for all of the feedback!  First I wanted to post my gear stats for relic keeper and Athel directly. Relic keeper has no books but Athel was my starter and fully booked. No masteries yet though. Kael is a sore subject for me. I have literally purchased hundreds of shards and have not opened one even worse I haven't pulled him from the seemingly infinite amount of greens I come across while farming. I feel as if he is the lynchpin that would fit all areas I am lacking in. 

I would like to point out that Hexia is who I've used to rise up the arena ladder. I have her in cruel and crit gear. I watched a video after the rebalance in Sept and a lot called her a possible value Rotos 2.0. These videos were done in savage and crit gear all legendary and +16 with an insane team. Maybe she doesn't scale down as well unless she is maxed? 

I guess Warmaiden ranks up higher than Fenax because of the aoe debuff alone? I figured with Fenaxs aoe and revive block he would be a more suitable approach. Any suggestions on gearing warmaiden? I can use tomes and scrolls to help her skills. I also have Elhain as well. The main problem I have is survivability with relic keeper but he damn near one shots on brutal 12. Athel has a regeneration set on her but doesn't hit very hard at all. I'll post screenshots of their gear below. Any suggestions on spider so I can start getting jewelery on my 60s?  

I overlooked Gorgoh because I got lucky and pulled him early and had no team synergy. 

Relickeeper gear


Athel gear:


Dec 20, 2020, 16:0412/20/20

@jwayne42 I took another look at Hexia, maybe I underestimated her single target damage capabilities, but it's still only single target and she's at her best when she has a few debuffs on her. If you're a youtuber looking for new content, then maybe that's interesting to try and see what you can do with her with top gear under really specific circumstances, but for regular players, you'd probably just prefer to use someone more straightforward. Even in arena fights where you could use a single target force affinity nuker, Relickeeper might be more suitable - though perhaps not, I can't say I've tested them in that way. 

Fenax is certainly a better champion overall than Warmaiden, but the dominant tactic in arena is simple speed nuking: being faster than your opponent, slamming an AOE decrease defense and then an AOE nuke. That requires a Warmaiden until you get epic/legendary options who can do the same (Tayrel, Serris, Stag Knight, Zargala, Abbess, Ghostborn,...); Fenax could still be the nuker following her, though, especially against force affinity teams. 

Your Athel doesn't hit hard because she obviously doesn't have much crit rate, that's not a serious comparison with your perfect crit rate Relickeeper. In addition, she's super slow so will get very few turns. You seem too focused on set bonuses at the expense of good stats. Stats should almost always have priority over sets, unless you really need a given set for a specific reason (e.g. lifesteal in CB or some dungeons, or destroy max HP on the scarab king boss in Doom Tower). If you prioritized stats, you'd have a much stronger Athel, despite losing that regeneration bonus. On your RK, the relentless set makes sense, but still you shouldn't do it if the stats on it suck.