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Do the quality of Champion drops get better as you level up? I've drawn nothing but crap

Do the quality of Champion drops get better as you level up? I've drawn nothing but crap

Dec 18, 2020, 18:1912/18/20

Do the quality of Champion drops get better as you level up? I've drawn nothing but crap

Getting frustrated with the game. I'm on day 83, been playing a few hours a day, mosly at night when watching the TV, and mostly playing free. I occasionally grab a 2.99 Ancient Shard pack. Anyway, I've had probaly 20 Ancients or Voids, and 4 sacreds and god knows how many  Mysteries. So far the best Champ I have is Kael who I started with and I pulled Aothar for CB. Everyth other champ pull as been mediocre to miserable. I've pull Conqueror five times, and I'm yet to get Apothecary, Warmaiden, or any of the other decent Rares. Same story with Epic. They are all weak by anybody's tier list. Meanwhjile I see players in about the same about of times have one or two legos plust some really decent epics and rare like Mdm Serris. 

Am I unlucky or just impatient. If I pull food draws like Conqueror or Wyvernbane bane anymore I'm going to quit. This is starting to PO me. Perhaps only playing players get good pulls?

Thanks, any more experience players, talk me off the ledge here.

Dec 18, 2020, 18:3012/18/20

Impatient, and very early in game.  I did not get a lego until almost 6 months in and it wasn't worth building.  Two weeks later I got two great Legos.  You can progress with Rares and Epics, post a screenshot of your roster you may have a hidden gem!  The proliferation of new champions has made it harder to pull an apothecary.  They should really add as a reward for some event so new players can get him.

Dec 18, 2020, 18:3512/18/20

Warmaiden can be obtained from campaign - it may take a while before one drops as the odds are fairly low, but eh, you need to farm campaign for XP anyway, could farm chapter 9 instead of 12 until you get a warmaiden. 

Dec 18, 2020, 18:4412/18/20
Dec 18, 2020, 18:48(edited)

Thanks for the wisdom. Here is my shabby head. Kael is my main man at 15K power w/ 2 offense and one speed set of mostly Epic 4-5 stars w/ about 1/2 at 16.  A decently geared Jizoh w/ a shield set is my best Def champ at 13K.  High Khatun at 14K w/ 3 speed sets is my lead for Arena and CB. Aothar for CB of course (do about 1.7M on second level). I swap arond Pain Keeper, Shaman, Fell Hound and Warpriest as the situation is needed for healing and other support.  I'm planning to 5 start Dark Elhain and Luria as soon as I can but I'm focusing on getting Kael to 6 first. 

Am I missing anyting?


Dec 18, 2020, 18:4612/18/20

Warmaiden can be obtained from campaign - it may take a while before one drops as the odds are fairly low, but eh, you need to farm campaign for XP anyway, could farm chapter 9 instead of 12 until you get a warmaiden. 

I've been farming for Warmaiden for a few weeks but nada so far - which is why I'm wondering if its based on how much I'm paying to play....since I don't spend much, are my drops shit? Not supposed to be but it seems that they paying players are getting better stuff more often. IDK. Thanks.

Dec 18, 2020, 19:0712/18/20
Brian Hopkins

I've been farming for Warmaiden for a few weeks but nada so far - which is why I'm wondering if its based on how much I'm paying to play....since I don't spend much, are my drops shit? Not supposed to be but it seems that they paying players are getting better stuff more often. IDK. Thanks.

Just perception... some of those people with super lucky drops are F2P too. Also, looking at your roster, you do have a number of reasonably good epics, just no super good ones. Mostly you seem to be working on the good ones already, though as I said, they absolutely will have to become level 60 to get anywhere. Ultimate Galek is still at level 1 - for now that's ok, he'll be useful but in higher level Spider, which you can't do yet anyway. 

I'm not sure if you're doing your XP farming right, though? What you should be doing once Kael is 6* is to have him run with 3 ungeared, sacrifice champions in brutal 12.3 (or brutal 9.3 while you try to get warmaiden), so the sacrifices get as much XP as possible, so they can be used to bring further champs to level 60. That's still a grind, but it should be less bad than the initial pain of taking Kael to 60, inevitably a slower process as you have to farm on lower stages. 

Dec 18, 2020, 19:2412/18/20

Got it. thanks. Just got Ult. Galek today, so I figure he's good for Spider and perhaps CB later, so yes, I got it. Other than Luria and D. Elhain, any other undeveloped Epics that are worth the time? Thanks. I'll start grinding out some 60's now. Perhap Hellgazer?

Dec 18, 2020, 20:4112/18/20
Brian Hopkins

Got it. thanks. Just got Ult. Galek today, so I figure he's good for Spider and perhaps CB later, so yes, I got it. Other than Luria and D. Elhain, any other undeveloped Epics that are worth the time? Thanks. I'll start grinding out some 60's now. Perhap Hellgazer?

When in doubt for your next 60, take a CB champ. :) For your CB damage, the Warmaster mastery (or more rarely Giantslayer for a handful of champions with a 3-hit or 4-hit A1) makes an enormous difference in damage - because it allows champions, even defensively built ones, to frequently get bonus hits on the CB for tens of thousands of damage (depending on what level CB you hit). But you need to be 6* before you can take the Warmaster/Giantslayer masteries, or any other top-tier mastery. 

So Aothar would be on my list. A more complicated case is Pain Keeper - she's decent but not spectacular overall, but if you get some very specific other champions, you can combine them with Pain Keeper to build an unkillable team, which can get very high numbers because it can ignore defense and just do as much damage as they can for 50 turns. But taking her to 60 already now, without knowing if/when you'll get those other champions, seems premature, unless you just like her in general for dungeons or wherever. 

Hellgazer just isn't very good unfortunately - I built mine early on and used her for a while, but there's so many better champions. Luria and Dark Elhain are better for sure. 

Dec 18, 2020, 23:2912/18/20

It seems to me like you have fallen for the noob trap.

You have used your gems to buy shards vs. using gems to build up your account.

Your Account Progression is falling behind.

A player 3 months into the game should have 3 champions level 60 + Fully mastered.

1 champion fully built per month is the bare minimum.

You have had 3 months & you have done nothing.

Other players with less game time are surpassing you.

Stop focusing on champions you don't own.

Start focusing on champions you do own.

Training Event going on.

You should take this opportunity to climb out of the hole you put yourself into.

Dec 20, 2020, 09:5812/20/20

I find it is better to save up shards over time and use them during a summon boost event.

I am free to play for about a year and a few months and my roster is coming along nicely - maybe a dozen or so legendaries, and probably about 80 epics (including a fair few dupes - I think I have 7 alures and 5 seekers for example) xD

Also well on track to get Arbiter (finally) and Rhazin Scarhide before Christmas. Ive been able to fuse Rhazin for about 9 months but keep putting it off to do other stuff 

Basically, you just need a little patience. Like Player J says, focus on building your account and the best champs in your roster - and try to save resources for events. The good champs will come with time.

Dec 20, 2020, 14:1312/20/20

Agreed the toons typically suck from drops. Get plenty of legendary attempts but they all turn out to be rare or if lucky an epic toon.

Dec 20, 2020, 18:0212/20/20
Player J

It seems to me like you have fallen for the noob trap.

You have used your gems to buy shards vs. using gems to build up your account.

Your Account Progression is falling behind.

A player 3 months into the game should have 3 champions level 60 + Fully mastered.

1 champion fully built per month is the bare minimum.

You have had 3 months & you have done nothing.

Other players with less game time are surpassing you.

Stop focusing on champions you don't own.

Start focusing on champions you do own.

Training Event going on.

You should take this opportunity to climb out of the hole you put yourself into.

That's why the call em 'noob. We all were at one point.